Finding resources in Tor


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A couple of words
There are several important points to consider when looking for Tor resources.

The resources that are on the Tor network cannot be found on google, they are called Darknet for a reason.
  • It takes some time to view something, since the speed of the torus is different from the usual Internet.
  • onion resources change addresses quite often, so you need to follow the resource's news.

Since the resources are located in the Tor network, you will not be able to access them from a regular browser. You can download the Tor browser here

In addition, it must be borne in mind that many sites in the Torah may be under the control of special services, so it is necessary to keep an ear to it and not trust the first resource found.

Tor search engines

Not Evil - hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion

One of the varieties of search engines. In principle, it is in no way inferior to competitors, no advertising, simple interface.


Torch - xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion

Pretty good search engine, sounds like Torch, junkie. Perhaps the creator was referring to junkies, sort of like drug addiction, but it will remain a mystery. The search engine stores a large volume of indexed pages. There is advertising. Again, trust the resources with great care.


Ahimia - msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion

Supports anonymous communication Globaleaks, Tor2web.
In terms of functionality, they are, in principle, all the same, the ranking algorithm is improving, finding something, in principle, will not be difficult. There is advertising. Searches many directories


Searching for Tor resources, an extremely dubious occupation, I threw half of the resources, a certain percentage under the police, I would not trust such resources. But for the purpose of acquaintance, quite even.

Good luck to everyone and a successful and safe search!

PS For the last couple of weeks, the TOP with default settings has been working every other time. I think this is affected by total control according to the Yarovaya law, under which we fell. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand its settings a little. In extreme cases, put "the Internet in my country is under censorship." Then everything works out).