Existing personality types of carders


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1. Typology of the personality of a carder by S.V. Poznyshev
2. carder personality types in criminology and carder psychology
2.1 Socially maladaptive personality type of carders
2.2 Socially adaptive personality type of carders

Typological variants of the personality of carders are created in order to help law enforcement agencies in studying this category of people, finding out the motives for carding committed, and developing psychological techniques with which to expose the carder.

When developing a typology of persons capable of committing a carding, various approaches are used: legal, social, psychological. Type-forming characteristics can also be different. For example, socio-demographic characteristics are: gender, age, education.

Typology of the personality of a carder by S.V. Poznyshev​

The differentiation of persons who committed carding was proposed by the outstanding scientist S.V. Poznyshev. He identified two types of carder: endogenous and exogenous. This classification is based on the teachings of the founder of Russian individual psychology, A.F. Lazursky. So, Poznyshev argues that endogenous carders have special properties that predispose them to commit a carding. This includes physical and mental qualities: physical, mental abilities, views and beliefs, and character traits. External circumstances only give impetus to the manifestation of the psychological constitution of a given group of people. Endogenous carders, in turn, are divided into ideological carders, reasoners, prudent-rational, emotional, impulsive, moral psychasthenics, etc.

Exogenous carders commit acts related to breaking the law under the influence of external factors that pose a threat. But in most cases, according to Poznyshev, factors of both orders are involved in the formation of typological personality variants of carders. Only in one type the leading role belongs to endogenous factors, in the other - to exogenous factors. The professor wrote that not a single carding can be explained only by external reasons; the personality traits of the carder necessarily appear.

Carder personality types in criminology and carder psychology​

In carder psychology and criminology, other types of carder personality were also developed.

There are three large groups of carders based on the object of encroachment and the nature of the carder actions:
  • selfish;
  • violent;
  • selfishly violent.

According to the degree of public danger, the following types are distinguished:
  • random, which includes individuals who committed a carding for the first time, as a result of circumstances that turned out to be random. At the same time, the orientation of the personality is socially positive;
  • situational, which includes persons who committed a carding under the influence of external conditions of personality formation that were unfavorable. In general, such people are characterized positively;
  • unstable, which includes persons who committed a carding for the first time, but have previously committed offenses and misdemeanors;
  • malicious, which includes persons who have committed carding several times;
  • especially dangerous, which includes carders recognized as especially dangerous for committing serious carding.
Another typology was developed by psychologist A.G. Kovalev, which is based on the criterion of the degree of carder contamination of an individual. There are three groups: global, partial, pre-carder types.

Note 1
There are other options for classifying the personality of carders. For example, on the subjective side, depending on the form of guilt (intentionally, through negligence), according to the results of the use of psychological test methods that reveal certain properties of a person’s personality.
Unlike criminology and carder law, legal psychology is concerned with the psychological characteristics of antisocial behavior. From this side, social adaptability, adaptability, and the level of human social functioning are important.

These factors influence the behavioral aspect of the individual in a variety of situations, including criminogenic ones. The main components of complex personal education determine the subject’s relationship with the social environment, his life strategy, behavioral tactics, interpersonal relationships, and ways to resolve conflict situations. An assessment is made of a person's ability to comply with social norms. If social adaptation of the individual does not occur, human relationships are disrupted and conflict arises.

Note 2
It is especially difficult to cope with a conflict situation for people with mental disorders, serious deviations from the average mental norm, and a low level of frustration tolerance.
Aggressive forms of behavior of people with mental abnormalities, who resort to violence and acts of vandalism, are explained by the fact that, having found themselves in strict dependence on circumstances, a person is not able to find the optimal way out of them. This dependence is removed by committing violent acts. Such actions in the subconscious play the role of psychological protection. Research confirms a high percentage of people with mental abnormalities among those convicted of serious carding: murder, causing grievous bodily harm.

Depending on the level of social adaptation, two groups are distinguished: socially maladaptive and socially adaptive personality types, with intermediate options identified. The level of social adaptation is determined by the following psychological factors:
  • neuropsychic, emotional and volitional stability of the subject in stressful situations, the level of his tolerance to the effects of frustrating factors;
  • intellectual level of development;
  • sphere of personal motivation: value guidelines, basis of worldview.
When psychodiagnostics of a person, a combination of these qualitative characteristics is revealed. An assessment is made of how socially adapted a person is. The subject's behavior and his methods of resolving conflict situations are predicted. All this allows us to judge how a person can manage the circumstances in which he finds himself.

Socially maladaptive personality type of carders​

This type includes people with low emotional-volitional stability, frustration tolerance, inability to resist stress, with clear manifestations of accentuated character traits of hyperthymic-unstable, excitable, hysterical and other types, mental anomalies, psychopathic personality and behavior disorders.

Undeveloped adaptive-social qualities, personal disintegration, a low level of empathic understanding of others, immaturity, inadequate perception of the situation, a tendency to externally blaming forms of response can be aggravated by a low level of intellectual development, undeveloped predictive abilities, lack of reflective thinking, and significant gaps in education.

This behavior is also determined by primitive needs. The interests, values, and worldview of such people are limited and unspiritual. Therefore, it is difficult for them to predict actions and strive for something more meaningful, other than the urgent satisfaction of their desires (alcohol, drugs). But these desires cannot always be satisfied; a state of frustration and increased aggressiveness appears that gets out of control. A carding of a violent nature is being committed.

Note 3
Criminologists classify such individuals as an unstable or situational type of carder. Such people often find themselves at the mercy of difficult-to-control circumstances and are unable to control themselves. They are under the influence of affectively charged states, emotions that are out of control, and anger.

Socially adaptive personality type of carders​

These people have high stability at the nervous, mental, emotional, volitional level, and resist stress and psychophysical overload. They have an asthenic type of response in difficult situations, with characteristic excitability and irritability, and developed adaptive properties of the nervous system. As a rule, they have a well-developed intellect, which allows them to successfully master different methods of committing carding. People of this type have flexible thinking, intelligence, and pragmatism. They are able to predict subsequent events. To the characteristics of this type we can add a variety of interests, excellent memory, a high level of attention and imagination.

This carder type is distinguished by the presence of motives and values. Such people deliberately ignore the norms of social behavior. Their actions are not subject to norms. They skillfully master carder experience and apply it in carder activities. These are professional types of carders, they become leaders of carder communities, active participants in group carding.

So, social adaptability, which has a high bar, characterizes individuals of a particularly dangerous carder type. This type of people quickly adapts to the changes taking place in society, and for selfish purposes is capable of appropriating material values, extracting benefits, and achieving their goals through carder means.

The typological properties of carders manifest themselves to varying degrees. Therefore, we can talk about a mixed type. carders have different levels of compensatory mental properties; they are at different stages of social adaptation. For example, with weak emotional stability, some individuals, having extraordinary mental abilities, engage in carder activity for a long time.

(c) https://zaochnik.com/spravochnik/psihologija/juridicheskaja-psihologija/tipy-lichnosti-prestupnikov/