Forecasts on the future of BTC


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I am an amateur trader but discreetly capable after investing the MEI savings in Crypto, I just want to remember that BTC and the King UNCOTTED CRYPTO, those who follow this world know well,

when BTC has a drop, in rotates most of the Altcoins follows it, the same applies to upwards, this year there is a big drop against BTC, from a peak of about $ 65,000 for a token, had arrived At about 38000 $, at this precise moment I looked worth 60,000 again,

What I mean that already from the year Corso was scheduled for a descent of BTC, I remember when in 4 days scarce BTC from its $ 65,000 dropped to $ 38,000 people in panic sold BTC to limit losses, after a few months Siam back to the $ 65000, this led to small investors, lose a pile of money.

In the altcoin crypto when people see them go down very much sell, and it's the most wrong thing you can do, you have to keep, indeed it's time to buy, imagine a prosecutor who has bought the first btc a few months Fa at $ 38,000, do 2 accounts of what it would have gained today .....

The crypto are asset (which is not the appropriate term) very volatile, so who is weak of heart notes to make up in crypto, but focus on indices and ETFs, which have truly irrelevant swings, in fact to earn us on us minimum 10 or 15 years, but it is necessary to understand that by now the crypto have been cleared at the ground level both from the banks and Brocker, they are even proposed in the ETFs, there are already the first BTC ATMs, this in 2007 remembrance, talk about BTC seemed to be something from stupid.

BTC will also be affirmed anymore because it is not subject to inflation, its inventor, or group of anonymous inventors named Satoshi Nakamoto, created this token by providing that, I do not remember the exact figure, but reached the planned threshold of token in circulation will no longer be created (the precise term and mining) concluding I mean that last year the largest analysts had foreseen the decline in BTC and Altcoin, as it happened, to then review our beloved token go up Return to its value of about $ 65,000, it is said to arrive around $ 100,000 at the end of the year, always provided by world-renowned analysts.

All you have to see what will happen at the end of the year.


  • Schermata 2021-10-27 alle 05.52.01.png
    Schermata 2021-10-27 alle 05.52.01.png
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