Equate hacking of state websites to terrorism: tough position of the deputy


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In Russia, responsibility for crimes in the IT sphere may be tightened.

Andrey Svintsov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, has taken the initiative to toughen penalties for cyber attacks on state resources. According to him, hacking the websites of government agencies, voting services and critical infrastructure should be equated with a terrorist threat and crimes against state security.

Svintsov explained that we are talking about cases when nothing is stolen, and resources are temporarily disabled. However, the deputy sees no need to toughen penalties for cyber attacks against commercial structures and social networks. Innocent people may suffer here, he believes.

The parliamentarian stressed the need to improve the literacy of the population in the field of information security. To do this, Svintsov suggests two main ways. First, we need to improve the overall digital literacy of the population. Second, strengthen the protection of the systems used by citizens and organizations, especially State-owned ones.

At the same time, the deputy noted, currently there is a fairly serious responsibility for crimes involving the use of information technologies.

"In the current regime, crimes involving the use of information technologies are committed in completely different areas. This includes fraud, theft of funds, extortion, theft of databases and personal data. There is a rather serious liability for such crimes," Svintsov said.

The statement was made against the background of a proposal by experts of the Russian Security Council to toughen criminal liability for cybercrime.