Explanation of service codes track2


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In addition to 101 and 201, there are also other codes) now we will describe what should be written on the second track, which can contain up to 40 characters:

First comes the start character -%
Then comes the PAN - up to 19 digits, in our case it is the card number.
It includes the card emitter code (IIN: Issuer Identification Number) (up to 6 characters), which in turn consists of: The
main industrial identifier (MII: Major Industry Identifier) (up to 2 characters):
0: Reserved for future use by the ISO standard / TC 68.
00: Not for card issuance
1: Airlines.
2: Airlines and for future use.
3: Travel and entertainment.
4: Bank / Finance.
5: Bank / Finance.
59: Non-ISO financial institutions.
6: Banks and Merchs.
7: Fuel industry.
8: Telecommunications and for future use.
89: Telecommunications and Private Agencies.
9: Reserved for national use.

Next comes the emitter code (II: Issuer Identifier), up to 5 digits, in some cases the length of the INN is written or its size if it is outside the ISO limits. If the MII is 9, then the first three digits are the country code (of no interest to us)

Then comes the individual account number (IAI: Individual Account Identification), up to 12 digits, assigned by the organization that issued the card

Then comes one digit used to check the number and other information, it is calculated using the formula: (I'll lay out the formula a little later) The
mastercard PAN consists of no more than 16 characters, and for VISA - 13 or 16, including the check digit.

Then there is a separator, one character - =

It is followed in some cases by the country code (if PAN starts with 59), it is defined in ISO 3166: 724 for Spain, 840 for USA, etc.

Then, in most cases, there is the expiration date of the card in the YYMM format (year month).

Then comes the three-character service code, it consists of:

The first digit specifies where the card can be used:
0: Reserved for future use.
1: For international use.
2: For international use, with restrictions.
3: Reserved for future use.
4: Reserved for future use.
5: For internal use only, excluding pre-agreed agreements.
6: For internal use only, except for pre-agreed agreements, with restrictions.
7: Not for payment, except for pre-negotiated agreements.
8: Reserved for future use.
9: For verification.

The second digit defines the terms of use / authorization of the card (Authorization processing):
0: Transactions are carried out according to standard rules.
1: Reserved for future use.
2: The transaction is carried out by the emitter, must be online.
3: Reserved for future use.
4: The transaction is carried out by the emitter, must be online, except for pre-agreed agreements.
5: Reserved for future use.
6: Reserved for future use.
7: Reserved for future use.
8: Reserved for future use.
9: Reserved for future use.

The third digit defines the services and conditions of the PIN
0 requirement : No restrictions, PIN is required.
1: Unlimited.
2: Goods and services (not cash).
3: ATM only needs a PIN.
4: Only money.
5: Goods and services (not cash) and PIN required.
6: Unlimited, PIN on demand.
7: Goods and services (not cash) and PIN on demand.
8: Reserved for future use.
9: Reserved for future use.

Then comes the PVV (PIN Verification Value) hash, 5 characters, followed by the characters reserved for use by the emitter. And at the end of everything there is a trailing character -?

Second track example (made up):; 4598530106131217 = 06081211834918387276?