Fraudsters on the doorstep: digest of fraudulent schemes for 2024


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Although there are many scams on the Internet, most of them are not that different from each other. The wrapper may be different, but at the core the same essence and purpose remain the same. In this article we analyze the TOP 3 fraudulent schemes for 2024.

New fraudulent scheme via Telegram​

Fraudsters create phishing Telegram channels that imitate real ones. These channels offer an opportunity to get a large cashback, and to do this you just need to follow the link and register in your personal account. With this scheme, personal data is leaked, fraudsters gain access to the victims’ finances, and often, through this scheme, malware is installed on a PC or phone.

Important: when going to any site, carefully consider its URL - the address of a phishing site may differ from its original by just one character!

It is also not recommended to follow dubious links, tell strangers the SMS code received on your phone, or transfer any of your personal data.

Fraudsters disguised as MFC employees​

The scheme is quite simple: an “MFC employee” calls the future victim and notifies him that an official letter has arrived. Then he asks whether the person will come for the letter himself or whether it needs to be sent to him through Russian Post. If the victim chooses a postal item, the scammer asks for a code that he sends to the victim’s phone.

The code gives scammers access to the victim’s account, which they will use to their advantage, including applying for a loan or stealing the victim’s funds.

Be vigilant and never tell strangers any SMS codes that come to your phone.

We recognize a real charity foundation from a fake one​

7criteria by which you can distinguish a real charitable foundation from scammers:
  1. There is a website with detailed information.
  2. The organization's constituent documents are publicly available.
  3. Information about the fund's activities is clear and transparent.
  4. The website contains contact details and names of employees working at the fund.
  5. The Fund publishes annual financial statements.
  6. Citizens transfer donations exclusively to the fund's current account. No personal cards or strange schemes.
  7. The fund is published on trusted sites: on the website “Need Help”, “VK Dobro”, “Blago-ru”, “Mos-ru”, Tinkoff.
