Financial intelligence was obliged to deal with drops


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Droppers were entrusted to Rosfinmonitoring

How can banks deal with suspicious transactions

Finrazvedka began to actively monitor the powers of attorney for opening bank accounts. So, Rosfinmonitoring identifies so-called droppers — individuals who sell their cards to intruders for theft or money laundering. Since the end of last year, notaries have reported more than 2 thousand "suspicious" documents to the service, writes RBC. As noted, their clients are usually people under the age of 30. Notaries, in turn, cannot refuse to issue a power of attorney to the client, even if they doubt the legality of his actions.

The person himself may not know that he was involved in a criminal scheme. Because of this, malefactors can use the dropper's bank accounts for months, says Dmitry Tochkin, chairman of the Commission for methodological Work of the Moscow City Notary Chamber.:

"Young people began to come en masse, issue power of attorney for a wide range of people, usually up to 10 people. By their surnames, it is clear that these individuals live in different regions and are not related to the principal in any way. And the principal cannot answer the notary's questions about why this power of attorney is needed. In other words, these are clearly not standard household power of attorney, when, for example, a person can go on a business trip and wants one of his relatives to be able to withdraw and transfer money.

There are completely different schemes, first of all, illegal withdrawal of funds, cashing out, and illegal cryptocurrency operations.

I would say that such a scheme has been introduced since the middle of last year. Apparently, someone came up with the idea that the dropper just opened an account, and other people actually carried out operations. This also correlates with an increase in phone fraud cases. If we are talking about serious money laundering, most likely, no one will see the scheme, that is, a person who is already prepared comes there.

Of course, there is a regulatory gap. Just the presence of suspicions is not a reason for refusal for all notarial actions, only for executive inscriptions. Soon there will be a law that expands the possibilities of a notary and will give him the opportunity to refuse to perform notarial actions if there are suspicions. Now, after the fact, a notary can notify Rosfinmonitoring, which, in turn, notifies law enforcement agencies. But only in about six months will the law enforcement agencies be able to do something."

According to the Central Bank, last year 76% of operations to cash out illegally obtained funds were carried out using individual cards and p2p transfers. We are talking about the amount of almost 45 billion rubles. The problem worsened after the authorities began to actively combat the use of electronic wallets, says Nikolai Pyatizbyantsev, an expert on combating fraudsters at one of the commercial banks. According to him, in the near future, banks will have more opportunities to block suspicious transactions, and everyone will feel this.:

"Last year, Qiwi Bank's wallets were actively used in cryptocurrency. After the Central Bank revoked its license, the flow occurred in transfers from card to card. Banks are actively fighting against this, blocking significant amounts of money. The bank has no right to refuse the client to open an account due to atypical or uncharacteristic features of operations. The only small progress now is that amendments to the law on the national payment system will come into force on July 25. If the dropper is identified by the police and the information is sent to the Central Bank, then more stringent measures will be applied against this person to block their cards and mobile Internet banking.

There may be excesses, some erroneous decisions, if we are talking about law-abiding customers. The Central Bank's database is entered not on the basis of objective investigations or inspections, but on the basis of complaints. One person, for example, transferred money to another person, and that person was supposed to return it and did not return it. The sender writes a statement, the police open a criminal case, and the information is sent to the Central Bank. The recipient of funds is blocked. On the one hand, it may be a civil dispute, on the other hand, during the investigation of a criminal case, a person will be blocked. The rehabilitation mechanism in the same 161-FZ is provided through the Central Bank. The problem is that we can't say yet how long this process will take, because there is no practice yet."

Of all the powers of attorney issued by Russians last year, only about a third concerned transactions with real estate and cars, the Federal Notary Chamber estimated. The rest of them include power of attorney to perform financial transactions with banks, but this type of document is not highlighted separately in statistics.

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