Earnings on PayPal and Instagram


Reaction score
What we need to work:
• Warmed up accounts in Instagra (you can buy them for a penny);
• Promotion service, like Instaplus;
• A little patience.

First of all, we need to register in the Playpay.biz affiliate program. Registration is extremely simple, so I will not describe it in detail. After logging into your account, you will have a sidebar:

We need to go to the landing pages and select the offer we are interested in. The most profitable offer in this affiliate program is PrizeBox, but we will need MobiGamer, since we will be channeling our traffic to purchases of game accounts and currency.

Everything. Create your own link, then in the "tools" section take a picture, a promotional code and come up with a creative that you will send in the future.

We design a profile:
Now we need to fill our Instagram account with content of the topic that you choose. For example, various funny pictures dedicated to the game Brawl Stars. You can do the same, or take another game and come up with something interesting.

After you have completely formalized your instagram, look for an account of the game that you have chosen, and then start following people from this account. Since they will most likely be interested in the topic, most of them will subscribe in response.

After you gain 500-600 subscribers, you can make the first mailing using the instaplus.me service. But! Do not rush to register there immediately. Register there only when you need the number of subscribers, because upon registration you will be given a few days of free use.

Decide which creatives to use, for example "Only today, prime accounts with a 90% discount" and a picture from the offer tools.

Screenshots of income statistics (income was on the days of mailings):
All this was done from only one account and it took 30-40 minutes a day. Scale, make 10, 20, 50, 100 accounts and you will earn a lot.
