Erase our data from the Internet


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Deleting your social media accounts.
Search results for your last name or nickname in the search engine. As a rule, these are accounts on Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, and also wherever you use your real name. We delete our profiles:

How do I leave Facebook?
Use this link. But the account will not disappear right away. It may take up to 14 days for your profile to disappear completely. Some messages may remain, but all marks will be gone. To disappear the photos where you are tagged, you just need to inform that you did not give your consent to the placement of this picture.

How do I remove myself from Twitter?
To remove from Twitter, you need to go to "Settings" and at the very end there will be a link "delete my account". Your account will be completely deleted. But your tweets will only disappear from search engines after a few weeks.

How do I leave Google+?
Removing from Google+ is a little trickier as the profile is linked to your Google account. If you are determined, go to your account settings and follow the link “Delete profile and related Google+ services”. Goodbye mail, calendars, cards and everything else!
If you are still determined to keep in touch with the outside world, and you only need to delete your Google+ account, follow this link and select "Delete Google+". At the same time, any other Google functionality will remain available.
In this way, you are removed from wherever you are registered under your real name. Can't remember all the sites where you have a profile? No problem! Use special tools with direct links to delete accounts, similar to the AccountKiller service.

Removing your data from search engines.
Once you get rid of your social media profiles, their content will continue to float on the internet. Photos, notes, resume. First of all, you need to find out where your information is shown online. Any search engine will help you with this. The only way to remove your data from these sites is to contact the resource directly and ask them to erase any information about you, or at least your name.
After that, you can contact search engines with a request to delete the edited pages or index them again. For example, Google has special services that will help you remove the content of a site or an image from Google search results.
It is not a fact that this will work. But it's worth a try. Your chances are increased if the posting violates your copyright, or the page displays sensitive information about you. If you can't completely remove yourself from the search engines, then you need to try to destroy all your personal data from your profiles as much as possible. So, besides your name, Internet detectives will not get anything else.

Getting rid of the plume of public life.
In addition to social networks, there are so-called databases of people. You will most likely be a little (to put it mildly) surprised at the amount of information these databases provide.
You can delete all information about yourself for money ($ 99), or you can try to do the same yourself. And contact search engines like the ones mentioned above, or various social media and media monitoring systems, will help you with this .
As long as your address or phone number is registered somewhere, they will still be able to find you.

Removing nicknames associated with email.
If you try hard, then by e-mail you can go to your nicknames and aliases that you used on different sites, blogs, forums. And this thread can already lead to your real name. The process for removing this information depends on the sites where you registered.
Ideally, if you manage to remove your main email from them. You should try to at least change your username. If we are talking about forums, ask the moderators to remove posts by which you can somehow identify you. Come up with new nicknames for each site.