ESET: Every fifth Russian dreams of becoming a carder


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Analysts of the antivirus company ESET studied the opinion of Russians about hacking or carder activities.


The desire to become a carder was expressed by a fifth of the survey participants conducted among Russian users in September 2021. This is evidenced by the results of a study by the international developer of antivirus software ESET.

Most of all, young people aged 18 to 24 want to try themselves in this role, as well as 23% of men and 16% of women. Nevertheless, 80% of the respondents would not like to engage in such IT-activities, - the study notes.

Director of ESET Corporate Business Department Anton Ponomarev, commenting on the results of the survey, noted that the negative attitude towards carders is a consequence of information noise in the news after high-profile hacks or data leaks. According to the expert, not only scammers, but also law-abiding programmers are engaged in hacking and carding.

According to 47% of Russians, carders can benefit society, be good and honest, but 53% disagree - in their opinion, carders are cheaters and scammers.

At the same time, ESET specialists emphasize that 85% of survey participants think that hackers are hacking other people's sites, while 72% said that they are engaged in theft or destruction of data, for 61% of respondents, hackers are people who disable equipment or its software security.

In addition, 18% said that hackers help in fixing bugs in the program code. Another 16% believe that the profession of a hacker and carder is to prevent data destruction or corruption.
