Flights and Taxi booking methods


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1. Starting Out
So you're gonna want a good high balance CVV. It doesn't really matter what kind of card it is so long as the hotel you intend to book accepts it.
Hotels deal with credit cards in an interesting way, for the most part they require you to have a physical card to present for incidentals at check-in regardless if another card was used over the phone or internet when placing the reservation.
So the first thing we need to do is work around this.
Figure out what hotel you'd like to stay at, call them up. Every hotel is different, some direct you to a reservations agent, some will go right to the hotel front desk. Either way, you're going to pretend you're a travel agent.

2. Booking The Room
Once the person picks up the phone you must sound super professional on the phone. Always answer like this
"Hey there! Tim from American Express Travels, how are you doing today?"
99% of the time you will catch the agent off guard. They no longer are treating you like a regular customer, they are treating you as a representitave of a multi-million dollar travel agency. Most hotels have special relationships with travel agencies and are trained to treat TAs like VIP customers.
Now, one of two things will happen now, the reservations agent you are speaking two will either delightfully continue with your booking OR they will ask you for your IATA number. If they ask for your IATA, hang up, this method will not work for this hotel, try a different one. Personally, ive only had 1 or 2 hotels ask me for my IATA, usually they will not and will simply believe you when you say you're from a travel agency.
Tell them that you have a VIP client who just had a mishap with thier travel plans and you need to make a last minute reservation at thier hotel. Ask them about what rooms they have available for a last minute booking. They will list off what they have available and quote you a price per night. I DONT SUGGEST BOOKING FOR MORE THAN ONE NIGHT PER HOTEL PER CARD.
Now, remember when I said they usually require the person who checks in to have a credit card with them for incidentals? We're about to override this completely! After you tell them which room you'd like to book, tell them that you're just going to cover the cost on your company credit card and that you need a copy of thier "Credit Card Authorization Form". They will take the name of the person who is going to check in "You with a fake id, or an idiot fall guy" and they will take the credit card information over the phone to reserve the room. They will ask you for an email address to send the reservation info and the cc auth form to. Give them a burner email. Congrats, your booking has been made, but we still have another step before you can successfully check in.

3. Checking In
You wont be able to check in without a credit card until they have recieved and processed the credit card auth form. This form is dumb easy, print it out, fill out the credit card info and sign it at the bottom. Most forms will ask what the card is allowed to cover, always check off "All Charges". This means the card will be charged for room and tax as well as ANY incidentals INCLUDING room service food and alchohol (My Favorite!).
Once you're done filling out the CC auth form, fax it or scan and email it back to the reservations agent at the front desk. Allways call back as the travel agent to confirm that they have recieved the CC auth form, this will assure that when you check in they WILL NOT ask for a credit card and will swiftly give you your room keys and check you immediatly in.
Thats pretty much it, I've successfully run up 1500+ bills in one night with NO problem. If you suspect anything is off or the hotel workers are looking at you funny GET OUT, you do not want to be there if the cops show up. If you do get apprehended by the police stick to this story.
"I paid a guy cash and asked him to book me a hotel room for the night because I dont have a credit card."
Don't admit to knowing anything about a travel agent or having anything to do with any type of credit card anything, play DUMB. I've seen someone get let loose because of lack of evidence of anyone commiting a crime. Its a fairly convoluted operation and if the cops do show up, its likely for a declined card not because they know its stolen. COPS ARE DUMB AS f**k.


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Good day to all.

In this article, I will show you how you can card flights and hotels using BML.

1) BML (stands for Bill me Leater) - American system, integrated with PayPal, provides loans to solvent US citizens. You can get it by providing the necessary information about the holder, namely:
-DOB (Date of birth)
-SSN (Social Security Number)
- Address
- First name and last name (Name, Surname of the holder)
- State
- City (city)
- Zip code (index)
- Phone (phone, you may not have a holder, but I recommend specifying it initially, and only then if you really want to change it)

This data, in principle, will be enough to get a loan, BUT in some cases your application may not be approved. First of all, they will look at the average income of the holder, as well as his age. It has long been known that female people over 30 are more likely to get a loan than others, but here you can argue, so look at the situation, too old (over 70) or young people should not be taken either, but these are just mine guesswork).

On average, a full info about the holder costs $ 2, loans are given from $ 1000 or more, so it is quite profitable. You can buy from SSN / DOB punchers from 5 sets, 1 100% will shoot if everything is done correctly.

2) Driving process
Before any drive, be sure to get a Dedicated Server or SSH for the state (preferably city) of our holder. Without this, you are unlikely to succeed.

Let's say you already have everything. We register the soap for each holder, I recommend using paid domains, but if there are none, then (, yahoo) perfectly suits our needs. We set up the car for the holder, or we stomp from the grandfather to the site We make an order and select the PayPal payment method, poke on I dont have a paypal account and enter the holder's data into the appropriate fields, choose the soap that we made before, click to continue. In the window that opens, we will be prompted to choose a payment method, be it PP or credit card, naturally we choose BML? enter SSN and DOB, confirm. If you're lucky, your transaction has been approved, let's move on. We put the password for the new PP account and go into it. Can we see the loan amount here? which we were given, if there is still money left, then we spend it further).

3) Conclusion
In this article, for the most part, I wanted to show the advantages and ease of using BML, it is not the most interesting thing to waste money on air tickets) In addition, you can add another stick to the balance, and pay in a bunch of online stores (to search, we enter buy in Google ... (product name) payment BML).


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Nobody should do this method for themselves for security reasons. Only sell the tickets. Don't say you weren't warned.