Earnings on moral harm


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To implement the scheme, we need:
  • legal entity;
  • Current account for legal entity;
  • Little experience in document flow.
In the field of law, there is such a thing as moral harm. There is a certain procedure for compensation for moral damage, there is a presumption of moral harm, certain signs of victim guilt.

We register in one of the groups on social networks, from our legal entity, a store selling some kind of fuss, in my case, this is clothes, since the legal entity codes are on the gear.

I previously had an online store and, purely to cover up my activities, at the place of registration, I opened an legal entity. Naturally, I did not pay any taxes, I paid a fixed fee established by law, as a holder of a sales outlet.

I offered to provide my passport data as a guarantor of the fulfillment of my obligations to the customers of clothing from the regions. That is, in reality, I photographed my passport, and sent it to the person, prompting him that if, roughly speaking, I took the loot for the gear and did not send it, he would be able, according to my passport data, to go to the police. By the way, I accepted grandmothers to the account of an individual, that is, to my bank card.

Please pay attention to this moment!

If we open the Constitution, we will see that a person has the right to protect his personal information regarding the Internet, this is even spelled out in the “Facebook” rules that a person who has acquired any personal information about social network users MUST keep it secret, and does not have no right to post these proofs in the public domain. This is punishable by both contact admins and, naturally, by law.

What do we do next. Then we are with you, we keep our online store on social networks for a month, create an imaginary economic activity, revive the group, ask our friends to post a photo with the product on the page, write various reviews. I recommend that you even take the loot into the account of an individual, in order to certify that people actually bought something.

Further, these dibs are removed from the card, and given back, for example, to a person.

The next stage, now a month has passed, things seem to be going well, there are sales.

We find any community that meets the requirements of your target audience. Suppose you sell children's clothes, and the community that you find will be a great educational resource in terms of child education. It is imperative that the topics of the community be indicated as mass media.

Again, according to the legislation, the same fact works here that works in the sphere of entrepreneurs who are engaged in activities illegally. If a person does not have registration of his activities in accordance with the procedure provided for by law, then such a person is liable before the law in the same way as the one who is registered!

Most likely, such a community does not have state registration as a media, but this does not exempt this community from the responsibility that it would bear if it were registered as a media.

The next step is to create fictitious correspondence with real people with whom no one can prove the fact of your personal acquaintance. The fiction should indicate that this accomplice / accomplice of yours has expressed a desire to purchase children's shoes from you in small wholesale, for commercial purposes. The second person also decided to purchase children's overalls in small wholesale for commercial purposes. It is better not to be impudent and stop at an amount of 300-400 thousand.

We carry out the transfer of this money by bank transfer in order to certify that the fact of the transfer of money, as a full prepayment, is present. We print a receipt, scan, send an electronic version to fictitious customers. It is important that from the side of the conclusion of transactions and entrepreneurship in general, everything should be done in white.

Further, we muddy the certificates of quality, we forge certificates of conformity on the printer in general, all the accompanying documents that are inherent in a foreign product.

Next, we turn to our media, write to the administrator, and ask him to place our advertising post, of course for the money. In this, as a rule, no one ever refuses.

And now, we create a completely left page - it will not make any sense in the proceedings. And on behalf of the left page we write to the admin something like: bum, whose posts are you advertising? He throws people, I transferred money to him (a) and nothing came to me, are you getting too sick or something?! Right now, everywhere in the comments I will write that you threw advertisements, I will write to the contact admins, the community will be blocked. Are you in cahoots with him? and so on.

As a rule, group admins are chasing activity, of course, they are preparing a post about the fact that this person throws people, that an unknown person has addressed, who provided proofs. Also, on behalf of the left page, the group administrator needs to throw off the passport data that you, as a left person, allegedly became known from personal correspondence. As you remember, I pointed out that as a guarantor I threw off my passport.

The admin of a public that positions itself as a media posts a post.

Further, our fictitious customers write to us that they no longer have a desire to have a legal relationship in the field of purchase / sale, declare their legal requirements for breaking the monetary policy and refunding funds. We send the entire amount, in the amount of 300-400 thousand, to customers.

Let's screen the post, then, according to the law, we have every right to immediately go to court and law enforcement agencies, without notifying the publisher of the post, that is, we don’t tell him in advance that what he made public is not true.

Then we go out into the street, call an ambulance, say that the heart beats very hard, darkens in the eyes, and so on.

An ambulance arrives, picks us up, we complain harshly about our health. As a rule, with such complaints, the ambulance allegedly relieves the acute condition and leaves in the hospital for tests and other fuss.

You can also carry absurd delirium, behave inadequately, so that the doctors ascertained a nervous breakdown, prescribed appropriate medications and other fuss.

The main thing that I forgot to do, on behalf of the left informant, is also necessary to conduct a fictitious deal, the left informant expressed a desire to buy a certain position, ordered it, we threw off his passport, he loot us (we send this part to the admin media), and then, the informant writes that they say he refuses to buy, asks to return the money, we transfer the money back to him from our account (we do not send this part on behalf of the informant to the group administrator, but this must be done, this will be a legal fact of our conscientiousness, and proof that that the post that the admin posted based on the words of the left informant is not true!).

What we have as a result

1. Lost profit in the amount of 400 thousand.

2. Harm to health - nervous breakdown. This confirms the fact that we suffered morally and physically, a direct basis for compensation for moral harm.

3. Illegal disclosure of our personal information, the inviolability of which is guaranteed by the Constitution.

Accordingly, looking at the jurisprudence at the Federal Justice Department, I want to say that the court satisfies 100% of the plaintiff's claims for compensation for lost profits, but severely reduces moral harm. That is, if we request about 100-150 thousand as compensation for moral damage, from the bottom 30-20 percent will be satisfied, but also money.

We go to court, we win the case. Taking into account our own judicial practice, as well as materials that are published on the Internet on similar cases, the claims of loss of profits will be satisfied.

Moreover, the court will oblige to publish a post, which will be a refutation of an attempt to defame honor, dignity, and business reputation.

This scheme does not work on behalf of a legal entity, since the legislation states, precisely in the Civil Code, that moral harm is non-property harm, which manifests itself in moral and physical suffering, respectively, a legal entity cannot experience such suffering - courts refuse to satisfy similar requirements.