Forbidden techniques of manipulating people


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Salyut, those who like to fuck up someone else's account, secret service agents, psychologists, politicians, specialists of special business structures, and sometimes ordinary people use these mind manipulation techniques to achieve their goals.

Most often, the victim does not even know that he is the object of influence. The most persistent ones are easily amenable and do everything that you need them to do.

1. Manipulating feelings of guilt or resentment
Using resentment or guilt is one of the surest methods of manipulating a loved one. The image of the unfortunate victim often gives its bearer "dividends" in the form of unspoken powers and reparations. It happens that a person lives in the role of a victim for years and has already got used to it, but he no longer causes sympathy and a desire to help others, but, on the contrary, provokes irritation and even aggression. Because in fact, as strange as it sounds, it is the victim who is always at the top of the pyramid in the family system.

- Antidote: It is best to develop a family rule to forget insults. And do not remember each other's past sins during family quarrels. It won't do any good anyway. If your partner has offended you in some way, it is better to discuss this issue immediately. In a civilized and correct manner, without giving ratings to either what is happening or the partner.

2. Anger manipulation
There are people who lose their temper to force you to give in to them. These are manipulators who use so-called tactical anger.

- Antidote: The worst thing is to go along with such a person. After all, if his technique works, he will continue to do this to you and others in the future. To begin with, you will need your determination: you must not give in or allow yourself to be shouted at. If the manipulator continues to scream, leave. Continue to behave this way in any subsequent skirmishes when he is angry, until the angry opponent learns to behave rationally with you.

3. Manipulating silence
People resort to meaningful silence when they want to show how upset they are. Otherwise, in their opinion, you will think that the problem is unimportant to them.

- Antidote: Try to refrain from playing along with "pouty", because if it works once, the silent one will resort to this technique all the time. But don't be harsh with him; act as if everything is normal. Wait, let him break the silence himself. If you have discussions with a silent person, listen to them with an open mind. Explain to them in a friendly and reasonable way what your point of view is based on.

4. Manipulation of love "If you love, then..."
This manipulation is designed for close people who have a positive attitude towards the manipulator. The fear of rejection and loss of love has been strong in people since childhood. Many parents inadvertently tried to manipulate their child, saying "If you don't listen to me/do what I say, etc., then I will stop communicating with you/love you/take care of you, etc."

- Antidote: Love is not a subject of bidding, but the result of a relationship. When you notice the exploitation of your feelings, think about how much you need it.

5. Manipulating hope
Brilliant promises often hide the desire for immediate benefits of their author. The fabulous promises of Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox were dictated by their desire to get the gold coins that were ringing in Pinocchio's pocket as soon as possible. Often, such "songs" lead more knowledgeable citizens to bury cash "on the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools."

- Antidote: An Arabic proverb says: "A wise man hopes in his own affairs, but a fool relies on hope." Trust facts, not opinions. Make decisions based on real-world experience, not on someone else's stories or assumptions.

6. Vanity manipulation
Small hooks that cling tightly to an over-inflated ego can look like an innocent comment. Praise used to achieve your goals: "You make excellent reports! Surely no one can handle the one I want to offer you better than you!" Or, on the contrary, a challenge with a hint of incompetence: "And weak?..", " You probably wouldn't be able to..."

- Antidote: Remember, did you plan to make a suggestion before presenting the provocative proposal? Check whether your plan matches your interests and capabilities.

7. Manipulation of irony or sarcasm
The manipulator chooses an initially ironic tone, critical statements and comments, seasoned with jokes or provocative comments.

- Antidote: It is impossible to make yourself offended without your own participation. If you don't believe it, try to take offense just like that, not at anything specific. If you do not succumb to the manipulator's provocations, realizing or reminding yourself who and what you are dealing with, you will be able to maintain clarity of thought, accuracy of wording and emotional balance.