"Enter the SNN number and get $ 2000!"


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An advertisement appeared on Instagram that the state began to pay everyone money using the SNN - up to $ 2000! Such a new law was allegedly introduced. Moreover, the post looks like news from a well-known TV channel with a photo of the presenter from the studio. And underneath there are a lot of comments from people who have already received money.
Following the link "More", a website of some fund was opened and it was written that today they have already paid people several million rubles. You need to enter the SNN and then you will find out how much money you are entitled to. I believed and entered my SNN. Then there were lines with amounts from different insurance companies and at the bottom it says that I can get $ 2000.
I clicked the GET MONEY button and the fun began. The site said that you have to pay a commission of $ 4 from the card for connecting to the database. I paid, and then they ask me for another $ 10 for personal identification and verification of personal data.
Then it dawned on me that this was some kind of money scam. And suddenly I receive an SMS from the bank that they tried to withdraw another $ 15 from the card. It's good that there was no more money on my card. I blocked the card just in case. People, don't get fooled!

Financial Culture Expert:
Fraudsters actively use social media to defraud users' personal data, payment information, and money. Criminals fake accounts of well-known media outlets and popular bloggers in order to spread fake advertising posts on their behalf. These can be announcements of social benefits, competitions with cash prizes and other "attractions of unprecedented generosity".
To make the offer look as believable as possible, attackers often accompany the post with a fake video with the participation of a media person - skillfully edited cuts from videos with him.
And all in order for the user to go to a fraudulent site and pay a "small commission". The loss of $ 3-5 may not be so bad. But the person is asked to enter the secret data of the bank card: number, name of the owner, expiration date and three-digit CVC / CVV-code on the back of the card. After that, the criminals gain access to his account and can steal the rest of the money.
The danger of the situation in which Timur finds himself is also in the fact that criminals can use the SNILS number in other fraudulent schemes. For example, knowing the details of the passport and SNN, try to get loans in his name.

To stay out of trouble, follow these important rules of financial security:
  • Always double-check information from social media. If the state assigns any payments and compensation, the leading publications will definitely write about this. See if there is something on the topic in the news sections on the search engines. Ideally, you should find a link to the law or regulation itself and study it.
  • Do not trust contests, surveys and other promises of sudden enrichment, especially if the organizers demand payment.
  • Do not rush to transfer money to unknown recipients on demand and never follow links from strangers.
  • Do not enter confidential data on dubious sites, including card information, PIN codes, SMS passwords, as well as passport and other documents.
  • Do not store large amounts of money on the card that you use for everyday spending. It is better to have a separate card for shopping on the Internet and put on it exactly as much as you need to pay each time.
  • Connect SMS notifications or push notifications about card transactions. In this case, you will immediately know about the payment that you did not make, and you can block the card and object to the operation.
  • Install antivirus software on all your gadgets to help protect them from malware.
If you come across a suspicious ad on a social network, report it to the administration. The more complaints from users, the faster this ad will be removed. And there is less chance that someone will suffer from the actions of criminals.
For more information on how to act if the scammers managed to write off your money, read the text What to do if money was stolen from a bank card.