Fake banks: how to avoid the scam trap


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Fake banks are fraudulent organizations that pretend to be banks on the Internet. They lure people out of money, ostensibly for online banking services and, under various pretexts, force naive customers to make multiple payments. We will tell you how not to become their victim.

How do scammers lure customers?
  • Massively send letters to the email addresses of potential customers with promising offers. Fraudsters guarantee more favorable conditions than in other banks and microfinance organizations, faster and more comfortable service.
  • They call potential customers with offers to take out a loan at a reduced rate.
  • Victims are found through the so-called "online services for the selection of a loan," where the consumer fills out a single application for a loan - and it is sent to different banks and microfinance organizations.
“I tried to get a loan from several banks, but they all refused me and refused. I was about to go to a friend and borrow from him when a call came from an unknown number. The girl introduced herself as an employee of a certain credit organization and immediately said: "Our security service has approved a loan in your name ... "
Be vigilant, do not step on someone else's rake!

How do fake banks lure money?
Fraudsters ask to pay for something under various pretexts. For example:
  • "The loan has been approved, but there is no representative office in your region, so you have to pay a commission for the money transfer."
  • "To get a loan, you need to take out insurance, you need to pay for it in advance."

The amount of insurance is usually indicated as a percentage of the loan amount (for example, 1.5%). This convinces the client that everything is believable. The money for insurance is asked to be transferred to a bank card of one of the major Russian banks. This is supposedly to increase the confidence of the potential borrower.
After the client has paid for the insurance, another representative of the fake bank calls him. He introduces himself as a security officer and asks for more transfers. For this, he comes up with various pretexts. For example, he says that you need to pay for the delivery of a credit card or credit agreement, pay some kind of tax and the like.
Having received the money, the scammers stop communicating.

How to recognize fake banks?
Pay attention to the website of such an organization: at first glance, it looks like a web page of a real bank. But, looking closely, you will understand: there are scammers in front of you.
  1. Fictitious license. Fraudsters post a scanned copy of the license on the website so that you can trust them. But when checking with the reference book of the Bank, you either will not find such a bank by the registration number of the document, or you will find that the number belongs to another bank.
  2. Doubtful name. The name of the scam site can be very similar to the address of a real bank. They can copy the logos and website designs of banks that once worked but failed. This is how scammers try to confuse you.
  3. Bad design. The design quality of these sites is usually poor. The goal of scammers is to make money on you, not spend money on good design. Some of the menu sections - "Management", "Our offices", "Contacts" - may not open at all.
  4. No reporting. You are unlikely to find on the site open information about the work of the organization, which banks are obliged to publish on their sites: statutory documents, financial statements.
And one more thing: most often, false banks do not have a legal entity and generally have no legal form. This means that it will be almost impossible to find scammers.

How to protect yourself from false bankers?
  1. Check the bank's license in the regulator's handbook. If such a company is on the list, make sure that the address of the organization's website and the address of the bank's official website, which is indicated in the register, are the same. Call the bank on the phone on the official website and ask for confirmation of loan approval.
  2. Do not leave your personal data on questionable sites and do not pass it on to “online loan selection services”. Not all resources can protect your confidential information.
  3. Remember that a real bank will never offer you to make a money transfer through another bank, let alone carry out an operation through a card account.