F.A.C.C.T. experts identified the top 4 cyber threats to gamers


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1️⃣ Phishing

First of all, popular gaming platforms like Steam are under attack. Attackers use the browser-in-the-browser phishing technique to create web pages that are difficult to distinguish from the original. Gamers are lured to sites through messages in thematic chats and public pages. Another way is advertising in a popular game video (stream recording, gameplay) ⬇️

☀️For example, the fake PlayStation Store website appeared after Sony stopped sales in Russia.

☀️The game Brawl Stars was among the top fraudulent schemes. The scammers offered to buy in-game currency - “crystals” or “gems” at a discount.


Attackers use stealers to steal passwords for game accounts on Steam and Roblox. The most popular stealers in this scheme are RedLine and Racoon.

3️⃣ Mobile applications

Owners of Android devices are especially vulnerable. For example, a Trojan masquerading as a bonus app steals funds through banking apps.

4️⃣Schemes aimed at children

Like adults, children and teenagers often become victims of scammers. The lures are: pumping up your favorite character, sales of game currency or skins. But the result is the same - an empty bank account, and a parent’s one at that.

The instructions for children resemble a quest: take mom or dad’s phone, take a photo of the screen, send a code, delete an SMS.

⚙️ Tips for gamers

☀️ Before entering data, make sure that you are on the official website.

☀️ Don't trust suspicious messages, ignore offers that seem too tempting to be true.

☀️ Use two-factor authentication where it can be configured.

☀️ It’s safer to download the mobile application from the official website of the gaming service or from the link provided on it.

☀️ Tell your children how scammers can act.