Fraud on behalf of banks, government agencies, officials


Reaction score
The phone call is heard from an unknown “pretty” number: “Have you invested in MMM? Lost 400,000? The Central Bank is ready to pay you compensation in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court ... ”Further, numbers and letters are illegible, as if denoting the outgoing number of the“ compensation document ”. The person who receives such a call does not believe his happiness, thinking that they have finally figured it out, the scammers have been punished, the money will be returned. However, to settle all the formalities, you must pay a state fee. Only 10%, and your lost money ... you will never see it, because the invoice that the "Central Bank employee" sends you has nothing to do with the Central Bank.

Fraud types
Often people receive SMS with a proposal to receive compensation for previously purchased dietary supplements, cash gains, savings lost during the exchange of money, etc. In all these cases, the victim is first offered to pay "tax" or "state duty", and only then the imaginary official promises full retribution ...
A scheme has become quite common when people are offered by phone to invest money in a "highly profitable accumulative certificate in the Central Bank", while the money must be transferred to the account of the "financial representative" of the Central Bank. Of course, after that the depositor will no longer be able to find a "representative". The scammers' calculation is simple - not everyone knows that the Bank does not provide such services.
“I have a grandfather in London, now he is retired. A few months ago he received a letter on a beautiful letterhead with the Central Bank details. It reported that the court ordered to pay compensation to the grandfather's family for moral and material damage ... "
Be vigilant, do not step on someone else's rake!
Another scheme used by fraudsters is SMS about "blocking a bank card." A person who has received such a message is offered to call "the Central Bank" at the indicated number. On the other end of the line, fraudsters, posing as Central Bank employees, are trying to find out the details of the bank card, including the PIN. Of course, after “unlocking” the card, there will be no money on it.

Who is it for?
Most often, pensioners and older people fall for this deception. On the other hand, fraudsters often use databases with lists of former participants in financial pyramids. After all, the one who once believed in the promises of quick and easy money may succumb to new tricks.
The sophistication of the schemers sometimes reaches such a level that critically thinking people also fall for their bait. For example, the caller introduces himself as a lawyer and gives a surname from the official list of the bar association of a city or region.
For greater persuasiveness, future victims are sent high-quality copies of "decrees", "instructions of the Bank", "court decisions", "writ of execution" and even passports or service certificates. If a person falls for a deception and transfers money, he receives new claims for payments on various "additional grounds".

What to do?
In order not to become victims of scammers, be vigilant, check the information. Fraudsters do not benefit from you doing this, so they may talk about "secret information" or that you have to make a decision right now. Don't fall for provocations.
  1. If they call you on behalf of the Central Bank, dial the Bank hotline number.
  2. If you are offered money on behalf of any department, call them and specify the information.
  3. If you were informed about the blocking of a bank card, contact the bank that issued your card and clarify this information. The contact center phone number is located on the back of the card. You can also find it on the bank's official website. The list of addresses of the banks' official websites can be found on the Bank website.
Before making any decision related to large financial expenses for you, consult with your relatives, and even better - with specialists.
In all cases of suspicion, contact the police immediately.