Finnish National Bureau of Investigation traced anonymous Monero transactions


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Finnish news channel MTV Uutiset reported that the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation (KRP) was able to trace transactions using the confidential cryptocurrency Monero (XMR).

Journalists from the MTV Crime Reporters section of the MTV Uutiset channel reported, citing a statement by regional prosecutor Pasi Vainio, that KRP experts were able to track transactions using XMR, as well as identify its final recipient. Before this, Monero was considered an “untraceable cryptocurrency.”

During the investigation of a high-profile criminal case about the theft of personal data in one of the psychiatric clinics in Finland and extortion of cryptocurrency as payment for silence, it was established that XMR went to the personal accounts of Julius Kivimyaki, living in Estonia.

KRP Investigation Team Leader Marco Leposena commented that the task of identifying the attacker was not easy, since fund transfers on the Monero blockchain are not public, and built-in functions are designed to make tracking as difficult as possible.

However, KRP experts successfully completed this task. Leposena refused to tell reporters specific details of the investigation, explaining that this information is classified as it concerns technical methods of the police.