Earnings on black cashiers


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Greetings, dear friend. This is not a "loot button", but with minimal effort, you can replenish your personal budget very well. Forget about the endless search for working topics among dead manuals, "pseudo-slips", and other heresies. This is a kindergarten, so let the children do this.

Everything written below has been verified by personal experience. All the nuances have been polished and brought to mind. The manual is completely author's. There are others like him, but in a more crude form and with an emphasis on theory rather than practice. He is not particularly afraid of competition, everyone who gets the manual, if he wants to raise money, will raise it, but if he has a head on his shoulders.

Theme color: light gray, almost white. We will steal. Subtly, tastefully and as competently as possible.

Immediately about the risks: the risk is minimal, all actions are mostly completely legal. The scheme is worked out remotely, there are no direct contacts with the victim, even if you follow the scheme yourself, and not your drop. For all the time of work on the topic, not a single criminal case was opened. There were two visits to the tax office, more on that later. The victim needs to be afraid of the consequences, we are clean and law-abiding. If the victim is a hysterical idiot, then you or your drop will become a maximum witness, this has not happened in my practice, but I consulted with lawyers, you never know.

How long does one cycle take: from 2 weeks to a month.

What knowledge you need to have and what investments in the topic: no special knowledge is needed. Remember one thing: you only need a little perseverance and very little luck. All.

By investment: Left sim - $ 3. Phone with the ability to install WhatsApp / Telegram - $ 20. Print order - $ 10. State duty - $ 10. Total $ 50. +/-. Will fight off with a margin at the first stage.

And, finally, the most delicious: the exhaust from one cycle from $ 3 thousand to 12 million, depends on the region and a number of factors, including the very little luck. The minimum, which I had 300 thousand for three, the maximum - 9.7 units for three.

The essence
We will clean the settlement accounts of cash offices.

Our task is to cram the Trojan horse, in our face or in the face of a drop.

Our target audience is cashiers, or rather fatty sweet commercials, who are driven by money to launder them. Commerce, from which you take the grandmother, you will never see again. And commerce will know who you are only in the rarest of cases. He doesn't give a fuck. And on you, and who you are, and on the algorithm itself. The result is important to him. For the missing money, he will ask the cashiers. They will try with you, this is catastrophically rare, but possible. I will describe below how and what to do in such cases.

In summer, the season is dead, the peak of the season is November-December, you need to submit reports and large amounts of unwashed large sums are poured into the accounts of left-wing firms.

What will we do? That's right, steal. Do not rat. These people are nobody to us, they will use us, considering us narrow-minded Vasya.
We need a drop. For those who have slept for the last 15 years, I will explain: a person with whose hands we will do something good so that everyone will feel bad.

The main criteria for a drop (or for you, if you follow the scheme yourself):
Age from 24.
No criminal record.
No outstanding loans / borrowings, etc.
Absence of debts under the FSSP
Lack of operating offices (LLC / IE).

Where can I find a drop? Anywhere, from shady forums (links below), to acquaintances of an acquaintance. Drops that you have not seen in your eyes before are treated with heightened suspicion, can be thrown into the lung. Third-party drops are often dumb. They do whatever they say, but they have a hard time thinking, that's what we need. Thinking is our task. If the drop began to think, the entire box office will leave the topic with him in an unknown direction.


If the drops are tight and you yourself decided to go for the assault, then you need to look as modest as possible and act out Vasya, who fucking does not understand what is happening around, but for 10 thousand rubles he is ready to lick a swing in winter and stand for two days in the cold.

If there are expensive things, do not try to shine with them, in the eyes of cashiers you should look like a shaggy working material. Wildly devoted, but dull and limited in thinking. You got have a cashing legend to fucking check. About a woman who took out a mortgage, and you lived with her for 5 years in rented apartments and now she is pregnant at home, and you do not have enough salary, and so on. Any tearful story, but it was problematic to verify it.

Without a drop, you can work out 1-2 cycles, during this time look for drop leads on the forums, establish contact with them, but again, be silent like a fish about where you want to pull the drop.

Use one drop only ONE time, even if the drop is yours. He will understand what's what, he will start working on his own. If he understands a drop-guide, he will give you a fuck, will go into the sunset with your grandmothers.

From the left phone and SIM card we go to the forums and social networks.


In telegram channels we write "CASH" and similar keywords, there are a lot of channels, there are even more people in them, 80% is our target audience.

What to look for: any job offers as a nominee director, courier-registrar, director, etc. We shove the data of the drop to the employer and communicate on his behalf, then we put the drop in the course, what they talked about, with whom, in what tone and with what words.

If we work ourselves, everything is easier, we just get a job.

The denominations receive payments for the registration of companies against cash, for visits to the bank and to the tax office, this is the highest profit, with which the starting costs will be repaid with interest.

What do we do next. They will take you or your drop by the handle and lead you to register the company for yourself, or rather, take the documents for the finished one. If this stage passed without your participation (the docks were taken by proxy), then do not panic, another moment is important for us.

In 95% of cases, you or the drop will be called to the bank to open an account. Cashiers can open an account without a director, but it is expensive. Basically, everyone rely on their own fucking and at random, piously believing that they will not face financial collapse. VISIT TO THE BANK IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! If the clerk says that they have their own people in the bank and that they are following you, he pisses. They won't stand over your ear every second.

What you need to do:

Upon arrival at the bank, you will be given documents for the company and a seal. WE NEED IT! Before putting the seal, we take a piece of paper, slap it on it and take the piece of paper with us, quickly putting it in our pocket. Then we will be given a CODE WORD, REMEMBER IT! The seal and documents will be confiscated afterwards, but we don't care about that.

If you fell under the influence of the constellation and the print could not be made, then the seal can be requested from the tax office (without notifying the cashiers, respectively). When we received the print print, we climb to all the same forums and order a print from the print, the sooner you do, the better. And if you forget the code word, you will have to go to the bank several times every day with a new seal and passport to check the account. The most trump hours to check: 11, 14, 18 and 20:00.

We punch the rest of the necessary information on our office on the site focus.kontur.ru, enter the director's TIN on the website and see our office, copy the office's TIN and go to egrul.nalog.ru, drive in the company's TIN and get an extract for it absolutely free.

If everything is fine and went smoothly, consider the banks for work: VTB is the most inconvenient. They do not give information about receipts to the account by phone. You will sleep and live at the bank branch.

BANK - code word identification canceled, Hurray! We call on hotline, we switch to the line for legal entities, we call ourselves the General Director (even if it is a drop), dictate the full name, name and TIN of our office, after confirmation we ask MOVEMENT ON THE ACCOUNT AND BALANCE.

You are asked to name the last three operations, we say that not in the office, while driving, on a business trip, on an airplane, anywhere, then you are asked to go through identification using control information, we take your passport or scan of a drop and dictate. Then they ask for a contact number, we call any left, they do not carry out reconciliation, the SB of the bank does not give a damn about you. If the manager is stubborn, we drop the call and call back, do the whole stage again. As soon as the account balance was announced in a positive direction, we drop the call, immediately call the hotline and block access to the Internet bank, due to the loss of a portfolio with documents, for example. We call the mobile operator and block the SIM, due to the loss of the phone. BULLET FLYING TO BANK WITH PASSPORT AND FIRM SEAL OR WE GO TOGETHER WITH DROP! Everyone, the cycle is over, everyone is happy, except for the owner of the money and the cashiers. We leave into the sunset.

ANY BANK is the best option for withdrawal. Use hotline for legal entities, we name the office, the office tax number and the code word, that's it. We ask for the movement on the account and the current balance.

ATTENTION: the current account of the office and the account of the cash card are different things, we break through both. As soon as a positive balance has been announced to you, we reset, call back, block. You will be asked, in addition to the code word, the name of the office and the TIN, to name the holder's passport data, everything is simple. After that, they will name the balance and ask if you confirm the blocking of the E-TOKEN and CASHCARD, and confirm with a bullet to the department where we are serviced, with a passport (or drop) and a seal. We will restore access to the E-TOKEN within an hour, it will only be with us, no one else!

The bank authorization blocking by the code word and data of the general director, we block the cash card and the online bank, we fly to the office with a passport and a stamp, we say that we have copied the documents to the office and the card, CLOSE THE ACCOUNT AND WE RECEIVE CASH AT THE CASH REGISTER! Everything, the cycle has been worked out, we are going to spend honestly.

And once again additions
Cashiers love to build a mafia out of themselves, tell how they buried a cunning director in the forest, who stole $ 100 from them. Fucking. They hold you for a sucker and they will tell you the appropriate tales.

If you are working on your own and you were suddenly pulled into a tax / cop (sooooo unlikely), make yourself a maximum deer, call the cashiers, tell them something like this:

"Here they ask about you, I am in the cop / in the tax office, how can I say that?"

Cashiers will merge on their own, and neither the tax authorities nor the cops need the fuck, it takes longer to mess around with you, the main thing is to be Vasya:
"They offered a job, I went there, signed, the dick knows him, I don't remember, I don't know, I found a number on Internet message board"

Etc. If this happened after the cash was withdrawn from the account, then do not even think to twitch. You are clean. You have withdrawn money from your account, your company. The customer and the cashiers will NEVER RUN TO THE COPs, they will sit down instantly. And they know it perfectly well.

Always be as collected as possible, you will work for two weeks, a month, you will rest for six months, you just need to strain yourself. And even that is relative, you will not drag bags. After a successful cycle, go somewhere, relax, relax. This is an extreme case of safety net, but then you will be 100% calm.

This article is presented for information purposes only and does not call anyone for illegal actions!