Embossing of plastic cards


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Card embossing
One of the types of personalization of plastic cards is embossing.
Embossing is the application of embossed letter or digital information on a plastic card, it is also a good addition or alternative to other types of personalization, as well as protection of plastic cards.

Benefits of embossing
First of all, it is a very reliable way to protect yourself from fraudsters. Embossed maps look very presentable and render very well. Also, an important plus is that you do not need additional equipment to read information.

What information is embossed on cards?
  • Company name and contact details
  • Owner's personal data
  • Serial number
  • Validity

How is embossing performed?
For embossing cards, special devices "Embossers" are used, which squeeze out all the necessary identification information on the finished (laminated) cards. The embossed symbols have clear boundaries and a uniform color, which is applied with a special foil and gives the embossing an attractive look.

We offer you a full range of services for the production of plastic cards with various types of personalization printing from 100 to 100,000 pcs. The timing of card production can be compressed from 1 to 5 days, depending on the size of the print run.
To order services for the production and personalization of cards, call us, or place an order on the website in the calculator section.