Earnings on HYDRA


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If you think that I will rub you in about the prospects of working as a cladman, then you are very wrong. On the contrary, today's blow will be dealt on these very runners!


I am more than sure that almost everyone has seen such ads on the Telegram open spaces:

Most of you thought: "So what? Most likely some scammer wants to throw a sucker on bail, a common story."

No, amigos. Such a divorce is the last century, and trying to do it is a sign of a not quite distant person.

Creative and sophisticated businessmen have long come up with a way to deceive potential employees, even if they check blacklists and insist on a guarantor (before receiving the master treasure).

Let's get down to implementation:

We go to the infamous hydra site, create a new account there.

2. We are looking in the same place for advertisements of stores to find employees. Geo - all CIS. It is advisable to find offers with the smallest collateral, as well as to make sure that the employer agrees to the guarantor before receiving the master treasure.

3. At the same time, we are looking for bulletin boards in the telegram (I will not do free advertising for them, it is extremely easy to find them).

4. We publish, wherever possible, an ad about the search for treasure men in a prohibited gas. It is important to indicate in the announcement:

A) That you agree to work through a well-known guarantor (this greatly increases the "conversion").

B) The amount of collateral that you take (I recommend setting the usual 5k for everyone).

5. When you start to write fools who want to grab more, we introduce ourselves as a well-known store (you can steal the name from Hydra or Legal.rs). We explain that we give out the master treasure only on a pledge, and that we are ready to work through a guarantor. Mammoths, hearing the word "guarantor", relax and no longer think about anything. In the employment process, it is important to note that:

A) The store (i.e. you) provides huge discounts to employees. For example, 1g of buds will cost 1300 instead of 1500, and wholesale discounts will be even more impressive - 2500 for 5g. The typical drug addict will find it extremely difficult to resist such a proposal.

B) Salary every 2 weeks / month. Most stores do this so that the poor guys do not leave work after the first day.

6. Explained all the principles of work to the young shny-courier? He agreed? Wonderful. We call the guarantor, set the table, get him to work. After transferring the pledge to the guarantor, we promise that we will discard the coordinates of the master tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The mammoth should not get too worn out from this, his money from the guarantor did not disappear at all (but this is only a matter of time).

7. We return to Hydra and apply for the vacancy of the store (from the city of your sucker). We ask the operator about the working conditions, take the guarantor of the hydra, throw the deposit out of our pocket, get settled and get the coordinates of the master treasure. All these cases usually drag on for a day or two, but we do not need to rush. Time is our main assistant. Again, it is advisable to find vacancies with collateral, for example, in 3k. So you will pay off already at the beginning of the execution of your dark deeds.

8. We drop the coordinates of the master from the store to our mammoth and send him to work. There is a 1-2% risk that your employee, having scored on bail, will hide with the foreman. But he will not do this, because from 1 master treasure the collateral will not pay off, and greed will play a role.

9. For some time we work according to the following scheme: the coordinates of the master and the required number of treasures are thrown off to you, you send all this information to the mammoth, he works for you, you send the treasures made by him back to the store.

10. Remember, I wrote about discounts? So, you understand that in this craft there are almost no clean healthy people (athletes do not run from garbage). Very soon, your runner will want to shop cheaply. If he takes a small position - we are not fucking. We ourselves buy something on the hydra (by the way, you will also have a Kladmensky discount) and throw off the address to him. When the mammoth wants to buy some nonsense for the second time, we hang that the treasures with the minimum weight have been dismantled, and we suggest that he throw in more money in order to get no longer a sprinkler, but mountains of staff. Your courier should already trust you, so there should be no questions. If he immediately wants to buy a wholesale item from you, that's even better. We get money and relax.

11. After you have the money for the weight, we cut off all connections and look for a new sucker. Fortunately, you will not need to pay the deposit and get a new job, because you can work on the basis of "your current part-time job." That is, we do everything almost according to the old scheme: a mammoth got a job with you -> we throw off the coordinates of the last master -> the deposit goes to you, and your work in the shop on the hydra continues.

12. If your employee turned out to be correct, never a drug addict, then we just throw him on payday.


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How the Russian-language darknet platform Hydra earned $1.4 billion in a year
Hydra's money laundering services are also used by the DarkSide group, even though the commission is 4%.


The Russian-language underground trading platform Hydra has been leading the market for illegal goods since 2018, largely due to the cessation of competitors ' activities and the imposition of restrictive policies on sellers. This is reported in a new joint report of specialists from Flashpoint, a darknet research company, and the cryptocurrency software manufacturer Chainalysis.

According to the report, the administration of Hydra significantly complicated the tracking of transactions conducted on the site, forcing users to make transactions in difficult-to-track Russian currencies and use regional financial operators and service providers.

"The money laundered by Hydra is very difficult to trace, almost impossible. The illicit drug trade itself is problematic, and the lack of transparency in financial transactions and the forced conversion of money through regional and more hidden payment systems create additional challenges for monitoring and combating cybercrime on Hydra", the researchers said.

This explains why the DarkSide cyber-extortion group behind the sensational attack on the Colonial Pipeline decided to use Hydra services to cash out the ransom paid by the victims, even despite the commission of 4%.

Over the past few years, the trading platform has rapidly gained momentum. If in the first year of its activity (2015) it earned $9.4 million, then in 2020, Hydra's revenue reached $1.4 billion. In just three years, transaction volumes increased by 624%. In 2019, the number of registered users of the site reached 2.5 million.

Hydra's growth coincided with the elimination by Russian law enforcement agencies of the underground trading platform RAMP, which in its fight against competitors did not disdain to resort to" unfair play", in particular, periodically informed the police of their IP addresses.

As the report notes, Hydra's restrictions on merchants include withdrawal conditions. Before withdrawing their money, merchants must register more than 50 transactions on Hydra and keep their digital wallet balances equivalent to $10,000.

The precautionary measures taken by site administrators have led to the fact that reputable sellers have more power, and cybercriminals have an incentive to obtain the accounts of influential sellers in order to sell them further.

Hydra users also had to face increased security and identification requirements from cryptocurrency exchanges. This has led some of them to literally rely more and more on buried treasures.

"This method of physical withdrawal requires buyers to hire special couriers ('pawnbrokers') to bury cash underground in vacuum-sealed bags at certain agreed locations so that sellers can dig it up later. As soon as the physical cash is in the hands of the seller, he completes the sale of drugs, either burying the goods sold or sending them, as it has always been done", the report says.

Hydra continues to make illusory plans to enter the global market. However, after the September announcement of the global expansion, nothing has changed. According to Flashpoint, although Hydra is the largest player in the drug trafficking market, the platform can expand in other directions, attracting more cybercriminals.