Fake EXIF data


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In EXIF data, if they are not deleted or falsified, you can find a lot of different information, it depends on the device that created the scan / photo, basically, data on the camera model, date of shooting, image resolution, but also, for example, iPhones are entered there at a minimum. and everything like that with GPS, most often by default, the EXIF and GPS coordinates of the place where the photo was taken are entered into the EXIF and GPS coordinates.
Some simply delete EXIF data from the image, then there is no longer anything to find, well, plus the file becomes easier
I delete through VK.com, I transfer it through it, nothing is deleted there and the direct link to the image is always alive, although nowhere in albums / ls / records are no longer present, but if paranoia overcomes, then you can use either software from Google or similar online services to remove EXIF.
And now I'll tell you about the EXIF fake, again there is a lot of similar software in Google, both paid and free, I chose ShowExif_06-16beta.exe for myself, it does not require installation.
Description + Download: h11p: //www.videozona.ru/software/ShowExif/showexif.asp
ShowExif can both fake data and determine whether a file has been edited anywhere, even if the file was simply resaved with compression via XnView, then ShowExif will write that the file has changed. But I do not think that this will cause problems in any office with the acceptance of scans / photos, tk. files for compression are often re-saved.

My scenario for faking EXIF
1. Prepared a file with original EXIF data, which would be a good fit for the file that I saved after Photoshop
2. In ShowExif I look for a file made in Photoshop, select it, Tools> Copy EXIF to the selected file> An explorer window will open where you need to specify a donor file with original EXIF data, the program will create a new file edited in Photoshop, but with EXIF data from the donor and save like the past_name_Ex.jpg
But even a thumbnail is copied, here is an example of how it looks:
h11ps: //pp.vk.me/c313222/v313222839/539/0EMDvGZkwjA.jpg
On XP with thumbnails and in the registry I conjured and recreated the thumbnail through ShowExif, but the result was always the same, ShowExif sees an updated non-fingered thumbnail, but XP

Explorer still displayed the completely left thumbnail of the file for
me.There are 2 ways:
1. Leave it as it is (After recreating the thumbnail in ShowExif) - t. the chances that the thumbnail from your explorer will somehow be displayed to the inspector is extremely negligible
2. Re-save the file with a change in quality, for example, via XnView or the like. image viewers that do not fit themselves into EXIF
Next, view the data again via ShowExif to make sure everything matches, edit as needed. Especially take a closer look at the image resolution in EXIF and what resolution your fake has, it will not be beautiful if the camera recorded an image of 800 * 600 in EXIF, and your fake is 1280 * 1966

Photoshop greatly changes the structure of the EXIF file, so I take data from the originals, but in fact, you can redo the line with the software where Photoshop fits itself to the camera model, so it will also look believable.