Facebook fan page settings and design


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In this post, we will reveal another important component in preparing an advertising campaign for Facebook - the design of the page (Fan page), on behalf of which the advertising campaign will be launched.

The correct setting and design of the Fan page depends on:
  • how successfully we will pass Facebook moderation;
  • the lifetime of the account;
  • the effectiveness of targeted advertising.

Creating, configuring and preparing a Facebook page for launching an advertising campaign
In this publication, we will reveal another important component in preparing an advertising campaign for Facebook - the design of the page (Fan page), on behalf of which the advertising campaign will be launched.

The correct setting and design of the Fan page depends on:
  • how successfully we will pass Facebook moderation;
  • the lifetime of the account;
  • the effectiveness of targeted advertising.

As we wrote earlier, when working with crypto offers, we do not strive to extend the life of an account, the main goal is to launch as many accounts as possible every day and, accordingly, drain a large volume of traffic.
In any case, we adhere to certain rules, incl. when creating and designing a new Fan page. We always strive to make it as "lively" and trustworthy as possible for both users and moderation of Facebook.

(!) An important point. If you use brute or log accounts, then you must understand that these are accounts of living people who most likely still have access to their account, and therefore you need to create a Fan page inside the business manager, and not through the social profile.

If you work on a farm or rented account, you can create a Fan page directly from your social profile.

Creation and customization of the page. Fan page creation.
Go to your social profile and click on the drop-down menu.


Then "Manage Pages".


Choose "Create Page".


After that, Facebook will ask you to choose the type of page, as a rule, we choose "Company or brand".


(!) Here we want to make an explanation right away. Before preparing a Fan page and an advertising campaign, you should already decide on the offer, geo and approach that you will use, and based on this information, you design your Fan page.

After that, you need to come up with a name for the page and select a category. If you are targeting English-speaking countries, then come up with the name of the page in English.
The title of the page should be relevant to the selected offer, but should not be intrusive or catchy, everything should look organic.


If we are talking in the context of crypto and finance offers, the key queries will be: How to get rich? How to increase money? How to save money, etc. But remember, everything should look as organic as possible. Call-to-action titles work well.
p, we indicate in the title "How to make savings". For one niche, we recommend immediately generating as many titles for pages as possible and storing them in a text file so that you have a reserve for quickly creating and launching new accounts. Select the
category: Product / Service
Click "Continue", if the name is free, go to the page settings.

Fan page setting.
After creating the page, load the fan page image. As with the page title, the photo should organically fit the chosen niche / offer.
We recommend, just like with the names for the pages, to create a reserve of images that will always be at your fingertips and will help you quickly design a new page.
In the next step, Facebook will ask you to upload a cover photo. You can put the usual graphics, but for the cover, we usually set a short video (MOV format, resolution 820 by 321, 20 seconds long or more).
We use video, because when going to the page, the bot-moderator will see the video and dynamics, and this is an additional trust for our fan page.


If this is a farm or rented account and the account owner does not mind, you need to immediately send an invitation to all your friends so that they like your page.
To do this, scroll down and click "View all friends"


We click "Select all", select "Also send an invitation to the messenger", and send an invitation so that all friends from this social account have already begun to subscribe to this page


If you work for a brute or log account, you do not need to invite friends from your social profile.
In our experience, launching a campaign on behalf of a page that does not have at least 150 subscribers loses all meaning, because this page is not a trust page for Facebook, and in the eyes of the target audience it will not look alive. Now let's move on to the basic page settings.


We get into the general settings section, and the first thing to do is to prevent users from posting on your page.


Also, in the general settings, we narrow the feed and audience.


Next, we turn off the geodata of the page so that users cannot bookmark our page.


After that, we turn on the restriction by country, and select the geo we need. Let's say the UK will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of targeted advertising.


We set age restrictions 21 and older.


Turn on the obscene language filter and select "High".


Also, in the moderation section, you can download all negative expressions and statements, be sure to take into account the geo and language.


Click block downloads on Facebook to prevent Spy services from downloading your creatives.


We're done with the General Settings section. Now let's move on to animating the page. We return to the main page and go to the "Information" section.


Here you need to specify the name of the page via @


The name of the page does not really matter, the main thing is that this field is filled in. You can enter a set of characters, the name may not pass, so you need to try different options. The main task is to make changes in this field.
In the "specify a site" section, you can provide a link to your domain or google.com or youtube.com.
The basic page setup is complete:


Now this page needs to be filled with posts. Because This page will be targeting the UK, we need to find relevant content. As an example, we use content from news sites BBC, CNN, etc., also youtube.com will do.
Everything is very simple here. We take links from these sites and post on the wall of our page, without additional descriptions, etc., the main thing is to fill the page with posts from trusted sources.
To do this, create a post on the page and insert a link from the news site:


After that, we wait while Facebook pulls up the image and title.


After all the data has been uploaded, click "share now". Thus, we fill the pages and make 10-20 similar publications.
The bottom line is that we publish content from trust sites, and it is advisable to carry out such actions within a few days, publishing 1-2 posts a day. By filling the page in this way, we create the appearance of work on the design and content, and again, we get a certain trust from Facebook.
The last important rule in page design is to boost followers and likes on Facebook.
To do this, we recommend using boost services for boosting subscribers and likes (freelikes.online, bosslike, etc.), there are many similar services on the market, with the possibility of free cheating subscribers, likes and reposts.
After setting up and designing the page, you need to wind up subscribers at a moderate pace (preferably from 150 subscribers or more). After the first 10 subscribers, we recommend that you wind up 5 likes on your posts, and in the future observe this proportion: 50% of the likes of the total number of subscribers. This will make your Fan page trustworthy and look like a "live" page in the eyes of users.

To make your advertising campaigns effective, take seriously the setting up and design of your fan page:
  • before creating the page, define the offer and geo to which you will target;
  • prepare images for avatars and covers, a dictionary with negative statements, a list of sites of which you will take links for publications;
  • set up the page correctly, protect yourself from negative comments and marks;
  • narrow the coverage and geo, so as not to be sprayed;
  • after setting up and designing the page, use boost services and wind up subscribers and likes to "revive" the page, and only after that launch campaigns to warm up.

Take your time working with this scheme, because Facebook algorithms evaluate the reality of your page even before launching the first campaign.
Strive to ensure that Facebook algorithms see - the creation and design of the page was approached seriously and diligently. Such a fan page after the launch of advertising campaigns will better withstand complaints from users and competitors, and will help to extend the life of your account.