Encrypted Notepad: minimalism and reliability - encrypt without unnecessary features


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Open source, AES-256 and user-friendly interface for maximum data protection.

Encrypted Notepad is a new open text editor that enables saving and uploading files using AES-256 encryption. It lacks ads, network connectivity, and unnecessary features, making it a simple and reliable tool.

Ivan Voras, the creator of Encrypted Notepad, said: "Like the Notepad app for Windows, it has no other functions than text editing. If someone wants to share stored and encrypted data between their devices, they can use services like Dropbox or NextCloud."

Files are encrypted using AES-256 and stored in the PGP/OpenPGP .asc format, which ensures compatibility with any other tools that use this standard. The following libraries are used to implement encryption:
  • ProtonMail’s libraries
  • CloudFlare’s circl
  • Golang’s x/crypto

Future plans and downloads​

Voras also shared his plans for the future: "The most likely change is to improve the user interface. I created Encrypted Notepad II using the Fyne framework. It has many advantages, including fast application development for multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, and Android are supported), but it needs to improve usability. In addition, I want to keep the app simple, but open to user suggestions."

Encrypted Notepad is available for free download on GitHub.

Interest in data security has continued to grow in recent months. Many users are looking for simple and effective solutions to protect their information. Encrypted Notepad meets these requirements by offering strong encryption without unnecessary complications. Users appreciate it for its ease of use and high degree of security, which makes it an excellent choice for those who care about the safety of their data.