Fraudsters in 2024: new schemes


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In this article:
  • How the new voice spoofing scheme works
  • What to do to avoid falling for the trick
  • Why else do you need to be on guard?
  • Let's sum it up

Artificial intelligence is becoming more insidious. One of the frightening achievements is the ability to reproduce the voice of any person. Telephone scammers have already begun to take advantage of this. How the new type of fraud works and what else new scammers have come up with will be discussed later in the article.

How the new voice spoofing scheme works​

The introduction of artificial intelligence is progressing as usual, but, as in any field, there are always figures who manage to parasitize on what was created for a good purpose. The latest technology in audio file processing is one such example.

Artificial intelligence developers have put a lot of effort into replicating human speech. In 2024, scammers welcomed this development and began to fake conversations, posing as relatives and friends of telephone victims. It is difficult to hang up the phone when the “voice” of a mother, daughter, or friend is heard on the phone, allegedly in trouble and asking to send money to a verified account. This is what everything is designed for.

To fake someone's voice, scammers simply need to use an inexpensive online tool powered by artificial intelligence, which analyzes the unique features of any person's voice and reproduces it based on gender, age and even accent. Moreover, to clone a voice, the program only needs to analyze a 30-second excerpt of a real voice, which can now be easily found in the account of any social network user.

Then the telephone scammer just has to get the victim’s contact information and not give himself away during the conversation. And you can say anything: online tools allow you to pronounce printed text in the voice of any person.

Fraudsters take advantage of the fact that modern technologies make it possible to fake the voice of almost any person.

What to do to avoid falling for the trick​

If you receive a call where a familiar voice asks you for financial help, soberly assess the situation. Is this really your relative, friend or colleague? Is everything normal in his intonation and manner of speech? Is there anything that is confusing about the conversation, such as a delayed response or a voice that sounds lifeless?

Important! Take note that in 2024, telephone scammers began to replace even incoming numbers. There are cases when scammers call from a bank number, although in fact this is just a skillful falsification. By this logic, criminals can also call from the “number” of the person they pretend to be.

So what to do? There are three ways to spot this type of fraud and avoid becoming a victim of telephone scammers.

1. Test question. No matter how convincing the speech of a loved one may seem (especially if he is not calling from his own number), ask him a question to which only he knows the answer: for example, what did your grandmother work for, where is our dacha located, what is the name of your pet, etc.

2. Code word. Agree with family and friends that in case of an emergency you will always use a safe word. This will allow you to instantly uncover any telephone scam with a fake voice.

3. Hang up and call back. This is a good way to check that a loved one is really calling you, even if the call allegedly came from his number. The main rule is that you need to call back not to the number you received, but to a number from your phone book or to a loved one’s instant messenger.

A code word is a good way to protect yourself from telephone scams.

Why else do you need to be on guard?​

There's a lot of talk about phone scams these days, and that's good. Many have already developed immunity to such calls and understand how to act in such a situation. But this does not stop scammers, and now some of them first research the victim before making a call. They study social networks, analyze their circle of friends and relatives, find out their financial situation in order to understand how much they can cheat the “client” for and whether they will give him a loan. Next, an individual divorce scenario is drawn up for a specific person.

Types of financial fraud through instant messengers are gaining popularity - when the victim is sent audio messages asking him to send money. Moreover, such messages can even come from real accounts if criminals manage to hack them.

A new trend in telephone fraud is the personalization of calls. Fraudsters study the victim’s social networks and social circle in advance

Let's sum it up​

Telephone scammers keep their finger on the pulse of new technologies and are actively moving to using voice cloning programs. Therefore, if you receive a call from a supposedly close person who admits that he is in trouble and urgently needs money, be vigilant!

Use test questions and control words, watch your intonation and manner of speech. Feel free to hang up and call the person back on their personal number. Most likely, an unsuspecting loved one who is completely safe will answer you.
