Fines, money and deportation: the full story of the Klyushin case


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A Boston court has ruled in the case of Russian businessman Vladislav Klyushin.

The Boston court (Massachusetts, USA) sentenced Vladislav Klyushin, a Russian citizen convicted of participating in cyber fraud, to nine years in prison, the TASS news agency reports. Judge Patty Saris made this decision after the hearing.

Klyushin's lawyers have the opportunity to appeal the court's decision within two weeks, as the bailiff said after the meeting.

The prosecutor's office insisted that Klyushin be sentenced to 14 years in prison, while his defense requested that the sentence be reduced to three years, given the two and a half years he spent in custody during the trial. After serving his sentence, Klyushin will be deported from the United States. Media outlets in the United States consider Klyushin as one of the possible candidates for an exchange for prisoners with Russia.

According to TASS, the court also decided to recover $34 million from the Russian. That's how much, according to Boston, Klyushin earned from his crimes. At the same time, Judge Patty Saris rejected the prosecutor's request to impose a fine on Klyushin, which, according to the charges against Vladislav, could reach up to $5 million.

The issue of compensation for damages remains controversial - the judge asked the parties to try to agree on the amount by mid-October. The prosecutor's office is demanding $8 million in compensation, and Klyushin's representatives claim that no compensation is required.

If the parties do not reach an agreement before the deadline, the amount of compensation will be determined at a separate meeting on December 5.

Klyushin was charged with conspiracy to illegally access computers, electronic fraud and securities fraud. He pleaded not guilty to these actions.

In addition to Klyushin, four other Russian citizens-Mikhail Kozak, Igor Sladkov, Nikolai Ulyanchev and Ivan Ermakov-are involved in this case and are wanted by the US authorities.