Emotional addiction is addiction to a relationship with another person


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Emotional addiction can be very difficult to recognize, as its presence is often confused with strong feelings of love.

Culture intensively plays up the images of those who loved and died on the same day or suffered in the name of true love itself, thereby raising a psychological deviation to the rank of the norm.
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In science, a person who cannot live without another person is called a child (or a disabled person). However, in the eyes of most of the globe, the experiences of one person who cannot live without another are called love.

I have repeatedly heard the phrases “If I didn’t love, then I wouldn’t worry like that” and “I suffer because I love”. Suffering, the inability to be oneself or be happy without another, sometimes completely abstract "person who would love me" or "a person who would be next to me" are inextricably linked with love.

Many people live in unsatisfactory, destructive relationships, believing that this is the way it should be - "so that strong feelings and it is impossible to be without each other for a long time." And they do not understand that it could be different.

A healthy, harmonious personality is capable of creating relationships with many other personalities. This is due to the fact that “the central motivation of a person is the inner need to achieve rich, complex and passionate relationships with oneself, parents, peers, community, animals, nature, the surrounding world and the spiritual world” (L. Marcher, Danish psychotherapist).

A self-sufficient person is not someone who does not experience emotional experiences and the need to form close relationships with other people. This is the one who is not destroyed by them, who does not make another person a guarantee of his own happiness or unhappiness.


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We have to stop denying emotional addiction. We have to understand that sometimes it might be even more harmful than alcohol addiction or smoking. I felt that on myself. I got emotionally addicted to my ex-girlfriend. I thought we would always be together, and we would have kids, and so forth. When she left me, I was emotionally destroyed. Because of that, I started drinking. I replaced one addiction with another, from emotional to alcohol. The situation was so bad that my friend sent me to an alcohol and drug rehab. I'm really thankful to my friends and the doctors who helped me overcome both of these problems!
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