Entrepreneur from Kalinkovichi fined for illegal transactions with cryptocurrency


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An entrepreneur from Kalinkovichi was fined for illegal transactions with cryptocurrency, BelTA was told in the economic court of the Gomel region.

An individual entrepreneur from the regional center of Kalinkovichi was brought to administrative responsibility for illegal transactions with cryptocurrency.

The case materials under Part 3 of Article 13.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses were received by the court from the Tax Inspectorate for the Kalinkovichi District. As stated, the individual entrepreneur was not a resident of the Hi-Tech Park, but on cryptocurrency exchanges he repeatedly assisted other people in transactions for the acquisition, alienation and exchange of tokens. The operations were carried out from home.

In fact, in a month he made four transactions for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrency. He transferred income from operations to his virtual account to cash out later.

According to the court, the activities of the individual entrepreneur are related to the advertising field, but in fact he was not involved in this.

At the court hearing, the entrepreneur did not admit guilt. He believed that he was acting within the law.

Having assessed the evidence presented in the case, the court imposed an administrative penalty on the individual entrepreneur in the form of a fine. Br4.8 thousand in income received from prohibited activities was also confiscated. The court ruling was not appealed and entered into legal force.

The Economic Court of the Gomel Region recalled that Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 8 “On the Development of the Digital Economy” stipulates that individuals and individual entrepreneurs - residents of the High Technology Park - have the right to own tokens. We are talking about such operations as mining, storing tokens in virtual wallets, exchanging tokens for other tokens, their acquisition, alienation for Belarusian rubles, foreign currency, electronic money, as well as donation and bequest.

“At the same time, the activity of mining, acquisition, alienation of tokens, carried out by citizens independently without the involvement of other individuals under employment and/or civil law contracts, is not entrepreneurial,” the court clarified.

Subclause 2.6 of Decree No. 8 recognizes as illegal and prohibits the entrepreneurial activities of individuals and legal entities who are not residents of the High-Tech Park, assisting other persons in making and (or) executing transactions with tokens (including acting as a party to such transactions), as well as on the acquisition, alienation, exchange of tokens.


A resident of Molodechno became a victim of cryptocurrency fraud. BELTA reports this with reference to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

A city resident contacted the Molodechno District Department of Internal Affairs with a complaint of fraud. During the investigation, it turned out that the 33-year-old woman fell for an advertisement on a social network that offered to teach her how to make money by investing in cryptocurrency.

As the Department of Internal Affairs explained, after a resident of Molodechno submitted an online application, a broker contacted her. He offered to top up his online wallet. The first payment amounted to Br2.5 thousand. After some time, the woman replenished her electronic wallet with another Br1.2 thousand. After the third payment, the scammers asked the woman to transfer the entire amount accumulated during this time to a crypto card created specifically for her. After the transfer, all the money was stolen.

Investigators opened a criminal case into fraud.


A 58-year-old resident of Molodechno contacted the police and became a victim of scammers. BELTA was informed about this by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The woman said that she saw an advertisement for exchange earnings on a social network and left a request. She was contacted by a “broker” who offered training and consultation. He explained that to start trading, you need to top up your account with several thousand rubles. The victim did not have money, so she turned to friends who lent it to her. For the purpose of financial injections, she bought household appliances worth Br20 thousand in installments, which she sold as used for Br6 thousand.

The pensioner realized that she was being deceived when she tried to withdraw the invested funds. In total, she managed to invest about Br20 thousand. Investigators opened a criminal case for fraud.

The police department noted that this is not the first time that the victim was deceived by swindlers. In May last year, an unknown person called her via messenger and introduced himself as a bank employee. He said that on behalf of the woman, the attackers are trying to take out a loan. She transferred Br20 thousand to the account indicated by the scammers and lost the entire amount.