Earnings on flood phones


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This type of earnings consists, as you might have guessed, in extortion.

You need to extort with information or exerting strong enough pressure on the client. Of course, the idea came a long time ago, when the forums were open and the services on them were full of their diversity. That's when I got acquainted with telephone spam. They used it mainly to drown out clients or to annoy a friend or foe. Of course, spam was also used as pressure for extortion, but most often, namely in 99% of cases, people were sent to a farm. And the problem of such a segment of the population (ransomware) consisted in the wrong approach in choosing a potential audience, presenting a request to pay for peace of mind, filing the spam itself, so the topic quickly deflated and disappeared into oblivion.

The implementation of my method, of course, does not give a 100% guarantee that the client will pay you money, but brings the opportunity closer to a high chance. And so, many mistakes of people who have ever tried to engage in this type of fraud.

1. Configured the software.
2. Chose a Rich Sacrifice.
3. Started spamming.
4. Unsubscribed SMS (pay for qiwi +*** $ 100500 and live in peace).

Let's consider the main mistakes in this type of activity:

1) Setting - everything is simple here.

2) A rich sacrifice does not mean a paying sacrifice.

3) You cannot start spam before the request, a person who has survived a hundred calls by definition is not able to think objectively and cold-bloodedly, therefore 99% of would-be spammers fell on the so-called RAGE (rage) of the client and therefore remained with a nose.

4) By itself, an SMS sent from any service (and if you send from a phone, even with a left SIM card, a person, by definition, exposes himself to the danger of being found, because masking the location requires a lot of effort and expense).

Accordingly, the SMS sent from the service does not leave a person the opportunity to contact the extortionist and try to resolve the issue with him.

And so, as we understood, we will spam people and demand material rewards for their "telephone freedom". And so we will analyze everything in steps and points, in the next chapter we will analyze the main complex elements in implementation.

1) Software

And so the software is absolutely not a problem to find, its cost varies from $ 10 to $ 30.

There are several types of software:

1) SIP - works through SIP electronic telephony, requires additional purchase of accounts ($ 2-5).

2) Skype - works through Skype accounts with a balance, requires replenishment of Skype balances ($ 1-4).


As for the type of software (Skype or SIP) - who, as they say, what they like best, I personally got used to SIP software, but I also worked through SKYPE accounts, in principle, I don't see much difference.

2) Potential victims

In fact, as I wrote in the beginning, a lot depends on the ability to choose a victim, although this step is not so striking, I will tell you honestly - the success of your activity depends on it 60%.

Let's take a closer look at this issue. Choosing a victim from our acquaintances, we cannot be sure that she will be ready to pay. Therefore, we need to put pressure on an extremely weak point, and here, of course, this is a phone number.

The main modernization of the theme is that we will work in social networks.

Personally, I advise you to choose your victims from the following professions:
1) Tow trucks.
2) Realtors.
3) Clothing sellers.
4) Law offices.

And other organizations depending on the phone number.

Of course, it is better to get in touch with male victims, because men think rationally and cold-bloodedly (well, at least most often), so I advise women to bypass women.

Of course, we are looking for victims in the same social networks, having registered the fail page in advance (for more details, see the PREPARATION section below).

You can think of a more interesting page design option, I didn't bother and created this.

Search for the victim. Well, there is nothing complicated at all, I do not see, go to the group section and search, for example, enter the EVACUATOR.

Of course, we are only interested in those groups in which the phone number is indicated and the owner of the Tow truck is indicated (if we work on tow trucks).

An approach to extortion. Of course, immediately starting to spam the victim is clearly not to your advantage, because a person being in a frenzied state is unlikely to agree to pay you something.

Therefore, we start strictly according to my scheme.

Further, the choice is solely yours. Call your tariff ($ 10-100), or listen to the victim's suggestions.

I will explain the pros and cons

1) We call the price ourselves - here you are slowly bringing yourself to stability, but nevertheless you run the risk of calling a price that the client, by definition, will not master and frighten him away.

2) We are waiting for suggestions - here the client can get insolent and name a small amount, from which you will have to dance later, you will not believe, but they called me 100 rubles

Therefore, the choice is only yours and which path to choose for yourself is the best - you can understand after working for some time.

But do not forget about the type of "Clients - Denied", with such, I guarantee you, it is better to say goodbye right away. These are mainly people aged 35-60 years old, illiterate.

In this chapter, we have looked at essentially 3 types of clients:
1) Business Patient.
2) Greedy Patient.
3) Thug Patient.

You can work with the first two types, but it's better not to start with type 3, not to waste time and money. Basically, in 60% of cases, business people come across, in 30% of thieves and in 10% of greedy ones.

I am pleased to note that the list of victims is endless, and while you are working on one (and with experience you will work on 3-5 clients at the same time), 10 more new ones appear, so the relevance of this topic will never die.

For the acts described above, if you are caught, the punishment provided for by article of the criminal code applies, of course, to prove your involvement, if you, a person are not stupid, strictly follow the canons described in this chapter, will be the authorities is extremely problematic. Let's go through everything in stages.

1) Acceptance of money

To begin with, it should be said that qiwi would be an ideal payment system, since it is more intuitive for patients. But as we know, qiwi is tied to a phone number and creating such wallets in large numbers is a problem. Therefore, I give a chip.

We go to the site sms-reg.com, register an account there. Next, we top up the balance by $ 1. Click to get a number (select the service “other”), then go to qiwi.com, enter the received number and click Registration, then go to the site sms-reg.com and click to receive SMS. After receiving the SMS, enter the code on the qiwi website for registration. We go to sms-reg.com and select “SMS not received”, go to the qiwi wallet settings - security and uncheck the SMS confirmation box, then go to the sms-reg.com website and wait for the 2nd SMS (free, because the service thinks that 1 SMS is incorrect and gladly allows us to accept the second). After these manipulations, we get an absolutely clean QIWI Wallet.

Personally, I recommend not saving money on such wallets. Washing can be absolutely anything.

Important information

1) Hilling one victim several times is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. There are gaps in all kinds of things we do. Even if an hour or two, the victims come across from the list of non-paying, you should not go back to the one who honestly gave you hard earned money.

2) If you work with software via Skype, then I advise you to buy accounts with a balance, it's cheap, cheerful and safe.

3) Never bomb a victim before presenting your demands. But do not forget, after the information on payment, to demonstrate your capabilities within 5-10 minutes. This will help the victim make the right decision.

4) Always be polite to the victim, do not be rude, do not insult, write competently. Don't make people feel like suckers and suckers. Give them temporary control of the situation by telling them that you are just the employee who was paid for spamming the phone, but since he did not receive full payment, he is kindly ready to go to the meeting.

5) After receiving money from the victim, thank her, give fake competitors who ALMOST ordered her, and offer to spam them in response at a reasonable price. So you will earn 2 times more on one person.

6) Do not throw, Do not throw, Do not throw - received money, fulfill the promise.

7) I advise you to compose your own message text.

8) I do not advise you to spend more than 20-30 minutes on a victim, this is the MAXIMUM. Received money - all the best, write if you are interested in our services and so on. Got a ram, do not follow the lead of emotions, do not put it on the stream. I know, sometimes you want to punish them, but it's better to pass by and pay attention to the paying ones.

9) If you work with SIP Accounts, then it is worth changing them every 2-3 days, if with Skype, then less often, but keep their balance under control.

10) Remember, the whole point of this private topic is that you keep communication and control with the victim, you understand and feel it, always communicate and offer all options for solving the problem you created for her.