Earnings on premium phone numbers


Reaction score
Premium phone numbers are in great demand. Why? Everyone wants to stand out and emphasize their status. Many are likened to people who have a premium number, because it also emphasizes a person, and it is very pleasant to listen to a number with the same numbers. Remember the situation if it was, Dear customer, when you heard the premium phone number. We pay attention immediately and everyone likes this number. On this sophistication you will earn money. This topic will always be relevant. The main thing is literacy and ingenuity. There is no need to invent anything supernatural for customers. All psychological tricks will be indicated and following them you can easily earn as much as you want. In our time, show-off is the main weapon in front of anyone. Our most important weapon in our work is speech circulation. You need to write correctly and punctually. I draw many people to this, and trust in the seller increases. The desire to work is naturally required. You must develop a skill for further work. Better skill means better work. So let's get started.

We will need
  • operator sim-card;
  • drop, can be found on any forum;
  • free message board accounts;
  • any cell phone;
  • disposable e-mail address.


We proceed to the registration of the ad.

Here you also need to think carefully. Most people fall for the wrapper without realizing what awaits them. Our implementation requires manipulative text that will spark the buyer's eyes. You also need to create an illusion of scarcity among buyers.


Here you need to specify the title correctly. It is a good headline that attracts buyers. Seeing the headline, the buyer should pay attention - this is one of the important parts of the ad.

How to build customer confidence? Easy! We just need to satisfy his need for everything. We take this ad seriously. All work depends on the success of our ad.

Example heading: Exclusive premium mobile phone number of the MTS company.

The essence of the announcement

To attract interesting in the text, be sure to indicate the question. For example: “Are you hungry for attention? We will help! " We compose all this from the interest of the audience of a certain section. Also, do not forget that we must convey the whole point to the buyer in short sentences. People don't like to read plain text either.

An example of a served ad:

“Want to stand out? We will solve your problem! We sell an exclusive / rare and premium MTS phone number - 8-950-000-00-00.

The sale is carried out in one hand, the renewal of the phone number is included in the price. "


The ad must be submitted by the drop!

You can shine a light on him in the course of affairs, or you can say nothing at all.

It is very easy to find it, we just write that we need a person to submit ads, usually I will announce services of 20 rubles per one!

You can do everything yourself, but I would not recommend it, since you will need the costs of a Dedicated + VPN.

After you have found a drop, we throw off the text and photos for him, which should be in the ad.

Elimination of "harmful" questions

Here, I advise you to prepare in advance. There is no need to delay the sales process, as well as the buyer will understand that we are serious. We must answer dramatically and without further ado!

I also want to note that I tell the buyer right away - "We can call you from this phone number." This phrase will inspire great confidence in you!

Buyer question # 1

Why is the sale so cheap?

Our answer: I, an employee of MTS, have access to a certain database of free numbers. These numbers are issued retroactively and are not purchased from our website. This is additional income.

Buyer question # 2

Will they block the phone number after purchase?

Our answer: Blocking the purchased phone number is excluded. Registration takes place according to the rules of the MTS company.

Buyer question # 3

How will you prove that you have this number?

Our answer: We can call you from this phone number and talk, but not for long, since the phone number is not registered for an individual.

Buyer question # 4

How will you deliver my sim-card if I cannot come to you?

Our answer: Delivery is carried out by the Russian Post, it is possible to send a parcel with cash on delivery, as well as by Trade Companies of your choice.

Buyer question # 5

What kit is included when purchasing a phone number?

Our answer: The package includes a contract for registration of a phone number, sim-card.

Buyer question # 6

Can I drive up to get my phone number?

Our answer: Yes, of course. By contacting us in advance.

Mostly, this is a simple check of the buyer before buying. 80% of people will not come to us, but will simply ask to send it via mail. But if a person really wants to drive up, we ignore it.

Be sure to negotiate on behalf of a company employee and communicate intelligently. We address the buyer only on "you". No bad language, no gross mistakes. All of this leads to acquisition failure. Correctly put answers inspire confidence in the buyer. Trust is a gift. Hard to earn, but easy to lose.

Conversation with the interlocutor

I also want to pay special attention to talking on the phone.

You must understand that you should communicate very carefully and without any fear when speaking. Control your emotions. Don't relax when you call. It is important! Always be on the alert and do not let the will slip "incorrect" words. Fear in the conversation is clearly audible - this is a tremor.

This should be avoided. How?

I'll tell you:
  • take a deep breath and exhale quickly;
  • imagine that you are talking with a friend;
  • calm down mentally and physically;
  • give yourself the incentive that it is your client who will pay in full.
The incentive to receive money is very calming and gives strength to promote the buyer.

Set a specific goal for yourself. Before picking up the phone, clearly and correctly formulate the sentence you want to say.

Be sure to take the lead in the conversation. What does it mean? This method specializes in “hitting” the customer in the forehead.

More about this method

As stated above, We must take the lead in the conversation and not let the buyer ask questions. Tell the buyer everything directly to discourage all unnecessary questions. This method is also good because We show a sincere interest in the customer. This adds credibility to us. Why? Getting down to business immediately is an act of a serious person who is in the mood for a business conversation.

These techniques will help you focus on work and increase your productivity. Directly, for the first time, you will be nervous. I assure you - it will go away with the acquired skill.


If a person, in spite of all the nuances laid out, does not trust us, you need to apply the skill of persuasion.

What is a conviction ask me? Persuasion is a very necessary and "subtle" element that is achieved in a painstaking way. Our task is for the buyer to think in his head: “Can you buy it all the same?”. This buyer's thought is a thread for which we will continue to pull until the product is purchased.

Hypnotic composed sentence

The method is based on letting the buyer understand what he will receive after the purchase. For example: "By purchasing this mobile phone, you get a fairly high self-esteem, and this is the key to success."

After that, a person ponders this thought and comes to the conclusion that this is really so and you can put yourself high physically and psychologically. This method should not be abused. Why: Excessive use of these sentences can blur the picture a little when selling. One application on the customer will be enough.

Alerting the buyer when there are enough customers

The method is also hypnotic. Our main job is to make it clear to the client that if a refusal comes, we will not lose anything and the goods will go to another person. Also make it clear that the client base is not in short supply, but on the contrary - is replenished.


Here we should not prevent the buyer from knocking down the price, but rather cheating him a little. We pretend that the price is already too low and we need to consult with a certain person. Do not under any circumstances agree immediately after the buyer's proposal! This will give an impetus to the buyer's doubt in your direction. While a person thinks and is proud that he can bring down the price and completely forgets about everything, We are acting according to our plan.

Organization of pricing policy

I provide a fully working price that will arouse the interest of the buyer. The price was revealed during the course of work and a complete analysis of the market. The optimal cost of a sim-card is 5.000- 8.000 rubles. It is necessary to consider which sim-card. At your request, you can make a discount.

You can also go to the MTS website and look for the best premium gold numbers. Did you see a suitable one? We reduce the cost from the market value by 40%. I would like to note that we take only the best phone numbers for implementation.

Offer a person something that he cannot refuse - a sweet price.

As practice has revealed, most people agree immediately to purchase, and even a small discount.

Main job

How do I call us from a premium phone number? In fact, there is nothing complicated. Imagine the face of a person who actually sees a call to his mobile phone from a number, for example, + 1-919-111-11-11.

The person will immediately become stupefied and believe 100 percent.

So, we have to go to the site builder okis.ru.

Okis is a suitable site that partners with Jivosite.

Go to the site, click the "Register" button, fill in all the "E-mail" / "Pass" fields. Enter the left Email address. After that, select any template. Have you chosen? Well done.

After that, you will be redirected to the page for entering personal information on the site - this is

1 - "Site name"

We choose any name of the site. The name of the site does not play any role in our work.

2 - "E-mail"

Enter your E-mail address, which you indicated during registration.

3 - "Pass"

Enter your Pass, which you indicated during registration.

After entering our data, we click on the "Create a site" button.

We were transferred to a page called "Personal Account", as well as a list of your sites. This list will contain the site that you specified before registration.

Opposite your site there will be a button "Editor". Click and go to the editor mode of your site.

Next, we need to go to the section of our site - "Advertising". In the upper right corner of the site editor there is a button "Settings", and there, therefore, the section we need.

After clicking you will open a window for entering the HTML code.

We do not enter or close anything!

Next we need a site called "Jivosite".

This is a site that implies an Online Consultant.

We go through the registration by entering the left data, namely: E-mail, Name, Password.

In the line where the name of the site is indicated, enter the link of our site, which was pointed to Okis.ru. We do not indicate our phone number.

We refuse to install the software.

Next, you will be presented with a window with the HTML code of the Jivosite client itself, which we need to install in the advertisement section. This is done very simply. Click the "Copy" button, and then paste the HTML code into the "Advertising" section.

Go back to the Jivosite website and find the Settings section. You will see the "CallBack" section. This section is responsible for calls to our customer.

There we see several fields:

1 - "Phone number for Caller ID".

This section is responsible for our phone number. Let me explain: In this field we enter our selling phone number, which will be displayed to the victim when he calls.

2 - "Notify by SMS".

We skip this section.

3 - "Send an SMS business card to the client after the conversation."

In this section, be sure to uncheck the box.

4 - "Initial value of the timer".

In this section, set 10 seconds instead of 27 seconds.

Then the section "Working hours" is waiting. This section is responsible for the performance of your number. Depending on how you want to work. You set your convenient value, but for myself I set it 24 hours a day. This is convenient because you will no longer need to set up our phone number.

Go to the section "Operator contacts".

Here you will see three fields:

1 - Your Nickname specified during registration.

2 - "To the phone".

We leave it as it is.

3 - "Phone number".

In this field, we indicate the left phone number.

We save and update the page.

After that, we go to the site itself that we created.

There you will see the Jivosite client. Click on the client himself, and then click on "Request a call". In the field where it says "Phone number" we indicate the number that we are going to call. After the ordered call, he will see an incoming number with a premium number!

We do not talk for as long as possible, because there are certain gatherings. If a person calls back, he will not get through. Here we inform the client that the sim-card is not issued to an individual and a long conversation can block this phone number.