Earnings on help in obtaining loans


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There are several ways of development and you can use each of them, depending on how much you want to invest and how much time you can devote, because this activity can be both your main job and an additional source of income to your main activity. To a greater extent, your income here will still depend on the time invested. A tangible investment of funds will be required only to create an image and convenience.

Two main paths of development.

  • without premature registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • without renting an office;
  • the choice of an advertising medium based on considerations of price and quality.
  • registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • office rent;
  • selection of several advertising media based on price-quality considerations.
Of course, this is not a strict classification and items can be combined as it is best and more convenient for you. Or gradually move from the first path to the second.
There is one more direction, but you can take this course only after complete mastering of this type of activity and having sufficient funds and ambitions to implement the third path of development.

  • registration as an LLC;
  • conclusion of contracts for attracting clients with banks;
  • hiring staff (client manager, lawyer for consultations);
  • opening of additional offices;
  • aggressive advertising campaign.
And, of course, the sale of the business idea itself can be added to any of the paths, after reaching a sufficient amount of experience.

Now, in more detail about the main points.

The maximum investment of funds in the first stages will require the organization of an individual entrepreneur and the rental of a good office, but you can do without any problems without it.
In practice, many entrepreneurs, out of quite natural motives, are in no hurry to immediately register themselves as an individual entrepreneur in order to make sure that the business they are planning to do will fully justify themselves. Such a delay allows you to avoid unnecessary costs at the stage of promotion, but after the stability is outlined and the business is on stream, it is still recommended to register with the tax authorities in order to avoid penalties in the event of inspections. Of course, this tactic is not suitable for every activity, but in our case it can definitely be taken into account. The "safe period" without inspections of tax officials can last from 6 to 12 months. But here no one is immune from accidents, therefore, the sooner you start paying all the relevant taxes,

The fastest and most convenient way to become an individual entrepreneur is to contact a company that is engaged in the registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in all state structures, followed by accounting and solving all pressing issues. There are such firms in almost all cities. The cost of their services for individual entrepreneurs is 1,000 - 3,000 rubles per month. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will require a one-time payment of about 3,000 rubles. The taxation system for this type of activity is simplified (abbreviated as USN), which will require you to make mandatory payments in the amount of 6% of your income, or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. How to minimize payments, you can consult with a specialist in the same company. As with all other questions of interest to you. You will also need to pay pension tax, which since 2014 is 20,727 rubles per year.

Once again, we will make a reservation - all these expenses will not appear immediately, but only after your business has already begun to bring you profit.

The next item of possible expenses is office rent.
You will need an office to create your image and convenience. For comfortable work, a room with an area of 12 m² to 20 m² will be enough. You can find it both yourself, using the local media or the Internet (most of the offers are on the Avito website), and with the help of a real estate agency.

If the office is located in a walk-through area, you can provide yourself with an additional influx of customers by hanging outdoor advertising in the immediate vicinity. And if the office is not in a crowded place, you can easily control your time by recording clients after a telephone conversation on a schedule that will be convenient for you and the client and come to the office only when necessary. In any case, the influx of customers will depend on the correctly chosen advertising medium. A little later, word of mouth will definitely work. If a client likes your service, he will definitely recommend you to friends in need.

Office rent can vary from 3,000 to 30,000 rubles, depending on the area and location.

If you plan to work without an office, then you can proceed as follows. In a telephone conversation with a client, you can inform him that your office is located in a neighboring city, but you often attend meetings in the city where the client lives, or you can send a field consultant to him in order to save the client from wasting time and money on travel. And the person will feel comfortable and you will make yourself a good name. By the way, this may turn out to be a very real situation even if you already have an office, and you place your advertisement in some neighboring city or town. You can make an appointment in any place where it will be convenient for the client himself. As practice has shown, it can be at his home, and near work, and in the park near the bench, if the weather is good, and in some public place. If, nevertheless, the client will be very persistently wanting to go to your as yet non-existent office, let him know that repairs are in progress there. In general, you can invent or improvise whatever you want, as long as it looks as authentic and diplomatic as possible.

Now about the compulsory items of expenditure.
Computer or laptop. If you buy, then 8,000-15,000 rubles are new, and, accordingly, a used one is a couple of times cheaper.
MFP (multifunctional device - scanner, copier, printer in one) - about 4,000 - 5,000 rubles. Better to take a new one. After purchasing, be sure to "flash" it - in the future you will not have to go broke for 2000 rubles for new cartridges, but you will simply refill the toner in special service centers for 200 - 300 rubles. In the same centers you will have to change the firmware for about the same amount.

You will definitely need the Internet. If it is not possible to use a wired one, you can purchase a USB modem with a 4G communication standard in cellular salons - the cost is about 1,000 rubles. The subscription fee for full unlimited is about 700 rubles per month.
You should also stock up on mobile phones in the amount of 5-6 pieces to begin with and the corresponding number of SIM cards with a connected city number service for each (more about the service in two paragraphs below). You will need them to help your clients. The cost of the most inexpensive Alcatel model is about 700 rubles + 100 rubles for a SIM card.

Advertising. Usually, the most budgetary and effective option is to place a color banner in the most popular newspaper (s) of your locality (examples of banners are in the "advertising banners" folder in the archive). At a very low cost, this will provide you with a stable influx of customers. Be sure to emphasize in the text that you can help informally employed citizens. You can also indicate that you can help credit debtors in legal ways (this is also an important service, it will be written about in more detail later).

If you are working in an office, you will, of course, need furniture. Sometimes it is already there, but in most cases you will have to furnish the office yourself. From the bare essentials you will need a table, 4-5 chairs and a small bedside table with drawers. All this will cost no more than 15,000 rubles if you take a new one, or 2 times cheaper if used.

Landline phone - it's good if your ad contains a landline phone number in addition to a mobile phone number. It lends a certain amount of seriousness to your firm. You can use your own PABX. But there is a little trick. All cellular operators have the ability to bind an additional city number to the main federal number of the client. But, unfortunately, this cannot be done in all cities. Be sure to ask (only!) The official dealers of Tele2, Megafon, Beeline and MTS about the possibility of binding an additional city number. If it is impossible to bind the number of your city, you can connect the neighboring one, if possible. Thus, two numbers can be linked to your SIM card at once, and if someone dials your city number with the city and country code, the call will be forwarded to your federal mobile number. The cost of the service is 4 rubles per day (at Tele2). A passport is required for registration. No more than 5 SIM cards can be issued per person per day.

Plus insignificant expenses for office supplies (stapler, pens, files).
In fact, all these costs are negligible compared to what profits can be obtained in the process of work. Do not even hesitate, the costs will pay off after two or three successfully completed clients. Therefore, let's move on to the most basic section - building a workflow.

The working process.

So, you have a call from a potential client on your phone. After greeting, try to ask the person as soon as possible if they have loan arrears that last a month or more. The further construction of the conversation will be based on this, since you will be able to offer help in either case.
If the debt is still present for more than a month (and there are about 50% of such cases), you can invite the person to meet for a consultation on how to avoid absolutely all penalties that the bank can use against him.

The recommended cost of such a consultation is 1,000 rubles. There can usually be several such clients per day. For this small amount, a person receives good psychological help, and you earn good money and get moral satisfaction from thanks.
If the person has no debt and he wants to take out a loan, then you need to first find out from him the following information:
What amount does he need. The easiest way to work is in the range from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles. We recommend taking on just such cases.

The number of full years. Most banks issue loans only to citizens from 23 years old to 65 years old (there should be no more than at the time of loan repayment). Everyone who goes beyond these limits is at risk according to the bank's regulations, so it is very difficult for such people to get a loan. You will definitely need a guarantor. We recommend that you do not take on such cases, so as not to waste your time.

Does he have valid loans and, if so, how much is the monthly payment for each. If the amount of payments exceeds 20,000 rubles per month, then it will be very difficult to get another loan.
If a person does not fall under any "problem group", you can invite him to a meeting for a more detailed conversation, asking him to take his passport and TIN number with you. If the meeting is out of the office, ask him to make a photocopy of his passport (main page and registration). As a last resort, if for some reason a photocopy cannot be made, just rewrite all the information from these pages for yourself. Take the agreement and the application form with you.

Alerting a possible person's question, what is your help, you can answer that help lies in the correct selection of banking products for the most favorable lending conditions without hidden fees, as well as in using your connections with bank employees who play an important role in deciding on loan approval (often, former and even current employees of banks begin to engage in this particular business). This is usually enough. Of course, over time, you can develop your own typical phrases for answering standard questions.

The question may arise about the conditions of assistance. You name the cost of your service in% (recommended 10 - 20% of the amount handed out in the bank, set the more accurate for yourself), the amount that the client can take (usually from 50,000 to 1,000,000 rubles), the period from 1 to 5 days (it all depends on how quickly the client can submit the required number of applications for a loan), be sure to mention that you do not take any prepayment, and payment for the service will be charged only after receiving money in your hands. You can also immediately warn that you, like no one else, cannot guarantee 100% receipt of funds, since it depends on many conditions, including the client himself, but in case of failure, the client will owe you absolutely nothing.

Also, sometimes people are asked to calculate an approximate loan payment that they are going to take. To do this, use the file "Calculation" in the folder "For clients"... Type in the "amount" in the appropriate field, below the "rate" (by default, leave 35% as it is) and the desired "term" of the loan (in months). In the bottom two fields you get “monthly payment” and “overpayment”. Clients are mainly interested in the monthly payment so that they can correlate it with their ability to pay. The most frequent requests are from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles in increments of 50,000 for 60 or 36 months. Try to remember the approximate monthly payment for these amounts if you are asked a question when you are not at your computer. Of course, you should always add that the percentage is calculated individually for each client of the bank only after the application is completed with subsequent approval.

During the meeting you will need:
  • listen to the client's problems and advise (you can find out more about this from our expert by phone or skype);
  • analyze the personality of the client to identify his good faith;
  • give to get acquainted with the contract for the provision of services for obtaining a loan;
  • comment on unclear points for the client under the contract, if any;
  • enter into a contract.
Next, we find out the following information:
Passport data (everything from the main page and registration), TIN number.

Marital status (whether he is officially married, the number of minor children who are noted in the passport, whether he lives with his family together or separately). This is required to calculate net income (abbreviated as NP). More on this below.
Place of work and position.
Usually, the problem with taking out a loan lies precisely in the last two points. Then we will have to operate with them in order to solve the problem.

Let's return to the calculation of net income, which is used by the bank's loan officer when interviewing a client. NP is one of the main points that influences the decision on the loan application. The calculation is made as follows: monthly incomes (only those that can be officially confirmed) of each adult family member (official salary, pension, benefits, additional income) are summed up and the monthly living wage for each family member is subtracted from this amount (7,000 rubles per adult and 5,000 rubles for a minor child), alimony (if any) and monthly payments on current loans (if any). If the resulting difference easily fits into the monthly payment for a new loan, this is one of the most important reasons for approval.

Consider a specific example: there is a family of four - a husband, a wife and two minor children. They need to get a loan in the amount of 200,000 rubles. At the moment, they already have a loan with a monthly payment of 6,000 rubles. Only the husband is officially employed (which means that only he can apply for a loan). The monthly salary according to the 2NDFL certificate is 31,000 rubles. The spouse receives a monthly allowance for one child up to 1.5 years in the amount of 3,400 rubles.

We calculate the BH:
Income: 31,000 (salary) + 3,400 (benefits) = 34,400 rubles
Expenses: 7,000 + 7,000 + 5,000 + 5,000 (living wages of family members) + 6,000 (payment on an existing loan) = 30,000 rubles.
NP = 34,400 - 30,000 = 4,400 rubles.

If we borrow 200,000 rubles at a rate of 35% per annum, then even for a period of 60 months the monthly payment will be about 8,000 rubles. Thus, for the bank, such a client is officially insolvent and he will be refused a loan. Even if the family has other income and they will be able to pay off another loan without any problems, it will not matter for the bank if the income is not officially confirmed.
Well, and, of course, if there were no such extortionate rates on loans in our banks, this family would have passed through the BH without any problems and received money for their needs.

What can be done so as not to be refused.
It is not uncommon that children are not currently marked on the passport. In the case of taking a loan, this only plays into the hands, since the bank will not be able to check the presence of children in any way, except by the borrower's passport. Not everyone knows about this. If we take advantage of this and do not mention the presence of minor children, then this will significantly affect the total amount of NP. This is the simplest solution to the problem, but such situations rarely arise in our business.

The main problem people turn to, which is also not uncommon for our time, is informal employment. The person turns out to be, it seems, and solvent, but he cannot officially prove this in any way. Accordingly, they won't want to give him a loan anywhere. These are, perhaps, the main clients that you will have to deal with in the course of work. They will need your help and opportunities.

If a person is employed somewhere unofficially and there, of course, no one wants to confirm his income, you can confirm his employment and income in front of the bank. Either by using the data of the organization in which the client is already employed, or by choosing another more convenient place of employment and position for him. It will also be necessary to select the level of wages required for lending that corresponds to the norms for calculating NP. The salary must necessarily correspond to the average for your region, taking into account the position held, because loan officers, like everyone else, are aware that the average storekeeper or electrician or sales manager cannot officially receive 50,000 rubles a month. Well, and try to select a position based on the manner of communication,

If you use the organization in which the client works (or selected according to the directory of organizations in case the client is temporarily unemployed), you will need to find out the TIN and OGRN of the organization, be it an individual entrepreneur, LLC, OJSC or CJSC. This information can be found on the Internet by entering the query ".. name of the organization .. OGRN" in the search bar. All other information can be found out directly from the client, along the way filling out a questionnaire:
  • The name of the organization and its type of activity;
  • Position held and job responsibilities;
  • Organization address;
  • Work experience (must be at least 3 months, and preferably at least 6-12 for us);
  • Phones from work. Here you will just need those pre-prepared phones with SIM cards. We insert a city landline number into one phone (as a rule, we mark it as an accountant's number for an individual entrepreneur, or a personnel department for a larger organization), in another, you can insert a mobile number and mark it as the individual entrepreneur himself, or as a foreman or head of a section for more a large organization (for large organizations, we recommend not to mark the number as the number of the general director, it is better to let it be a simpler person who is, as it were, the immediate boss of your client, or just his colleague). You can come up with the full name of the bosses and the accounting department, just not complicated ones, so that it would be easier for the client to remember them, or you can use the names of the client's acquaintances from his words to make them even easier to remember. The full name of the director of the organization is also desirable for everyone to know. Several sample questionnaires are in folder "Questionnaires" for review. Of course, you can use two city numbers at once. It is important for the bank that there are two telephones from the place of work and that at least one must be stationary. It is on these phones that the bank's security service will call in order to make sure that the borrower really works in the specified organization. How to properly communicate with them will be described a little further.
  • The salary
  • Other income
  • Codeword. This is usually the mother's maiden name. This word is sometimes used in banks to confirm the identity of a customer.
TIN, PSRN, name and address of the organization must necessarily correspond to reality! These data are always verified by the bank's security service.

All other data, such as position, work experience and salary, will be specified by bank employees by phone numbers from work, which are provided to them by the client, who, in turn, receives them from you. And you, of course, will have clear answers to all typical (and they are just such) questions. The security service workers sometimes ring up several hundred people a day and do not have time for long conversations.

The point of all the manipulations is that you are acting as the "employer" of the client, in order to confirm the official employment of your "subordinate" for the bank. This is one of the main factors contributing to a positive decision on a loan application.

After “employment” of the client, print out a ready-made questionnaire (or call the client and dictate all the data) at his new “place of work”. It is very important to warn him so that he remembers everything and, when applying to the loan officer at the bank, answers all questions clearly and naturally. The only thing that you do not need to remember is the phone numbers from work - they can simply be written into the phone and dictated from there.
Next, draw up an approximate route plan for walking around the banks. The main banks that specialize in lending are listed in the "Banks" file in the "For clients" folder . You can correct and supplement it, depending on which banks you will work with. This file can also be printed and handed over to the client, having previously marked the priority points of the route.

Warn the client to call you before going to the bank and after completing the application. This can be explained by the fact that the operators who will answer phone calls from banks were aware of exactly when and from which bank they should expect a call, and the positive outcome of the application depends on this call. It is strictly forbidden to call you during the execution of the application, the client is strictly prohibited, because this may cause unnecessary suspicions of the loan officer. As a last resort, the client can inform that he needs to call the place of work to find out the necessary information and leave for a short time from the loan officer to consult with you. The client should also not mention in the bank that he applied for help anywhere, and when asked how he learned about this bank, answer that he learned about them through the Internet.

The bank, in addition to two numbers from work, also requires two numbers of relatives or friends of the borrower. He must also warn these people about his legend so that they will confirm everything when they call from the bank.
It is better to issue an average of 100,000 - 200,000 rubles in one bank. Such amounts are most readily approved. Focus on your calculation of the NP, what is the best amount for the client to issue and how many banks it is better to split this amount, if it will be impossible to get it in one.

Your further communication with clients will be built mainly through telephone conversations, therefore it is better to temporarily mark their phone numbers in your mobile in order to know which client is calling you.

And for each client, by all means start a case in which you will make notes on the current status of his applications. The case will consist of:
  • Photocopies of the client's passport;
  • Agreement;
  • List of banks;
  • A mobile phone with a SIM card (phone at the client's place of work).
You put all this in a file, and then in a binder, so you can quickly navigate and not lose sight of anything.

After completing the application, calls from the bank should be expected at least an hour later and within the next two to three days during working hours from about 9:00 to 18:00. Therefore, always keep phones for clients with you. Sometimes there can be more than one calls to the same number, so before making a decision on the loan, it is better to keep them with you, even if you have already answered this number; sometimes banks need to find out the same information again (often, this is due to the carelessness of bank employees). The clients themselves, as well as their relatives or acquaintances, whose numbers they provided to the bank, should also always be ready to answer calls from bank employees and provide them with all the necessary information.

While talking on the phone with bank employees, try to get used to the role of who you are for the client. Try to imagine yourself as someone else for a while. Usually, the conversation lasts a few seconds and you will need to answer at least four questions. The security personnel are quite ordinary people performing routine work, so they usually have neither the desire nor the time to torture you with tricky questions.

The most frequent questions are: "Is this (such and such) organization or individual?", "What is the name of your organization?", "Who am I talking to?" "Is he not going to quit?" These questions are almost always asked, so always be prepared to answer them.

If the call came to the number of the accounting department or the personnel department, you can immediately answer: "Accounting, hello" or "Human resources, hello." When you ask about a specific employee, you should not immediately say that of course you know him, especially when it comes to a large enterprise. You need to ask to wait until you clarify the information and pretend that you are looking (if you are near the computer, you can knock on the keyboard), wait for a while and after that answer all the questions about your client. They may also ask for the TIN and OGRN number of the organization, be ready to dictate them. Only if you "arrange" your client in the LLC, be sure to check if it is closed at the moment - this can be done on the website of the tax service.

In the case of an individual entrepreneur, the conversation will be even easier.
It is very rare, but such cases also happen - the security service does not ring any phone numbers and approval (or refusal) occurs practically without your participation.
The process of making a decision on the application usually takes from one to four days, however, it may take a little longer due to the workload or, again, the carelessness of bank employees.

To protect yourself from the dishonesty of customers who can receive money without notifying you about it, you can, if necessary, call the bank on the hotline and check the status of the application personally. To do this, you will need to introduce yourself as a client and provide passport data - date and place of birth, registration and, sometimes, the code word mentioned above, as well as inform the date and place of the loan application and the requested amount.

Sometimes, even if everything is done correctly and the client has everything in perfect order with the conditions for obtaining a loan, the bank can still refuse. And this can happen either through your fault or through the fault of the client. The fact is that banks have a certain limit for issuing loans for a certain period of time, and if this limit is exhausted, then the chances of getting a loan from at least three times the conscientious borrower are significantly reduced.
Even if your client gets rejection after rejection, don't stop working with him or let him get discouraged. Just do your job and run it through all the possible banks. It often happens that they can only approve in a third or fifth bank.

Only sometimes it can happen that the client, for whatever reason, has forgotten about some of his old and small loan delays. This may be due to unclosed credit cards, about which people simply forget or do not attach importance, and in the end it turns out to be a decisive factor in the impossibility of obtaining a new loan.