Features of carder's work. How not to become a Slave while working from home.


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Today I will tell you about the aspects of work that are important for all carders. You will learn how not to turn from a happy carder to:
* deadline prisoner with dark circles under the eyes,
* constant lack of sleep,
* a mountain of health problems
* and perpetual disorder in the house.

Greetings to all carders and those who are still thinking about gaining "independence". If you decide to work from home, be prepared to go to a “detention cell”. All beginner carders make the same mistakes. And instead of a frivolous professional life with a free work schedule and a huge amount of time for personal life, they fall into voluntary slavery. And many after a month or two of such a small hell are seriously thinking about returning to the ranks of the "office plankton" with a fixed schedule of work and an evil vampire boss. Do not hurry! From personal experience, I can say that elementary disorganization is to blame for everything. And I have a step-by-step guide to carding independence for you.

Features of carder's work
Where does carding start?
With just two simple but extremely important points:
1. Discipline is important both in the army and
2. Responsibility like a sapper.
Yes, you no longer need to get to work for two hours, and then, under the watchful eye of your boss, complete the tasks on schedule. Things are different now. Only spontaneity and indiscipline of your actions will knock you out of the optimal rhythm of life, as a result of which your health and mental balance may be seriously affected. I am not urging you to become a bore, a pedant, and a perfectionist. But without discipline and responsibility, your life will turn into chaos.

My advice:
Planning is the key to your successful carder's life. It may be trite, but! The best first time carder buy is a day planner! Write down, plan, prioritize. Record every minute from waking up to lights out, not just important things.

Experts say and here I agree with them 100%. "Morning is the most productive part of the day." Love the morning! And remember! No social media until noon. An excellent illustration of this, one of the catch phrases: "The Internet is a wonderland, came in for five minutes - disappeared for a whole day." I understand that the workspace of a remote employee is the Internet. Set a time frame. Have you checked your work email? Take a look at your diary and start solving important matters. For personal matters, you have not forgotten to allocate the time you need?
Be sure to praise and reward yourself, but only in the evening! If during the day you are distracted by protracted shopping or watching several episodes of an exciting series. Or maybe they succumbed to temptation and took up their favorite hobby. Get ready for a cruel punishment: night work, fatigue, irritability, lack of sleep, rumpled and shabby look, creepy red eyes are waiting for you. Do you need it? All personal affairs and entertainment - in the evening. A good rule of thumb, believe me.
Do you think it's hard for you? And no one promised an easy transformation “carder-office”. I recommend that you sign up in the morning for a course or training on planning and time management. You will personally benefit from time management.

Three important aspects of health for a carder
While we're on the topic of benefits, let's talk about nutrition. Although the refrigerator is always at your fingertips, you do not have a full meal, only a snack. Or am I not right? My friends, gastritis is just around the corner! And this may be the lesser of evil. If you do not want to gritting your teeth from pain to make a record of an urgent visit to the doctor in your diary with shaking hands, then write down LUNCH in your schedule ! Elementary boiled, stewed dishes and light vegetable soups - not only are they prepared quickly, but also healthy, satisfying, nutritious. And this is a complete lunch!
At the same time, take your mind off the computer. Of course, office workers also suffer from vision problems, but carders are no less than them. Thank your eyes for the work. Take a 15 minute break every hour. And to make a useful charge for the eyes, you will need no more than 4 minutes. Do eye exercises right now and come back. I am waiting for you.
Continuing the topic of health, let's talk about sports. Sports will help to keep yourself in good shape. Because a sedentary lifestyle threatens, from around the corner, at least back problems. You, of course, have your own route during the day: bed-kitchen-bathroom-toilet-workplace, etc. Take care of your physical development. Diary at hand? Open it up. Think and write in the schedule: morning / evening jogging or 30 minutes. yoga class on the balcony / in the park.

Communication is important or another test for the nerves
What is good about an office is, of course, the hum, bustle, endless movement, variety of sounds and endless conversations. This is the working atmosphere. And if this is not enough for you in remote work, then choose one of my tips and go for it.
  1. A genuine work atmosphere reigns in coworking spaces. There are a lot of sounds familiar to an office worker, and the interior design disposes to work and will help in creating the mood you need. If Google does not give you similar establishments near your home, look for anti-cafes, non-cafes, art cafes ... Even an institution like "KFC" or "McDonald's" will do. An important condition is free wi-fi. Visitors will create a suitable atmosphere for you.
  2. If you think that your friends will distract you on your way to becoming a professional carder, you are wrong. Were your friends a hindrance when you worked in the office? I think no. So don't betray tradition. After all, you have an evening and a weekend. Do not postpone assignments until late. Evening is a time for unloading and rest. Weekends are a separate topic altogether. At least one day off a week is extremely important to you. Don't sacrifice your weekend for work. Don't drain yourself. I understand that when the work is rushing, it is almost impossible to stop. STOP If you do not want to be cut off from the outside world, then once a week arrange a weekend-reboot for your brain. He will thank you again for that.

Do you have personal space?
Another challenge for carders is to lurk within the home walls. This is because, disregarding the “health” clause, the remote employee works lying on the couch, sitting in a soft chair or on a hard stool, or huddled on a yoga mat. If you don't get the point, go back and re-read the paragraph about your health. And if the option with coworking is still not suitable for you. Or organize your work area from a table, chair and table lamp, or to recreate the office atmosphere of work happiness, you can dress in business attire. Although, to be honest, judging by the reviews, not everyone works.

Personal time to be!
In addition to the time it takes to complete customer orders and tasks, your schedule will add additional time to your job search. And for this you have to sacrifice your personal time. At this moment, you will truly appreciate the need for a day off: in order to redo a bunch of personal affairs and just relax. And since now you are a multi-station carder and you have a lot of responsibilities, remember that you are also an accountant. And use the “pre-booking” function, so as not to leave yourself without a reward and gratitude. Buy cinema tickets in advance, order cinema or theater tickets in advance. If you suddenly do not have time with work, you will rest and continue to try to strictly follow the plan written in your diary.

Summing up, I want to say that from now on your best assistant, faithful friend and ally is a diary. Well, you already understand. And in addition to your work, it reflects your whole life. And so that it does not turn into a nightmare, check and make adjustments to the main sections of the life of a remote employee:
  1. discipline and responsibility;
  2. health;
  3. communication;
  4. personal space;
  5. personal time.

Now, having in hand a checklist and a detailed action plan, you can start adjusting your work and everyday plans. And do not forget to entrust all tasks, dreams and plans to the diary. He is waiting for you, a happy carder.