Earnings on network equipment


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We will bend the greedy provider and live at his expense for a while.

My first decent earnings without making a nichrome, fucked up the equipment, sold it, then put it on the stream, found drops, they dragged these network pieces of hardware for $ 10, by the way, as a result, the volumes reached an industrial scale, brought in 100 pieces a week, several wholesale buyers in different cities ... all employment half a day a week at most.

We are interested in house provider vandal-proof cabinets for a 19 "rack of this type.

IMPORTANT: We are not interested in GPON cabinets.

This is a waste of time, there is nothing iron inside, all the more valuable. "Optics" always comes to the cabinet we need and "copper" comes out, see the photo. Only optics enter and exit GPON!

Providers have several types of boxes. 1-2 of them are opened quite quickly: you walk along the porch's, in the basements you are looking for a drawer in which the lock is internal and it is located on the door so that the tongue, when fully closed, rests against the side wall of the cabinet.

You hit once on the wall and on the tongue, 1-2 blows are enough, the pale does not cause.

Type two: a thick-walled heavy box with hinges on a barn lock.

If the lock is firm, just by, but the rascals, the signalmen save on everything, mostly Chinese locks. You take a heavier tire iron and a small sledgehammer with you. We put the crowbar on the lock from above under the bow and scald it from above once or twice.

And the thermite mixture will melt any lock, when the cabinet is open, we first need to unscrew everything that interferes with the removal, and not disconnect half of the house from the Internet, while smoking a whitefish, scratch turnips and blunt. Actually, we unscrew 4 cross bolts from the unit, take out or cut all the RJ-45s just more carefully! Ports are the only thing that is checked when selling. If you pull it sharply, the connector may fail, there will be problems with the sale. Often more than one switch (switch) is installed in the cabinet, there are two or even several! Depends on the number of connections, as soon as 24 apartments are connected - put another piece of iron, when 48 then the third.

At this point it is worth talking about brands and models: we are interested in any D-Link, Alcatel. For me personally, the list is over, but for you it may not, the whole point is that these Dlinks and all other brands, in advance, always set a PASSWORD! And if you don’t know the password, count the brick, but when faced with this dastardly fail, I soon found out that there is still a way.

I translated the entire manual, studied this piece of hardware as if I had invented it myself, as a result, only after resetting the password and factory settings, this shit gains value! If you don’t know the password, you don’t know this method either - prepare a ruble and a half for each system default, if you browse thematic forums, there will be a person who, without any risk to himself, will help you out and these few who know and keep it secret, i.e. because they chop one and a half in two minutes.

Next, you need a sales market. This is not a problem - again, on the forums, a lot of people buy. For the regions - mail, train or cargo transportation to help, buyers willingly work with the regions, because no one will come to them for sure to check serial numbers.

The appraiser is individual, as agreed. For example, I used to trash old used earpieces for $ 100 and knowing the method with a password, I was more than happy with the profit. For a couple of hours, he could pick 10 pieces.

There will be more in Moscow due to competition: count two providers, this is already 2 closets next to each other, and each may contain more than one.

Now, in more detail on the model range: for me, for example, everything is limited to D-Link and Alcatel, that is, I can hack any model of these brands, since they make up 90% if I walk randomly.

If you know how to break other brands, then the flag is for you, as they say, and if you pay one fig, then again don't you give a damn about the name ... there are also Huawei, Cisco, Zyxel and others.

Extracted - zeroed - sold - earned money. The sale takes place according to one scenario: you yourself from the provinces work for a local provider, he updated all the equipment, and forced you to remove and write off the old one, and you could not resist not to make money out of the blue.

You meet in a cafe with an outlet and poke a patch cord into each port, catch a link, then 1-2 of the heap will be checked for passwords. If a person knows the method, then by any means he will remove ALL passwords, not half.

Briefly about access to basements and attics: personally, I have never been soared, or rather, the question of access has never limited me, there are a lot of ways to fuck a grandmother, for example: you buy ordinary crusts in stationery for $ 1. choose a better red color, preferably with a coat of arms and on the spread there should be a flag and not an abstract ornament. The flag immediately warms the grandmother's heart, you know, glue your photo, put a fuck on any seal, fill in and call yourself whatever you want, then come with this dock, for example any "Telekom" company and ask to give you some specific keys, grandmother is looking for your last name, of course not finds, you groan and gasp, they say, "here are the goats, they never brought me in!" you act out this small role and you go to make the norms of dock. After all, you memorized a few surnames from that list while grandmother was looking for her glasses, that's it, your access is now official! This is just one way, further your creativity.

Knowing the method, each way out is $ 500 or 5-6 pieces of iron, which, with the right approach to business, can be taken out from the very first basement.

By the way, no one will tell you anything, this is not their property, no one can even give evidence, no one will understand what it is at all.

The scheme can be improved: house switches of the 2nd level, they are put 1 by 2 porch's, cheap and unnecessary to anyone, because the peasants do not know the secret method, they often fuck and just throw it away. But, in all these home FTTx networks, there are control switches, they are already from $ 500 and more, there are pieces of iron for several million, such are put one per ring, somewhere for 7-10 houses. It remains to find out where this room is located (as a rule, it is also in the basement or attic, you can track the cables, if they are from above, most of all the ends go there.

You can get this information in the UDF or whatever is there instead of it, such small rooms do not have special protection or protection, most often just a room with an iron door and the same barn lock, there is a bolt cutter and a rake.

If you're lucky, the equipment of neighboring districts can also stand in the same room, the exhaust is approximately from $ 2000, but I would count on $ 5000 from one such deluge.

Another plus that the specifics are very narrow, blunt-nosed garbage cops will never take this business - to look for stolen Cisco Systems 24-port gigabit house L2 switches with an uplink and a web-interface for installation in a ring. That's how they are called correctly, the garbage cop will never even remember such words, so no one will look for them. The provider needs to urgently restore the network and the next day they will fix everything, they cannot wait for the end of the investigation and waste time.