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I had a bad experience in relationship in last 1 year…thats the reason why i found it difficult to fall in love or trust in any man.

I met a guy online in 2010, We chat for some months and he claimed to be everything that i want, he promised to be there for me in eveything and take good Care of me, and not to hurt me in anyway… Well, he seems nice and true to me, we fell in love for eachother, someday, he invited me to come and meet him in Germany, and i decided to go, so far am seeking for the right man and i believe i had met him.

Well, for i have one heart and true heart with him,I did as he wanted, but not knowing that i would waste my time,my energy, my money to make my trip down to him by renewed my travelling passport and visa, bought flight ticket / and when i got to him, unfortunately for me when i got there. The first night he make love to me and we have fun and its because i love him… the third day, i went for shopping.. when i came back i met him with other lady and he denied me to be a stranger, i slept on the street for complete 4 days and i surfered alot.

Am really down and sad, since then i promised myself not to trust in any man and i decided not to have anything to do with any man again….but on the second hand, i believe am not meant to be alone for the rest of my life, i need a man to love and take good care of me and give me hope which are kids,and thats why i decided to give just one more try for any man that comes my way and now its your turn baby.. but i am still scared if the same thing will happen to me if i come there to you…

Well, i dont believe in rushing into relatioship with the man i dont even know or meet in person…i would love to meet the man in person before i can fall inlove for him with all my heart, cos he can surely treat me the same way as the first man i met….i need to be careful of men on here, they are wicked and liars….full of sweet words

Most of them would join dating site, pretend as if they are seeking for truelove..not knowing that they are on here to make cybersex and talk sex with the lady they meet, they would talk sex with lady and when they get hot and horny, they would masturbate and sign out , stop talking with the lady. Most of them are here to lie for ladies not knowing that every promises made are suppose to be fulfil, its better not to make promises than not to fulfil them.

Most of them would promise lady to make her happy and be always there for her, and someday after the lady fallen for them , they would stop talking to her and go on search with another lady , thats how they plays their game on internet, most are on here to have fun and some other naughty things, let me know what you are wanting from a lady and all you are seeking and whats your steps, cos i cant be wasting my time by sacrificing my time and moment, to be coming online to chat with a man thats lieing to me and the man thats gonna leave me someday after i have fallen for him….let me know whats on your mind, and i can know if i can go on with you or NO..cos am really deferents from those other ladies that are here to do non sense and to waste their moments for unserious men, whats on your mind, perhaps, how am gonna be sure you are not a player, wanna play with my head and go away someday.

Well, thats what the first man told me and still he shed tears from my innocent eyes.

I can give a try and see whats gonna happen, i would try my best not to fall so hard for you so if you hurt me i would just say goodbye to relationship in my life.
Let me give you a try and see whats gonna happen then….

So what i suggest if for us to keep chatting each passing day, getting you know eachother better and more feelings and know many things about eachother, then i can come down back to states to meet you in person, only if you are honest with me in all.