Feedback - how to find out what views a person has? Psychological device.


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Salute, for those who like to break someone else's account, in this article you will learn a technique that you may need in life.

Let's say you want to know about a person and his outlook on life ...

It doesn't matter how long you've known him. This is what I call FEEDBACK.

I do not know if he is in psychology and if he has a scientific name.

What is the essence of the reception?

Let's say you want to "reveal" a person's attitude to something certain - about which people usually try not to talk or to abstain from their real statements and opinions.

EXAMPLE: You want to know about the true political views, religious preferences and attitude of a person to something private.

Most often, people try to hide the truth and adhere to public opinion when it comes to provocative, or not accepted for discussion topics.

So here's how to proceed in order to definitely find out something you need and get to know the character of a person better ...

More often than not, people ask questions directly ... And this is not the best approach. Quite the opposite.

In this case, a little familiar person most likely will not give you the truth ... Let's figure it out in more detail ...

For example: How do you feel about this or that? There can be a bunch of questions ...

But more often people are wary of direct questions and some try to answer "slippery", or say what the person asking the question wants to hear. And there is little likelihood that a person will reveal his real statements to you and express what he thinks. Especially if he doesn't know you much. This is the whole problem. How do you get around this barrier?

This is where this technique comes to the rescue.

Try not to ask direct questions, but to insert a question in the text between the lines, or approach it from the other side. For example, you hate POPS, but tell the person the opposite to find out his real attitude to POP music, or his character ...


(You are a rock lover, but you are asking a reverse hidden question).

- Listen, I've never understood people who listen to rock. How do you feel about him? Personally, I prefer POP music, but rock makes me sick.

/ There are two answers} Either the person will support you by expressing his real attitude to his favorite style, or he will just pretend that he also likes it. (but in the second case, he will give himself out outwardly), for example, when you ask him to listen to his favorite song.

In this case, a musical style is given as an example, but the formulation of the question can be changed and the theme too.

For example:

(You are an atheist and you betray in a conversation with a person) - Yes, of course, you might think God is to blame for all your troubles ...

In this variation, you did not ask a direct question, but inserted it between the lines. You didn't ask, do you believe in God? You have provided feedback, in which a person can express his attitude towards him in a more open form, or show his character.

As you noticed, the whole point of the technique is to approach the psychotype of a person from the other side, without asking a direct question, on which most people usually put filters and barriers. With this technique, you turn off the person's vigilance and he does not know where to put a barrier or simply does not know that it needs to be set.

It is also possible that a person will begin to ardently prove his opinion and express his point of view.

In this case, he will show you his real statements and beliefs. Even against yours ... But at the same time, not realizing that the one to whom he speaks and with whom he argues, is a supporter of his views on life. This is where you will appreciate who sews what thread. Who stands his ground, and who is slippery trying to correspond to what you want to see in him, but at the same time be quietly on his mind.

So much for your feedback. Use it to your health.

This technique can be twisted and twisted as you like, if you have a good imagination and analytical thinking.