Essential transformation


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I decided to share with you a very powerful technique that will turn your idea of your subconscious mind upside down.
This technique allows you to:
- Remove fears;
- Remove internal resistance;
- Remove automatisms of behavior;
The technique is almost universal, but in order to use it, it is important to better understand how our subconscious works.

Not obvious facts about the subconscious:
Fact 1: Parts of a Person.
If we describe our subconscious as a metaphor, then we can say that it looks like a large apartment building.
A part of your personality lives in every room of this house, at different ages and living every second of the situation from your past.
Getting a part of a person stuck in a past experience, such as a painful breakup, is called imprinting.

Fact 2: The opposition of the parts.
If, for example, we have a negative experience with money, which began in deep childhood, then in adulthood this experience will interfere with us.
We will be afraid of risky actions, afraid of losing or not making money, we will squeeze ourselves from all sides.
The reason is that part of our personality seeks to protect us from problems that were in the past.
As a result, if in childhood a person was scolded for money, then in the future the subconscious mind will protect a person from money, as from a source of pain.
This is how inner resistance is born.

Fact 3: Parts of the personality are self-aware.
The good news is that we can remove these resistances, we can literally go through our subconscious mind piece by piece, using the technique that you will learn next.
By removing internal resistances, you get yourself out of stagnation, gain more flexibility in behavior, and turn off those automatisms that keep you in place.
Moreover, in the study, parts of the personality will communicate with you, you will literally feel their response.
Essential transformation how to get rid of internal problems and reset your life Technique of essential transformation.
Step number zero:
We need to completely relax and put the thought mixer aside.
Try to tune in to your breath and body, any rationalization will only interfere with the process.
The subconscious answers will be imaginative and creative, catch the very first answers that have not yet passed through the sieve of rationalization.
If we turn on the head, the process falls apart.
Take the position of an observer of your thoughts and release them until you need them.

Step 1: Formulate the request.
Formulate the problem you will be working with through this template:
- I feel ... when it comes to ....
For example:
- I feel powerless when it is necessary to act;
- I feel fear when I see a person of the opposite sex;
- I give up when there are too many problems;

Step 2: Grounding to the body
Feel where you feel this state most vividly.
In the chest, in the legs, in the head, in the neck ...
Immerse yourself in this area of the body and reach it with your inner gaze.
See if there are pictures, sounds or images in it that encrypt this problem?

Step 3: Revealing the positive intent of the piece.
Speak a question in depth of this part, which will allow us to understand what is important and valuable this part wants to give us, through this problem.
- What important and valuable do you want to give me through this situation?
(we describe the situation)
Perhaps this part wants to give you protection, peace of mind, or joy ...
The answers in this technique are unpredictable, as they come from your subconscious.
WRITE down your answer on a piece of paper.

Step 4: Identify a chain of positive intentions.
If you did everything right, then you received a response from the subconscious and it told you about the value it wants to give you through this behavior.
Next, we need to unearth 3-5 positive intentions behind this answer.
Here we ask ourselves a question of the following form:
- If you are already experiencing ... (first answer) completely and completely, then what other than (first answer) do you want to give me? What's even deeper?
When working with fear, the first answer is usually about protection.
So we are asking a question of the following nature:
If you fully and completely feel all the protection that you want to receive, then what other than protection do you want to give me, what is even deeper?
Next, we take the next answer and ask the question again.
- If you are already experiencing ... (second answer) completely and completely, then what other than (second answer) do you want to give me? What's even deeper?
And again we write out the answer that came on a piece of paper, without passing it through innovation.
Then we do this at least 3 times, the main task is to find an answer for which there will be nothing else.
The answer will be very illogical, many times I was answered that the deepest request was: universal meditation, divine abundance, unceasing happiness ...
The subconscious mind is illogical, so it has interesting answers))
As a result, you should get a list on a piece of paper like this:

Main problem:
2. Positive intention 1
3. Positive intention 2
4. Positive intention 3
5. Deep state
The deeper you dig, the better.

Step 5: Integration of the deep state.
Here we go in the opposite direction, pulling out the deep state, through all levels of positive intention to the main problem.
The principle behind this is the superposition of states.
If in positive intention 3 we received the answer - self-esteem, and in a deep state we found a sense of divine wisdom, then we get the following situation.
Divine wisdom + self-esteem = new state.
The intention is transformed if we add a deep state to it, the answers will be your individual, I will not even assume that your subconscious mind will tell you.
Our task is to lead a deep state through the positive to the main problem according to the following formula:
If you already feel the (deep state) completely and completely, then how does this (deep state) change (Positive intention 3), what does it become?
Suppose that divine wisdom nullifies self-esteem and it is no longer a problem, we must ask the subconscious to formulate what appeared in this empty space.
A holy place is never empty.
If you already feel the (deep state) completely and completely, then how does this (deep state) change (Positive intention 2), what does it become?
If you already feel the (deep state) completely and completely, then how does this (deep state) change (Positive intention 1), what does it become?
If you already feel the (deep state) completely and completely, then how does this (deep state) change (the Main problem), what does it become?
After the last question, if you did everything right, then the neural connection that kept the problem collapses and something new and positive comes in its place.

Step 6: Growing a Part of the Personality.
Next, we go deeper into this part and ask the question:
- How old are you?
Many parts of the personality are formed in deep childhood, often before you have learned to count.
This is usually between 2 and 7 years of age.
If you received cosmic numbers, do not worry - it means that the part is even younger and does not know how to interact with dates and numbers.
Further, we pronounce the question inside this part:
Do you want to go forward along the timeline to my current age and absorb all my skills, experience and experience in order to get the maximum advantage and strength?
If the answer is yes, then we ask the part to start the process and give us a sign how it will be ready.
If the answer is no, then we will reformulate the question until the part agrees.
At this moment, an internal process of changes is launched in you, which begins to manifest itself in physical sensations.
Perhaps inside this part you will feel warmth, expansion or other sensations ...
The process goes automatically and at this moment you can check your contact at last))) you can just get distracted until we receive a sign from the subconscious.

Step 7: infusion of state into the body
Further, when you have received a response from the body, ask your part of the personality to pour this state into your body completely and completely, so that every part of your body begins to glow with this state.
At this moment, the feeling of a new state within the body intensifies and as soon as we finish this step, we complete the process.

Thank your subconscious mind for a talented work done, it is very talented for you and thanks to it you get more access to your personal resources.
In general, thank your subconscious more often, and it will lead you to abundance.
It is also alive and it is a part of you.

This technique has tremendous transformational potential.
Start using this technique every day and in a month you will rebuild yourself again and feel that you have changed for the better, rejecting everything unnecessary.

Happy experiment!


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In recent years, the strongest technique of neuro-linear programming and transformational coaching has become very common - essential transformation, the acquisition of an inexhaustible inner source. With its help, people manage to complete the traumatic childhood experience, overcome barriers that they cannot grasp with consciousness, but they still interfere with achieving the goal. It is also a great method of finding peace and harmony within yourself. The main purpose of this method is to combine with the essence state. There are five of them in total. It is love, unity, approval, existence and peace.

Total information

Psychologists have long been focusing on the fact that in most cases any psychological problem in a person arises from the loss of connection with his essential states. One or more may be missed, but all the same, this leads to an attempt to sublimate the receipt of the desired one from unsuitable sources, which is why pathology arises. A person can lose touch at any time, for example, if he was subjected to destructive upbringing in childhood.

Basically, sublimation turns into smoking, alcohol dependence, overeating, and more. In fact, the secret of essential transformation is that there are no analogs of these states. Neither alcohol nor cigarettes can give us the desired sensations, since they are already inside us, we simply lost touch with them. And if all other tactics pursue the goal of mass influence, then here the emphasis is on the individual needs of a person. Transformation and the achievement of the necessary state allow the individual to learn about their capabilities and, based on this, adjust their goals and needs.

History of creation

The method of essential transformation appeared in the seventies of the last century. It appeared thanks to the research of Connirae Andreas, which she began after meeting with the then-famous hypnotherapist Milton Erickson. Immediately her goal was to acquire NLP skills, but being surprised that the therapist refused to work with her directly, and attending group sessions, she realized that these sessions not only allowed her to find harmony within herself, but also help to understand her own identity.

It was then that she decided to study more deeply the impact of linear programming on the human psyche. Connirae spent nearly twenty years perfecting this method and supplementing it with new exercises. It was thanks to her efforts that the essential transformation of NLP arose. Its peculiarity is that the technique focuses not on rational understanding of the problem, but on unconscious insights and insights. In her opinion, this is how you can find an effective way to solve problems.

Method structure

It is worth noting that the main components of this practice, namely personality theory and programming models, Andreas learned from NLP. According to this information, a person's personality has several parts in its structure. And sometimes they are able to come into conflict with each other.

If you find a way to resolve this conflict by creating an internal dialogue between these individuals, then you can find the original reason for the inconsistency within a person. The doctor was able to achieve a similar result thanks to the use of speech patterns. Also, in the essential transformation, interactive techniques and other verbal and non-verbal tools are used. Today, this tactic copes well with interpersonal conflicts, allows you to overcome difficulties in communication. People practicing this technique get rid of psychological trauma and psycho-emotional stress.

The road to yourself

The technique itself can be safely considered an awakening approach, which exists thanks to the concept of the infinity of human resources. The idea is taken as a basis that at birth a person has true knowledge of what place he occupies in this world and why he came here. But in practice, from the very birth, the individual is affected by the distorting effects of our reality, due to which his personality is deformed, and the true essence is forgotten under the yoke of the framework and stereotypes of the public. But if a person succeeds in connecting his attitudes with inner wisdom, then he will be able not only to change himself, but also to influence the world around him.

Practice goal and feedback

Dr. Andreas believes that in this way the personality reaches a deep essence state. At the present moment, even without practice and training, people know these states, they can be described as love, warmth, joy. In her opinion, each person unconsciously seeks to unite with their essential states.

That is why he intuitively uses his feelings, reactions and emotional state to get the desired effect. As many practitioners of this technique claim in their reviews, essential transformation opens up access to true power and strength. With its help, you can find a source of inexhaustible vital energy. And to do this is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to establish a dialogue with all facets of your personality and listen to their needs and requirements.

Essential transformation technique

First you need to prepare and try to establish contact with all your facets of personality. Choose a place where you can lie or sit comfortably and try to relax. Remember, no matter how much time you spend, the main thing is that all your worries, worries and fears about the past and the future fade into the background. It is better to do this with your eyes closed so that nothing distracts you from concentrating on your inner self. Now the main thing is only the light making its way through the eyelids, the sounds and images that come to you.

The moment you feel that you have achieved complete relaxation, invite all your hidden selves to join you and express their desires and needs. They can do this through sounds, smells, images, and the like. Try to hear and understand them. You should be prepared for the fact that not all facets of your personality will respond to the call, because some have been waiting for their release for years, while others may remain in the shadows. The main thing for you now is to convince them that the essential transformation will benefit all of you.


The first serious result will be if you hear and understand what some facets of your personality want. Let them know that you heard them. After that, try to provoke your subconscious mind to give you some kind of signal when all facets formulate intent and purpose. Anything can be used as a signal, from pictures and sounds to sensations.

Result chain

It is necessary to ask all the involved parts of the personality to master the intended result, to feel that they received it and came to their essential states. Decide if the facets want you to experience this state too, and if so, which one.

Before that, be sure to receive a signal from the subconscious that all parts of the personality have coped with this task. Next, ask them to transform their condition into the intended result. Wait for a signal that the transformation was successful.

Growing up parts

You need to ask them to determine their age and ask if they wish to acquire your experience and knowledge. Don't act until all the parts agree that they want it. Let them transform your experience for their own growth, so that they are age-aligned with you. After that, let all the parts into your body so that their energy flows through your cells. If someone hasn't joined, invite them.

The final stage of essential transformation

You need to imagine your past and future in the form of a path, and then move on to the moment of conception. Now imagine that your parts travel with you all the way from conception to the present moment. The process can be completed only when all facets of your personality merge with your past, present and future.


To fully master the technique of essential transformation, it is worth reading the book written by Dr. Andreas. Only the most important points of the technique are described above, but many nuances and points are not taken into account.

If you want to change yourself and your life, look at the world in a new way and get unlimited opportunities to fulfill your plans and ideas, then this special technique of neuro-linear programming will help you find harmony with yourself. The main thing is to believe in yourself, your own strengths and not be afraid to use your imagination and subconsciousness to get answers to your questions.