Fraudsters in the field of online betting are increasingly hiding behind rented or purchased other people’s accounts


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The spread of this scheme was recorded by the F.A.C.C.T. and "League of Stakes"

Using the F.A.C.C.T. system Fraud Protection prevented more than 3,000 online fraud attempts in the first quarter of 2024, including through rented and purchased accounts.

⚙️ How the circuit works

➡️ One attacker could manage 5-10 accounts in different bookmaker companies with a turnover of up to 300,000 rubles per month. As previously in online betting schemes, scammers used bots, parsers and auto-registrations.

➡️ Many of the “acquired” accounts were combined into chains of related accounts - this was indicated by behavioral activity within web resources and mobile applications. In the first quarter of 2024, 1,800 sessions (almost 1% of all sessions) were identified with signs of accounts being involved in online fraud. New owners checked access to accounts and periodically maintained activity, creating the appearance of legitimate users.

⚙️ Risks for legal betting and e-commerce in general

Users who have verified their accounts risk theft of personal data, including bank cards and phone numbers. In addition to account blocking, they can become victims of fraud and participants in criminal schemes with “gray” money.

“Unscrupulous players hide behind other people’s verified accounts in order to use all the tools for fraud. Without effective protection that verifies the legitimacy of transactions in real time, the legal betting industry and e-commerce as a whole could lose billions of rubles annually due to online fraud.”

— Dmitry Ermakov, head of the F.A.C.C.T. department Fraud Protection.