Earnings on loan processing


Reaction score
This scheme is based on divorce. We have three roles to play: the role of a loan broker, a bank specialist, and a person who prepares documents. Or it could be 3 different people, ideally.

Stage 1
We place an advertisement "Assistance in obtaining a loan". About 30-50 people start calling us (the credit broker) a day. With good advertising, 100 people will call. We tell everyone that we work without any prepayments, payment only when you receive money, etc. Our client, of course, agrees and provides us with all the data necessary to submit an application to the bank. We say that we will indicate that he works in Good Loan LLC, since this is a corporate client of the bank and the employees of this company are more loyal.

Stage 2
We wait about 5 hours and already under the guise of a bank specialist we call (number 8-800 or 499) first to the relatives and friends of our client, ask them. We wait 1-2 hours for them to tell him about it. And at the end, we call him, arrange a conversation, ask (how a bank employee would do it) and finally declare that his loan is approved and he must come to the bank branch with documents from his place of work (the same Good Loan LLC).

Stage 3
Our client, of course, calls his broker (this is us) and declares that everything was approved, but they ask for documents from the place of work. We say that the application indicated that he works at Good Loan LLC and that the working phone number of this company was also indicated. We tell him that you need to do the documents and connect to the phone of this company and answer the bank's call when he calls to work for verification. But, unfortunately, we are not doing this. Our client starts looking for this service on the Internet, but by itself he does not find anything. He comes back to us and says that he did not find anything. And then we accidentally remember that there is a person who made the documents to our previous client and kindly give the phone number to our victim.

Stage 4
Our client calls the phone number that we gave him. And there we are again, as a person who prepares documents. We announce the price from $ 300 up to $ 500. The client almost always agrees, if everyone has won beautifully, since he has nothing to lose, the loan has already been approved. We make documents + a copy of the work book and sell them. Profit.

Why doesn't the victim make a claim?
Since the purchase of these documents is a criminal matter. After all, he will not go to the police and claim that he bought fake documents. Also, for those who are especially stupid, we will make a note attached to the documents that the acquisition of these documents is a criminal case and all responsibility lies with them. My profit for 1 day of advertising = $ 3000. Now let's take a look at everything in detail.

1 Preparation

The most inexpensive and effective advertising for this activity is message boards.

Placing ads on such boards is free, and the efficiency is high. Paid placement is also possible. On average - $ 3 in a day.

The announcement may look like this: “We issue a loan through the bank's security service, we consider any difficult situations.
100% guaranteed receipt. We work without prepayment, commissions and fees. Our 10% commission is paid by you only upon receipt of the loan. Age from 18 to 65 years old. Amounts from $ 2000 to $ 20000"

After placing your ads, you will receive at least 30 calls per day.

If you set up advertising in Google AdWords, then there will be no hang-up from clients at all, from 100 calls at least. How to set up ask me in ace or google.

We need three phones. For a broker, for a bank employee and for a person who prepares documents. SIM cards are of course left, not in our name.

If ordinary mobile phones are suitable for the first and third, then for a bank employee we need to connect a number starting with 499 or 8-800, if possible.

This can be easily done in these offices.

In general, everything will cost us somewhere in the $ 50. When connecting, you may need a scan of your passport to complete the contract (the whole process takes about an hour).

We need trust number so that when they call, allegedly from a bank, customers believe that they are really being called from the bank. Just a psychological move.

It is very important to initially prepare yourself psychologically and think everything through in our three images. Especially if all three roles are played by you alone. By delegating at least one of the roles, of course, it will become easier to work and clients will be easier to handle, since there will be no duplicate votes. I processed all clients alone, it worked out, but for this you need to clearly separate 3 personalities. Their style, manner of communication and preferably voice.

There are 3 personalities

Broker. This is an honest broker who, in principle, does not take money for anything until his client receives a loan. Requests only 10-15% of the loan amount. Speaks harshly and clearly. Knows exactly what he says. He has little time, he has many clients and he has no time to lisp with every client. Yes, yes, no, no. He's too good to question his words and question him in trifles.

Bank security officer. Robot. There is no other way to name it. A person without emotions and words of parasites, with competent speech asks a person about his personality, work and goals for credit money. Speaks haughtily, but within the limits of decent. No unnecessary words, just in fact. He is a person who decides whether to give a person a loan or not. Clients are afraid of him. He touches not one or two questions, but asks meticulously. Asks, informs and goodbye. Nothing more.

Salesman of documents. A person is not gentle in communication. He knows he is providing an exclusive service. Nobody can connect to someone else's phone except him. He knows his own worth and the value of his service. But a person is understanding and can make concessions, having entered the position of the client, and throw off a bit the price. He does not explain how he does all this, since he is not obliged to tell anyone the scheme of his work, he has no competitors and he will not produce them. We prepared everything that we needed for our work: advertising, phones and ourselves! Now let's get down to the work itself.

2. Getting started
A loan broker is a person who helps to get a loan, in our case, with the help of friends at the bank. After the launch of the advertisement, we will receive calls. As I said earlier, from 30 to 100 calls, this is in Moscow. In the regions, of course, less.

A conversation with a client might look like this:
- Hello. I'm calling for help getting a loan. What are your conditions?
- We work without any prepayment, no fees, payment only upon receipt of a loan. We take 12% of the loan amount. Loan amount up to $ 20000. The application is submitted remotely, through us, you come to the bank only to receive money.
- Great, only I have a bad credit history.
- It doesn't matter, we have our own people in the bank. You will receive an answer about the bank's decision within one day and you can receive money!
- And what is required of me for this?
- Send scans of your passport, TIN (SSN), phone number of a relative or friend. Also in the application, we will indicate that you work in Good Loan LLC, this is a corporate client of the bank and banks are loyal to the employees of this organization. Send all your data to us by mail and we will conduct an application.
- Will you need documents from Good Loan LLC?
- Very rarely, usually we carry out without it, but in rare cases they may be required upon receipt of money. That is, only if you are approved. Let's first let them approve, and then we'll think about the little things?! I guarantee 100% receipt.

Everything. After such a conversation, 80% will send the data for sure.
More. We wait half an hour, call the client back and say that we have brought his application to the bank and he and his relative (whom he indicated) will soon receive a call from the bank. Tell him to warn the relative to answer the call. And the client needs to describe what we indicated in the application - who he works at LLC "Good Loan", what is the salary, how long has he been working there, in general, tell him his legend for the bank.
Notice! We need to do everything as if we are really stirring up a person's credit.
Now we are waiting for 5 hours and a bank employee comes into play.

We call a relative of our client from the trust number, introduce ourselves as a bank employee and ask about our client. A script for a conversation with a relative:
- Hello! Ivanov Ivan?
- You are disturbed from bank, my name is Sergey.
- Tell me, do you know Anatoly Sergeevich?
- What is he to you?
- Do you know what he works for?
- In what company?
- How would you characterize him, is he a responsible person?
- Thank you Ivanov Ivan for your time. All the best.

We wait another hour and a half. This is done so that the relative called our client and said that he was called from the bank about him.
We already call our client, again introduce ourselves as a bank employee, and ask: First, we check all his personal data. For example:
- Hello! Vlasov Anatoly Sergeevich? You are disturbed from bank, my name is Sergey.
State your date of birth, passport series and number, registration. It's like checking.
He said everything ... -
Thank you. How long have you been with Good Loan LLC? What is the name of the CEO? What about an accountant? What are your responsibilities? What is the salary?
I named everything ... we say:
- Wait a minute please. Your data has been processed and your loan has been approved. The loan amount is *** $, the interest rate is **, *% per annum, the loan term is 48 months, your monthly payment will be *** $. You need to come to any branch of the bank with your passport, a second document, a certificate and a copy of your work book.
We communicate with restraint and culture, without wasting words. Now we are waiting for the client's call to the broker (us). The client calls and tells everything, says that they demanded the documents.
You speak:
-You need to connect to the phone number of Good Loan LLC, so that when they called from the bank, the person who will connect and confirm that you work there, because in Good Loan LLC itself, no one knows about it. Unfortunately, we are not doing this. Find an office on the Internet that will make documents for LLC "Good Loan" and connect to their phone number.
A person disappears for half a day or a day, searches all over the Internet for such a service. It goes without saying that no one can provide it, only if someone deceives and says that they will do it. Therefore, you can tell the client in advance that when they will receive the documents, let them first call Good Loan LLC and check whether they are connected to the phone number or not. This is not to be thrown by someone other than us. The more he loses on the side, the less willing he will give us our money.
We are waiting for him to call us again and say that he has not found such a service anywhere.
We listen to him whining that there is no such thing anywhere, what should he do, etc.
And suddenly we suddenly remember and say:
-By the way, here yesterday my former client found one person, he did everything to her, she received $ 10000, but it seems to be over $ 500. Do you want to ask her for the phone number of this person?
Here, either the person agrees or not. But the majority agree on $ 500 and $ 700. Why is it so easy? What about? Even if there is no money, they will borrow, since they have already approved 1 million rubles, well, they will spend $ 500, but they will receive 1 million. That's all.
We call the client back and say that we got the phone number and dictate it. The client calls our third person - the person who makes the documents.
We say that a package of documents for a loan with a connection to a phone number costs 10 (20.25.30) thousand $. We do not explain to him how we do it, etc., if he asks. I don't like let it go fuck, why should we tell our secrets. If you want - order, no - goodbye.
If it crumples a lot, reduce the price, if you are interested, of course. We do it without prepayment. In order not to frighten off. But you also need to work very quickly so that he does not change his mind. I made an order - in 2 or 3 hours the person should have the documents.

The client ordered the service.

We open the certificate that I gave you, fill out according to the instructions.

You buy a work book ($ 30), you can remove 100 copies from it, so as not to buy any more. Copy only the first 2 pages. Fill out the work book in the same way as in the attached instructions.

In the file with documents, in the middle of the papers, put a sheet with a printed inscription - “Buying forged documents is a criminal case. After purchasing the documents, all responsibility for the use of these documents lies solely with you.

We strongly recommend not to tell anyone that you have acquired documents of this nature, for your own safety, as this is punishable by law. " This is for the cowardly and especially stupid, so that they do not even think to poke their heads into the garbage later. We give the documents to the courier, he quickly delivers the order and we get PROFIT. We get rid of the client.

Option 1

The broker finds out from the client that he has bought the documents, checks Chamomile's phone number and makes sure that there is no confirmation there, informs the client. The client was thrown by the person who was doing the documents, whose phone number is already turned off. The broker has nothing to do with it, since he just did a favor and was not responsible for the seller.

Option 2

With a broker, we raise a fraud that the bank was burned, that the client submitted a left application and provided not real data. We call as if from the security service of the bank and begin to drive that we can submit an application to the police and for every nightmare, for collusion with a broker and posting an application bypassing the base. That they wanted to get money in a fraudulent way. Here the majority of clients will unstuck and will not think about money, but about not getting into big problems.

Option 3

Stupid to throw, change phone numbers.

Option 4

Think of it yourself) By the way. When we sell documents, it is best to buy the same direct phone number, which was the type indicated in the application, and when the documents are delivered to the client and he decides to call to check the connection, they will answer and confirm that the client works at Good Loan LLC.

You can improve the scheme in any way, adjust it for yourself. Request 10 thousand rubles for docks. and take in volume and besides, few people will chase after $ 150, or have fewer clients, but for $ 500. Everything is at your discretion.