Cloned Boy
What is Enroll?
Enroll is a regular credit card (hereinafter CC) with access to the personal account (hereinafter LA) of online banking. Debit cards can also be rolled, but they most often require other information that is difficult to break through. In 99% of cases, you will only work with credit cards. A debit Enroll that can be rolled is a rarity.
Access to the personal account gives us a lot of opportunities, we will consider them later. Each bank has a different online banking. In addition to design, convenience and engine, they differ in their functionality.
Also, many banks use the same engines, for example, fdecs, ezcardinfo, ezcardview, mycarstatement, myaccoutnaccess. These are something like "outsourcing companies" that provide banks with their online banking engine. Most often, the functionality is the same on the same engine, but it may differ.
Functionality and capabilities of Enroll
Enroll has many functions, thanks to which not only the chance of entering increases, but also opens up new directions. Remember, in each bank the possibilities may differ. In one there may be a change of Billing Address, in another there is not.
Change Billing Address
Billing Address – data on the registration of the cardholder (hereinafter referred to as KH), which are recorded in the bank file. Most banks with the ability to change billing allow you to do this online. Why do we need this? In the USA, there is a system for reconciling billing addresses and shipping addresses, called AVS. When entering, the system compares the billing address of the CH and the shipping address that you specified when entering and adds fraud points. Most often, a decline follows. Most shops in the USA are very principled about this. Thanks to rolls, we can bypass this. This is done very simply in your personal account. In the desired tab (Change Billing Address), enter the address you need. After that, go to the shop and type billing = shipping. As a rule, the change is carried out 1-3 business days (depending on the bank, most often - 3). Weekends do not count.
Remember, not all banks have this option. Some banks simply do not change billing. Or it is possible by calling.
Mini-deposits / Micro-deposits / Minics
Minis or mini-deposits are a micro-transaction that a shop, merch, or office writes off from you to verify your card in a shop. Typically, this is an amount of up to $5, most often in the range of $1-2. After it is written off, the shop/merch/office will ask you to write down this exact amount. This is how they check whether you are really the owner of the card. Sometimes it can be a transaction code, but more often it is the amount.
Usually you can see this transaction in the Recent Transactions, Transaction List, Review Transactions tab, it depends on the engine and the bank. It happens that some banks do not immediately or with a delay display Pending Transactions, these are not yet completed transactions. Sometimes minis get there, in this case you just need to wait a little. You can also find out the minis by calling the bank.
There are shops without AVS verification or it is not important for them. Their main confirmation method is minis. Most often, after passing the minis, you can count on a successful approval.
Change of phone
The next aspect that we will consider is one of the most important. We all know that we can call with a substitution of the number that was indicated when purchasing the card / or we found in the account, but the shop can always call back to the number from which we called.
If the shop does this, then they will get to the holder, we do not need this. Even a call from our own number, which we could have bought on Skype, will not save us, because now the shop very often calls the bank to verify the address, the name of the holder, as well as his phone number.
And if the bank says that the information does not match, then the shop immediately cancels the transaction, and the bank blocks the card. The end, we have no order, and the card is dead. In this case, the enroll will help us. Together with the billing address, we can also change the phone. As a result, when the shop calls the bank, all the information provided matches and the pack will safely go to your drop. But there is another side of the coin. Recently, many banks, in case of any suspicious activity on the roll, can call the KH. They will check with the KH whether it has changed the data, after which the card will be reissued and the roll will be blocked. Based on this, it is necessary to understand that changing the billing or phone may not always be successful.
Primary Enroll and Reroll
There are two types of Enroll, Primary and Reroll.
Primary – the CH does not have a registered personal account.
Reroll – the CH already has a registered personal account, but the bank provides the opportunity to restore access to it through “Forgot password” or something similar. Most often, this will require the same information as for Primary Enroll, but it can also transfer to the secret questions that you set or to the background report (hereinafter BG). In the case of secret questions CH – we can try to guess, find KH on social networks, etc., but most often – it will not work.
Personally, I prefer not to do a Reroll, most often the CH will notice that someone has gained access to his personal account and the roll will die. The only exception is when you are going to enter the roll immediately 1-2 times.
Also, many banks for ReRoll require specifying the established Username or E-mail. In this case, there is no point in trying to restore access because the data for recovery will be sent to the CH by mail.
To avoid getting into a Reroll, I advise you to take cards with the maximum Expiration Date value. The higher the expiration date, the better. But this does not work in all banks. Some banks most likely offer to register a personal account when receiving a card and as a result, many cards of this bank are already rerolled. But these are isolated cases.
As a rule, the balance that we can use is signed as Available Credit. The balance that the KH spent is Current Balance. I will tell you for those who do not know how credit cards work. Roughly speaking, the KH takes a loan from the bank, and these funds are kept on the card, not in cash. Accordingly, Current balance is the part of the credit funds that has been spent, and Available credit is how much is still available. Do not confuse these concepts!
Before we start the process of zarolling, let's talk about the system. In general, most banks are not picky about the system, IP, user agent, etc. But still, some banks and engines pay attention to this. I will not pay much attention to the setup, because everything is quite simple, we need a sphere (Linken Sphere) and socks or ssh. Decide for yourself which of these to use, whichever is more convenient for you. Personally, I take ssh. Naturally, it is better not to take dirty ones.
Enrollment Stages.
Let's proceed to the process of rolling. We will consider the example of the bank BB and T Financial. It rolls business cards mainly at the link:
Following this link we see the following:
In the central window there is a field for entering the ready-made rollka, we need to roll it, and we press the ENROLL NOW button.
We get to the first step of rolling, it is different for all banks, in most cases in the first step we will need to enter data from the card. We are greeted by such a window and we enter the number of our card.
If the card is valid, not encumbered or the KH has not blocked the Enroll option (rare, but it happens in some banks), we will be directed to the next steps with additional verification by card (CVV/EXP/SSN/DOB/MMN/ZIP/Phone etc.) and data registration fields for online access.
In this bank, the first step of verification will be to indicate the NAME ON THE CARD and EXP
After this, we are taken to the second step, where we need to fill in the data to access the personal account.
We will use this data to enter the personal account. We put our own mail, you can use a fake mail if you do not need it.
In the next step, fill in the secrets, choose yourself.
After this, if everything went well, you are greeted by the bank and we are taken to the personal account.
Let's go over the important points.
⦁ Available Credit - balance available for use.
⦁ Current Balance - spent balance.
⦁ Current Credit Limit - total credit limit (Available Credit+Current Balance)
⦁ Last Payment - last loan repayment.
⦁ Payment Due Date - date when the next loan repayment is due.
Personal account functionality.
After we have successfully rolled up the card, we get to the personal account. Let's look at the tabs and windows in it.
In the Account Details tab, we see more detailed information about the card. It differs from the main window in that we see the last 4 digits of the card and Account Status. These are the items that will tell us if the KH reissues the card or if it dies. The card will change, and the account status will change to closed.
Next, look at the Account Services tab. This is one of the most important tabs in the roll.
Here we can do the following:
⦁ In the Messages tab, view all bank messages sent to the KH.
⦁ Change password (Change Password)
⦁ Change or view the billing address (on those banks/bins where there is one) (Contact Information)
⦁ Disable the rollup
⦁ View the history of disputes (disputed transactions, etc.)
⦁ View agreements with the bank's policies.
⦁ Create or change alerts
⦁ Add a BA to replenish the rollup.
Let's consider a couple of them that are the most important.
Contact Information/Billing Address.
In this tab we see the billing address and the phone number of the KH which is set in the bank file. Many banks give the opportunity to change it. It looks like this:
This is a very important tab, because we can see the alerts that the KH has and change them/create our own. In this way, we extend the life of the roll so that the KH does not catch us out.
P.S. This is an example specifically for BB and T bank. Other banks have different verification methods, personal account and functionality, but in terms of the registration process there is no particular difference, all the fields will look approximately the same.
What is this?
In the list of banks, you may have noticed that there are many where the Transfer Balance mark is. These are banks that fit this scheme. Transfer Balance - in simple terms, this is a fill from a roll to a CC. If you analyze it in more detail, then formally, this is covering a loan with funds from your card to someone else's. In the normal world, this looks like this. CH has two cards from different banks, on one of them he has a loan payment coming up, and on the other one it is already burning. And he closes the loan from one card to another.
We can use this and close the "drop" loan with a credit card. An important point, you can only fill up credit cards, not debit cards, not prepaid.
What we do in practice. In the banks that I left on the list, we go to the Transfer Balance tab. The following fields appear (depending on the bank). Let's take the First National Bank of Omaha as an example. There you need to enter:
⦁ The card number to which we will transfer funds
⦁ The name of the bank issuing the card to which we will transfer funds.
⦁ The transfer amount.
⦁ Some banks ask you to enter the Payment Address. We will examine this in more detail.
What is Payment Address? Don't confuse it with the drop billing. This is the payment address of the bank that issued the card. Most often, you will ask the drop for it, the drop should know it. If the drop does not know it, then you need to find it yourself. Let's say we are sending to the First National Bank of Omaha card. In this case, we go to their website and look for tabs/buttons Contact Us or similar. There we find the following:
Here we need this address:
This is the very same Payment Address of the bank. We enter it in the fields and send it.
Transfer amounts
Here everything depends on the balance of the roll and the bank, as well as the bank of the drop and the drop itself. It is important to understand that if you sent to the same drop many times, then there is a very high probability that it was blacklisted. Banks really like to make it up for a transfer.
All rolls need to be pumped up for this scheme, that is, if the balance on the card is, say, $20,000, then it is worth sending in the following order. 1-2k + 3-5k + 7-10k. Thus, the chance that the fill will not reach, that the card will be blocked, or some other incidents are much less.
This does not cancel the fact that you can send 15k at once. I did this more than once, and it worked more than once, but it is worth understanding that it was blocked more than once. I would even say that more than was received.
Chargeback or charge.
As with any other bank, when the bank understands that it has been deceived, it issues a charge. This scheme is no exception. Here you need to understand for yourself and communicate with the drop about it. If his drops are scams, then most likely he will not demand to close the charge and you can skip this moment. If he demands, then you need to close it, because it is quite difficult to find drops for this topic.
Chargeback on average comes up to two weeks, so there may be such a possibility that you will close it with one of your fills. The drop has money written off from his card, even in the minus, CS (Credit Score) is damaged, etc. According to my communication with drops, the cops have not noticed the arrival, but it is quite possible, but these are already the drop's problems. You have a minus, only that you will not be able to work with him, so I always closed my charges.
How to close a charge?
Send takes from 1 to 3 days. Most often, it will reach you closer to the end of the 2nd or 3rd day. Naturally, the send has reached when the drop has received money on the card. But we can close the future charge earlier. When money has been written off from Available Credit in the rollka and has fallen to the Current Balance, then we take the BA, most often the BA KH that is attached to the rollka, if not attached, we buy any BA and tie it to the rollka, this is all done very simply and without fraud. Go to the Pay Bill tab or menu. This is the repayment of the loan (i.e. Current Balance) and we replenish the rollka from the BA exactly for the amount for which the transfer was made. After 1-2 days, this money comes to the rollka, and then the charge drop does not come.
Which banks are eligible for Transfer Balance?
I have highlighted most of the banks that are suitable for Transfer in the list of banks. I would like to highlight a few:
⦁ First National Bank of Omaha. The bank is quite worn out for this topic, but still sends successfully. It MUST BE ROCKED UP. If you send large amounts at once, it will be blocked. Also, not many rolls have the Transfer Balance function. In my experience, it comes across 1 out of 5 rolls, but the bank has generally been stable for a long time for this topic.
⦁ Arvest/Simmons/Compass. All banks that have this function on the Cardmanager engine, again, not on all rolls, but in their case on most. They may call it Balance Consolidation. The downside of these banks is that they are very picky about body movements, and die at the slightest thing. But the transfer goes well.
⦁ Whitney National Bank. Lots of cards with transfer, good balances, good transfers. I recommend it the most.
⦁ Valley National Bank. Also transfers well, large balances, but the downside is that there are few cards with this function. Otherwise, it is also a priority to make.
⦁ Banks from the CU/FCU network Many have this function, it works strangely at each bank, in one bank the transfer can be sent by cash check, which takes up to two weeks, while in others the money drops almost instantly. I have not found a pattern yet.
The engine is very popular and many banks are switching to it now, as well as most FCU and CU banks have switched or are switching to it from PSCU. The link to this engine looks like this:
Let's take American First CU bank as an example. The enrollment link for this bank looks like this:
Banks are very fond of shortening or mangling their names to these links. For example, Oklahoma Employees Credit Union made a link for itself
This information can be very useful to you when searching for new banks on this engine.
Features of this engine:
⦁ It is quite easy to roll, in most cases you will need SSN/DOB/ZIP for Enroll. Most often one of these, sometimes you come across a combination when needed, or even MMN.
⦁ Very convenient for minis, they come with minimal delay and in a convenient format.
⦁ Lately, it sometimes dies faster in relation to other banks/engines.
⦁ If the card dies, then access to the personal account remains and we see the last 4 digits of the new card.
Log In
Features of this engine:
⦁ It is not difficult to roll, mainly SSN+DOB.
⦁ Sometimes, if you screwed up somewhere, you can get a couple of questions on the BG or KR.
⦁ Many banks under NFC.
⦁ If the card dies, it will be visible in the account status. Also, access to the personal account remains and we see the last 4 digits of the new card.
Log In
Features of this engine:
⦁ Rolls very simply and clearly. In most cases, it will ask for SSN+ZIP. Sometimes it can be DOB.
⦁ More often than others, it throws on BG and KR.
⦁ Looks closely at the system and IP.
⦁ Rolls live long and well.
Features of this engine:
⦁ Very easy to roll, often enough with SSN, maximum SSN+DOB+ZIP. But this is rare. I have not yet met similar BG or CR or MMN.
⦁ Many business cards are rolled on this engine.
⦁ Gives a limited number of attempts for enrolling.
Welcome To GoToMyCard! - GoToMyCard
Features of this engine:
⦁ Easy to roll, most often SSN+ZIP.
⦁ Reroll option is available.
⦁ Not demanding on IP, etc.
⦁ If the card dies, access to the personal account remains and we see the last 4 digits of the new card.
Features of this engine:
⦁ Rolls by SSN+DOB, may also require MMN/ZIP/BG/CR.
⦁ Lives a long time.
⦁ Demanding to IP, etc.
The difficulty of finding new banks for Enroll is not in finding bins or banks themselves, but links for Enroll. Now many banks, especially FCU, CU networks, use outsource engines. You can read about these engines and their features in another lecture. We will search for banks by these engines in several ways.
Method 1. Search with Google.
Everything is simple here, let's take mycardinfo as an example. We go to Google and type mycardinfo, we get the following:
It gives us banks that have mycardinfo. We select a bank, look for a bin and go roll.
We can also set the query "credit union" + (this is a complete query). This will help to find links more clearly and get other results.
Method 2. Element code.
This method is more suitable for banks that roll on the pscu engine, but it works for others too. All pscu links differ only in the bank ID. Here is an example:
Lake Trust Credit Union
Generic Error Page - PSCU
Clearview FCU
As you can see, they differ only in clientID=****. This is the bank ID.
In order to parse all the links of these banks, we will need the service: or
In the search bar, enter
We obtain the following results:
We go to the site page, for example, the first Andrews FCU and open the element code and press Cntrl+F. Enter pscu.
As a result, we find a link in the element code using the search, follow it and here it is, our link for Enroll.
Method 3. Web analytics services.
There are many different web analytics services. We will use them to find new banks and links. You can choose any web analytics service in Google, I highlighted two:
Let's take the fdecs engine as an example. We go to the site and enter in the search bar. We get detailed analytics at this link, but we are specifically interested in the following blocks:
The first block is a block of sites from which people go to this link (fdecs), accordingly, by the name and the bank site, we find the bins and roll them to fdecs.
The second block is search queries that lead to fdecs.
It is better to make a paid subscription to these services and get more information, if you can't type it in, you can even get it from your own.
It's worth it.
Enroll is a regular credit card (hereinafter CC) with access to the personal account (hereinafter LA) of online banking. Debit cards can also be rolled, but they most often require other information that is difficult to break through. In 99% of cases, you will only work with credit cards. A debit Enroll that can be rolled is a rarity.
Access to the personal account gives us a lot of opportunities, we will consider them later. Each bank has a different online banking. In addition to design, convenience and engine, they differ in their functionality.
Also, many banks use the same engines, for example, fdecs, ezcardinfo, ezcardview, mycarstatement, myaccoutnaccess. These are something like "outsourcing companies" that provide banks with their online banking engine. Most often, the functionality is the same on the same engine, but it may differ.
Functionality and capabilities of Enroll
Enroll has many functions, thanks to which not only the chance of entering increases, but also opens up new directions. Remember, in each bank the possibilities may differ. In one there may be a change of Billing Address, in another there is not.
Change Billing Address
Billing Address – data on the registration of the cardholder (hereinafter referred to as KH), which are recorded in the bank file. Most banks with the ability to change billing allow you to do this online. Why do we need this? In the USA, there is a system for reconciling billing addresses and shipping addresses, called AVS. When entering, the system compares the billing address of the CH and the shipping address that you specified when entering and adds fraud points. Most often, a decline follows. Most shops in the USA are very principled about this. Thanks to rolls, we can bypass this. This is done very simply in your personal account. In the desired tab (Change Billing Address), enter the address you need. After that, go to the shop and type billing = shipping. As a rule, the change is carried out 1-3 business days (depending on the bank, most often - 3). Weekends do not count.
Remember, not all banks have this option. Some banks simply do not change billing. Or it is possible by calling.
Mini-deposits / Micro-deposits / Minics
Minis or mini-deposits are a micro-transaction that a shop, merch, or office writes off from you to verify your card in a shop. Typically, this is an amount of up to $5, most often in the range of $1-2. After it is written off, the shop/merch/office will ask you to write down this exact amount. This is how they check whether you are really the owner of the card. Sometimes it can be a transaction code, but more often it is the amount.
Usually you can see this transaction in the Recent Transactions, Transaction List, Review Transactions tab, it depends on the engine and the bank. It happens that some banks do not immediately or with a delay display Pending Transactions, these are not yet completed transactions. Sometimes minis get there, in this case you just need to wait a little. You can also find out the minis by calling the bank.
There are shops without AVS verification or it is not important for them. Their main confirmation method is minis. Most often, after passing the minis, you can count on a successful approval.
Change of phone
The next aspect that we will consider is one of the most important. We all know that we can call with a substitution of the number that was indicated when purchasing the card / or we found in the account, but the shop can always call back to the number from which we called.
If the shop does this, then they will get to the holder, we do not need this. Even a call from our own number, which we could have bought on Skype, will not save us, because now the shop very often calls the bank to verify the address, the name of the holder, as well as his phone number.
And if the bank says that the information does not match, then the shop immediately cancels the transaction, and the bank blocks the card. The end, we have no order, and the card is dead. In this case, the enroll will help us. Together with the billing address, we can also change the phone. As a result, when the shop calls the bank, all the information provided matches and the pack will safely go to your drop. But there is another side of the coin. Recently, many banks, in case of any suspicious activity on the roll, can call the KH. They will check with the KH whether it has changed the data, after which the card will be reissued and the roll will be blocked. Based on this, it is necessary to understand that changing the billing or phone may not always be successful.
Primary Enroll and Reroll
There are two types of Enroll, Primary and Reroll.
Primary – the CH does not have a registered personal account.
Reroll – the CH already has a registered personal account, but the bank provides the opportunity to restore access to it through “Forgot password” or something similar. Most often, this will require the same information as for Primary Enroll, but it can also transfer to the secret questions that you set or to the background report (hereinafter BG). In the case of secret questions CH – we can try to guess, find KH on social networks, etc., but most often – it will not work.
Personally, I prefer not to do a Reroll, most often the CH will notice that someone has gained access to his personal account and the roll will die. The only exception is when you are going to enter the roll immediately 1-2 times.
Also, many banks for ReRoll require specifying the established Username or E-mail. In this case, there is no point in trying to restore access because the data for recovery will be sent to the CH by mail.
To avoid getting into a Reroll, I advise you to take cards with the maximum Expiration Date value. The higher the expiration date, the better. But this does not work in all banks. Some banks most likely offer to register a personal account when receiving a card and as a result, many cards of this bank are already rerolled. But these are isolated cases.
As a rule, the balance that we can use is signed as Available Credit. The balance that the KH spent is Current Balance. I will tell you for those who do not know how credit cards work. Roughly speaking, the KH takes a loan from the bank, and these funds are kept on the card, not in cash. Accordingly, Current balance is the part of the credit funds that has been spent, and Available credit is how much is still available. Do not confuse these concepts!
2. Enroll process.
Before we start the process of zarolling, let's talk about the system. In general, most banks are not picky about the system, IP, user agent, etc. But still, some banks and engines pay attention to this. I will not pay much attention to the setup, because everything is quite simple, we need a sphere (Linken Sphere) and socks or ssh. Decide for yourself which of these to use, whichever is more convenient for you. Personally, I take ssh. Naturally, it is better not to take dirty ones.
Enrollment Stages.
Let's proceed to the process of rolling. We will consider the example of the bank BB and T Financial. It rolls business cards mainly at the link:
Following this link we see the following:

In the central window there is a field for entering the ready-made rollka, we need to roll it, and we press the ENROLL NOW button.
We get to the first step of rolling, it is different for all banks, in most cases in the first step we will need to enter data from the card. We are greeted by such a window and we enter the number of our card.

If the card is valid, not encumbered or the KH has not blocked the Enroll option (rare, but it happens in some banks), we will be directed to the next steps with additional verification by card (CVV/EXP/SSN/DOB/MMN/ZIP/Phone etc.) and data registration fields for online access.
In this bank, the first step of verification will be to indicate the NAME ON THE CARD and EXP

After this, we are taken to the second step, where we need to fill in the data to access the personal account.

We will use this data to enter the personal account. We put our own mail, you can use a fake mail if you do not need it.
In the next step, fill in the secrets, choose yourself.

After this, if everything went well, you are greeted by the bank and we are taken to the personal account.

Let's go over the important points.
⦁ Available Credit - balance available for use.
⦁ Current Balance - spent balance.
⦁ Current Credit Limit - total credit limit (Available Credit+Current Balance)
⦁ Last Payment - last loan repayment.
⦁ Payment Due Date - date when the next loan repayment is due.
Personal account functionality.
After we have successfully rolled up the card, we get to the personal account. Let's look at the tabs and windows in it.

In the Account Details tab, we see more detailed information about the card. It differs from the main window in that we see the last 4 digits of the card and Account Status. These are the items that will tell us if the KH reissues the card or if it dies. The card will change, and the account status will change to closed.
Next, look at the Account Services tab. This is one of the most important tabs in the roll.

Here we can do the following:
⦁ In the Messages tab, view all bank messages sent to the KH.
⦁ Change password (Change Password)
⦁ Change or view the billing address (on those banks/bins where there is one) (Contact Information)
⦁ Disable the rollup
⦁ View the history of disputes (disputed transactions, etc.)
⦁ View agreements with the bank's policies.
⦁ Create or change alerts
⦁ Add a BA to replenish the rollup.
Let's consider a couple of them that are the most important.
Contact Information/Billing Address.
In this tab we see the billing address and the phone number of the KH which is set in the bank file. Many banks give the opportunity to change it. It looks like this:

This is a very important tab, because we can see the alerts that the KH has and change them/create our own. In this way, we extend the life of the roll so that the KH does not catch us out.
P.S. This is an example specifically for BB and T bank. Other banks have different verification methods, personal account and functionality, but in terms of the registration process there is no particular difference, all the fields will look approximately the same.
3. Transfer Balance
What is this?
In the list of banks, you may have noticed that there are many where the Transfer Balance mark is. These are banks that fit this scheme. Transfer Balance - in simple terms, this is a fill from a roll to a CC. If you analyze it in more detail, then formally, this is covering a loan with funds from your card to someone else's. In the normal world, this looks like this. CH has two cards from different banks, on one of them he has a loan payment coming up, and on the other one it is already burning. And he closes the loan from one card to another.
We can use this and close the "drop" loan with a credit card. An important point, you can only fill up credit cards, not debit cards, not prepaid.
What we do in practice. In the banks that I left on the list, we go to the Transfer Balance tab. The following fields appear (depending on the bank). Let's take the First National Bank of Omaha as an example. There you need to enter:
⦁ The card number to which we will transfer funds
⦁ The name of the bank issuing the card to which we will transfer funds.
⦁ The transfer amount.
⦁ Some banks ask you to enter the Payment Address. We will examine this in more detail.
What is Payment Address? Don't confuse it with the drop billing. This is the payment address of the bank that issued the card. Most often, you will ask the drop for it, the drop should know it. If the drop does not know it, then you need to find it yourself. Let's say we are sending to the First National Bank of Omaha card. In this case, we go to their website and look for tabs/buttons Contact Us or similar. There we find the following:
Here we need this address:

This is the very same Payment Address of the bank. We enter it in the fields and send it.
Transfer amounts
Here everything depends on the balance of the roll and the bank, as well as the bank of the drop and the drop itself. It is important to understand that if you sent to the same drop many times, then there is a very high probability that it was blacklisted. Banks really like to make it up for a transfer.
All rolls need to be pumped up for this scheme, that is, if the balance on the card is, say, $20,000, then it is worth sending in the following order. 1-2k + 3-5k + 7-10k. Thus, the chance that the fill will not reach, that the card will be blocked, or some other incidents are much less.
This does not cancel the fact that you can send 15k at once. I did this more than once, and it worked more than once, but it is worth understanding that it was blocked more than once. I would even say that more than was received.
Chargeback or charge.
As with any other bank, when the bank understands that it has been deceived, it issues a charge. This scheme is no exception. Here you need to understand for yourself and communicate with the drop about it. If his drops are scams, then most likely he will not demand to close the charge and you can skip this moment. If he demands, then you need to close it, because it is quite difficult to find drops for this topic.
Chargeback on average comes up to two weeks, so there may be such a possibility that you will close it with one of your fills. The drop has money written off from his card, even in the minus, CS (Credit Score) is damaged, etc. According to my communication with drops, the cops have not noticed the arrival, but it is quite possible, but these are already the drop's problems. You have a minus, only that you will not be able to work with him, so I always closed my charges.
How to close a charge?
Send takes from 1 to 3 days. Most often, it will reach you closer to the end of the 2nd or 3rd day. Naturally, the send has reached when the drop has received money on the card. But we can close the future charge earlier. When money has been written off from Available Credit in the rollka and has fallen to the Current Balance, then we take the BA, most often the BA KH that is attached to the rollka, if not attached, we buy any BA and tie it to the rollka, this is all done very simply and without fraud. Go to the Pay Bill tab or menu. This is the repayment of the loan (i.e. Current Balance) and we replenish the rollka from the BA exactly for the amount for which the transfer was made. After 1-2 days, this money comes to the rollka, and then the charge drop does not come.
Which banks are eligible for Transfer Balance?
I have highlighted most of the banks that are suitable for Transfer in the list of banks. I would like to highlight a few:
⦁ First National Bank of Omaha. The bank is quite worn out for this topic, but still sends successfully. It MUST BE ROCKED UP. If you send large amounts at once, it will be blocked. Also, not many rolls have the Transfer Balance function. In my experience, it comes across 1 out of 5 rolls, but the bank has generally been stable for a long time for this topic.
⦁ Arvest/Simmons/Compass. All banks that have this function on the Cardmanager engine, again, not on all rolls, but in their case on most. They may call it Balance Consolidation. The downside of these banks is that they are very picky about body movements, and die at the slightest thing. But the transfer goes well.
⦁ Whitney National Bank. Lots of cards with transfer, good balances, good transfers. I recommend it the most.
⦁ Valley National Bank. Also transfers well, large balances, but the downside is that there are few cards with this function. Otherwise, it is also a priority to make.
⦁ Banks from the CU/FCU network Many have this function, it works strangely at each bank, in one bank the transfer can be sent by cash check, which takes up to two weeks, while in others the money drops almost instantly. I have not found a pattern yet.
4. Enroll EnginesEnroll Engines
Nowadays, many banks use outsource engines to service credit cards. Most of them are used by banks of FCU and CU networks, but also by other banks that do not belong to these networks. In this lecture, we will consider these engines and their features.Mycardinfo
The engine is very popular and many banks are switching to it now, as well as most FCU and CU banks have switched or are switching to it from PSCU. The link to this engine looks like this:
Let's take American First CU bank as an example. The enrollment link for this bank looks like this:
Banks are very fond of shortening or mangling their names to these links. For example, Oklahoma Employees Credit Union made a link for itself
This information can be very useful to you when searching for new banks on this engine.
Features of this engine:
⦁ It is quite easy to roll, in most cases you will need SSN/DOB/ZIP for Enroll. Most often one of these, sometimes you come across a combination when needed, or even MMN.
⦁ Very convenient for minis, they come with minimal delay and in a convenient format.
⦁ Lately, it sometimes dies faster in relation to other banks/engines.
⦁ If the card dies, then access to the personal account remains and we see the last 4 digits of the new card.
These two engines can essentially be called one. Their only difference is the link. In all other respects, even the design, they are identical.Link:
Log In
Features of this engine:
⦁ It is not difficult to roll, mainly SSN+DOB.
⦁ Sometimes, if you screwed up somewhere, you can get a couple of questions on the BG or KR.
⦁ Many banks under NFC.
⦁ If the card dies, it will be visible in the account status. Also, access to the personal account remains and we see the last 4 digits of the new card.
The engine is very nice, I personally like its rolls the most, but it's a matter of taste.Link:
Log In
Features of this engine:
⦁ Rolls very simply and clearly. In most cases, it will ask for SSN+ZIP. Sometimes it can be DOB.
⦁ More often than others, it throws on BG and KR.
⦁ Looks closely at the system and IP.
⦁ Rolls live long and well.
All banks on this engine, as in the case of mycardinfo, put their name at the beginning of the link. For example, The Independet Bankers Bank (TIB) will
Features of this engine:
⦁ Very easy to roll, often enough with SSN, maximum SSN+DOB+ZIP. But this is rare. I have not yet met similar BG or CR or MMN.
⦁ Many business cards are rolled on this engine.
⦁ Gives a limited number of attempts for enrolling.
On this engine also roll banks of the CU and FCU network other banks too.Link:
Welcome To GoToMyCard! - GoToMyCard
Features of this engine:
⦁ Easy to roll, most often SSN+ZIP.
⦁ Reroll option is available.
⦁ Not demanding on IP, etc.
⦁ If the card dies, access to the personal account remains and we see the last 4 digits of the new card.
Also inserts the bank name, but after onlineaccessplus.Features of this engine:
⦁ Rolls by SSN+DOB, may also require MMN/ZIP/BG/CR.
⦁ Lives a long time.
⦁ Demanding to IP, etc.
5. Search for banks and links
The difficulty of finding new banks for Enroll is not in finding bins or banks themselves, but links for Enroll. Now many banks, especially FCU, CU networks, use outsource engines. You can read about these engines and their features in another lecture. We will search for banks by these engines in several ways.
Method 1. Search with Google.
Everything is simple here, let's take mycardinfo as an example. We go to Google and type mycardinfo, we get the following:

It gives us banks that have mycardinfo. We select a bank, look for a bin and go roll.
We can also set the query "credit union" + (this is a complete query). This will help to find links more clearly and get other results.

Method 2. Element code.
This method is more suitable for banks that roll on the pscu engine, but it works for others too. All pscu links differ only in the bank ID. Here is an example:
Lake Trust Credit Union
Generic Error Page - PSCU
Clearview FCU
As you can see, they differ only in clientID=****. This is the bank ID.
In order to parse all the links of these banks, we will need the service: or
In the search bar, enter
We obtain the following results:

We go to the site page, for example, the first Andrews FCU and open the element code and press Cntrl+F. Enter pscu.
As a result, we find a link in the element code using the search, follow it and here it is, our link for Enroll.

Method 3. Web analytics services.
There are many different web analytics services. We will use them to find new banks and links. You can choose any web analytics service in Google, I highlighted two:
Let's take the fdecs engine as an example. We go to the site and enter in the search bar. We get detailed analytics at this link, but we are specifically interested in the following blocks:

The first block is a block of sites from which people go to this link (fdecs), accordingly, by the name and the bank site, we find the bins and roll them to fdecs.
The second block is search queries that lead to fdecs.
It is better to make a paid subscription to these services and get more information, if you can't type it in, you can even get it from your own.
It's worth it.