Earnings on caviar


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Let's outline the problem. With age, you want a lot of money, stability. Unfortunately, most of the schemes that are offered have one very serious drawback - they are not durable.
What is the essence - organization of shadow business, counterfeiting and sale of high-margin goods over 1000%, not drugs;
The scheme is painted in 2 versions: initial, advanced levels.
Business vitality - long-lived;
Profit - not limited, if you want millions of $ per month, then in the third part there will be general guidelines in which direction to move;
The scheme will not work — for schoolchildren looking for a loot button;
Initial costs - 50k is with a very large margin;
Seasonality - susceptible, however, it can be compensated;
The payback period is 1 month;
The presence of a car is optional;
SI skills are desirable but not critical;
Do I need to throw someone - no;
Is it possible to work alone - yes;
Organizational skills, people management skills - if you want a lot of money - yes;
Anonymity - like a real paranoid, I put the maximum everywhere and I'm not worried, after reading and consulting with sensible lawyers, you decide for yourself;
Black color;
Desirable - experience in shady business, experience in managing people;
The scheme is not a 100% step-by-step manual - you have to look for something yourself in Google, somewhere to involve outside specialists - but nothing super complicated, nothing brain-breaking, you won't have to study;
Online / offline - approximately 70% online, 30% offline, however, the offset can be in both directions at your discretion;
Time expenditures - on some days you will have to figure it out on some days to spit at the ceiling, on average 2-3 hours a day;
Security - with a competent approach, it is ensured both offline and online;
City of residence - theoretically any, but better than 150k residents;
Whether it is suitable for beginners - I do not recommend it;

Immediately I warn the scheme is not a dogma. You can optimize everything that is written at your discretion.
Where the loot comes from: wholesale of high-quality fake black caviar in bars, pubs, restaurants.

Introductory part
How it all started - I was lying on the couch and stuck in a box, and there was about fake black caviar. The essence of the experiment is as follows - 30 glamors who eat it every day - brought a fake, see if they can distinguish a fake. From the results, I WAS BOOSTED: out of 30 people, 28 got it, and only 2 said - this is not black caviar.

Start 40 min 40 sec. But you better look at it in full.
or Open YouTube. Searching for “Habitat. How to choose fresh caviar ”.
The composition of the fake: pike caviar + food coloring + vegetable oil + salt. If you need a long storage, add a preservative.
The recipe can be changed and tweaked as you need.
A fake can be detected very simply - just throw a couple of eggs into the water and the dye will color the water. It is unlikely that a particular screwy client in a pub will bother with this, and even if it does, you don’t care. Why? You will understand below.

Is it possible to solve this problem in principle - well, why not? As the loot goes, you charge food technologists who will find you an awesome dye and you will have everything. At the initial stage, take it for granted, score and do not steamed.

What should be the result:
The quality of caviar is determined by two main components: visual and gustatory - you need to work on this and that:
  1. It should shine;
  2. The maturity of eggs - you cannot influence this in any way, this will come only with experience and specific work with specific suppliers, of which you must have at least 3 pieces;
  3. DEFROST AND REPEAT FREEZE is the edge, this is what will directly affect how much cache you will chop. At the exit, the eggs should be elastic and burst on the teeth, it is from such caviar that the end consumer rushes. If you are an amateur, like me, to eat caviar, then you probably paid attention - sometimes you buy a can, and then there is porridge. Porridge, this is very bad for business. Porridge is evil.

First level.

Drive into Google - buy pike caviar and the city. We select the nearest supplier, clarify the details of the terms of delivery, terms, minimum batch, whether there are seasonal interruptions, how they work with transport companies, etc. If you have a large city, it is quite possible that you will find this miracle in the nearest market. By and large, 1 kg is enough for you to start. We are not buying yet.
Bottom line: we know where, what and how much.
You will need a mini army of immoral managers who will sell your goods in pubs and restaurants.

His job:
  • negotiate with pubs and restaurants that will buy caviar.
  • bring them caviar for sale;
  • pick up the loot within the specified time frame and push it into the terminal;
  • prepare reports;
  • look for new clients;
  • and of course to grow up.
In general, everything that a manager does in any other company.
He must agree with anyone from their hierarchy. The easiest option is to have a sincere conversation at the bar with a bartender and a waiter, or to fish out after work. It is possible with the managers, or with the owners. If there is a conversation with the owner - be prepared for the fact that you will need left-hand documents. What specific documents the owner needs for the goods strongly depends on the fucking thing that comes to his mind, the necessary documents are bought on shadow resources.

The general recommendation is that you need to take the speed and quantity, and do not bother on how best to serve a particular client. Remember this wording - it will go through the entire circuit.

I can say that 10 managers will completely bypass all the taverns in a city with a population of 700,000 people. 2 weeks maximum.
You can work without managers - alone, but this is bad because:
  • Immediately minus anonymity;
  • Less money;
  • Time consuming.
  • Personally, I hate communicating with clients - that's why I delegate everything.
And so where to get managers? Opening a local job site with a resume section - looking for a sales manager for anything ...

You can call from the Internet to the city mobile and bring it to a conversation on Skype, change the voice at your discretion. Contracting with payment for the result.
At this stage, in a conversation with an employee, there is no need to drive away a blizzard from the series "We are a mega transnational corporation" Govnofish inc "entering new European markets."
It is important to make it clear to the person that you are exactly the same ordinary person who has useful connections and access to caviar and, like any normal person, you want to earn extra money, and you need helpers because you yourself are from another city, and as a generous person you are always with a good person ready to share part of the earned.

At first I wanted to write a specific dialogue, but then I scored. Scored for the following reason - all this bullshit. Work for speed. There are a dozen of those who want to earn extra money - do not worry about a specific refusal, and if something goes wrong, call the next one. And teach your managers as well - if some client starts to endure the brain like I want a full package of documents, a delay in payment for six months, etc. - goodbye. There is no need to set yourself a goal at all costs to whip up this particular director - such an approach is a mistake.

Bottom line: you have an agreement with managers - 5 people. Send them to work immediately.
As a waiter to sell caviar - a company of 5 people sits drinking, everyone is having fun, and then the waiter comes up with a glass of vodka and a sandwich with awesome black caviar. A smile across my face.
You are our beloved client blah blah blah and we, at the expense of the house, are giving you this sandwich on a silver platter. What do you think the others will think about?
Conclusion: the waiter will sell something for free faster.

If you followed the previous steps, you should get the following:
  • You know where to buy pike caviar;
  • You have managers;
  • Do you have clients who cut off the phone to managers "well, when?"
And of course you should already have the dye.

  • Buy caviar 1kg;
  • Make a test batch of 100 grams (carefully read the instructions for the dye, they are of different concentrations);
  • Give it to a neighbor or yourself - if everything is ok, you go further, if not, you finish the recipe;
  • Packaged in 200 gr;
  • Transfer to the manager;

IMHO personally shines in such matters a complete fucking, so minibuses, drops, bookmarks to help you.
  • The manager gives it to the waiter;
  • The waiter sells and gives the loot the next day to the manager;
  • The manager keeps a percentage for himself - the rest is for you in the terminal.
  • Part cashed out part into circulation.

What will happen at this stage? What are you waiting for? Nuances.

Each of the links in the chain can throw you. This will happen, and as paradoxical as it sounds, there is no need to bother too much, no, of course, you can screw the collector here, and above it the head of the collector, but I think it is not necessary - why? Because it is better to lay in the risks in advance and spend time on the growth of the business, instead of ruffling your nerves.
A photo of a manager with a passport in his hands and the contact details of a waiter will help you, at least partially protect you;

Theoretically, you can come across normal staff - practically be ready out of 10, only 1 will be normal;
The manager must have a specific plan with time limits;
The manager must submit a report every day at a strictly fixed time, in a predetermined form - otherwise their carelessness will kill your business;
Be prepared to get tough.

There are fucking nuances in management and you have to deal with them. As the. It is simply not realistic to post all of them here, and I have no desire to copy and paste books on personnel management that you find on Google, but I will give you 3 dogmas that you must always observe:
Divide and rule. Never bring the situation to the point where one person will have both sales, and financial flows, and a customer base, and production, logistics and finally too much of everything;
Always build your business in such a way that if one thing falls off, then you don't care (person, bank account, supplier, warehouse, etc.);
Don't trust them.

Advanced level

With this step, think ten times whether you need to perform it as it is written here - why is it so? But because I have no idea where you are initially in Moscow or Los-Muhosransk with a population of 10 tons, how much free money you have that you can risk, whether you have a desire to grow or you are happy with everything, etc. ...

You will need:

Anonymously rented garage through your managers and drops in the third generation, preferably insulated - 3 pcs;
Garage equipment - used refrigerator, hidden video camera, outdoor video camera, microphone, uninterruptible power supply, no serious power outages, motion sensor.
What is all this for - so that you punish for theft and so that if "garbage-stub" happens - your smartphone will tell you about it, with video and sound, while you lie somewhere under a palm tree on the ocean coast and accelerate from video.

Staff - Ramshan and Jumshud 1pc.

Taxi driver Vasya - delivers food, raw materials, picks up the finished product, brings it to the warehouse (the same garage), glazes it and leaves.
Taxi driver Vasya No. 2 picks up from garage No. 2 - delivers to the managers, and you or your trusted person controls the vidos so that Vasya No. 1 and Vasya No. 2 do not agree with each other.
In short, turn on your head and think about how to make sure that your mercenaries do not throw you - if you forget about it, YOU WILL BE THROWN. You can make Vasya No. 2 pick you up only in a day, you can send Vasya No. 1 on some urgent task, you can think of a lot of things so that your business is not hijacked.

At first, you grow up to meet the needs of your city — it will not be difficult for a salty waiter to shove 0.5 kg of caviar in a mid-sized pub for Fri — Sun.
We give career growth to managers - you select the most intelligent ones, you make them HR managers, they are also the heads of the local sales department, you delegate everything that is possible and impossible to the maximum. Now they sit behind a job site and chat with unemployed people.

Do not try to let the production communicate directly with the sellers. Each link should have exactly as much information as it needs to do the job, period.
The flow of money goes so the waiter-agents give out the salary to everyone else, naturally anonymously.
CONTROL is the last thing you delegate to ESPECIALLY trusted people.

Where can you come? Let's say a year has passed - you are already a wholesaler with a profit of 50k $ / month, you trade in your and the neighboring region, 10 liter buckets, each manager 50 kg at a time, of course no one has ever seen you, and naturally the manager pays with you according to 100% prepayment.
How to transfer to 100% prepayment? Slowly from small amounts with periodicity and rigidity, some of the managers will fall off, be ready for this.

You have no more than 7 people in your subordination, while you organized a business so that no one knows about the existence of another, in other words, you made the business not hijacked. Naturally, you have the entire database down to specific waiters - what's next?

But at this stage we will create "Govnofish inc" or rather we will have not one but many of them. "Govnofish pro", "Govnofish +", "Sukafish", "From Russia with love", etc.
Here you delegate everything to the maximum, here you act like NIKE. There is an opinion that this is a huge company with its giant factories, think for yourself and clothes and shoes and other bells and whistles and even trade all over the world. No, this is not so - nike is directly involved in marketing and design - everything else is delegated. In the modern world, you can delegate anything or almost everything. Accounting, finance, sales, branding, manufacturing, logistics, etc.

Whether you go to this level and drive the green muliennes is up to you.
  • You buy left-handed firms in Europe - 10 pieces at once
  • You register a trademark in the net, a bunch of companies that are engaged in this - 10 pieces at once
  • You order on freelance the design of labels of different - pieces of 10 different types
  • You order different logos - 10 pieces
  • You find 10 different canning factories - you bring them ready-made caviar to each of them 10 tons, they stuff it into cans. Each of them sticks their own labels.
  • Then you stir up your own cannery somewhere in Romania, for example.
And voila, 10 different caviar manufacturers suddenly appeared on store shelves around the world. And if some fucker says a fake - and one company is closed. That's okay - you have 9 more. I think you understand the meaning. However, this is a completely different story.