Earnings from selling books


Reaction score
Hey! I'll tell you about one very interesting WHITE way to make money on Amazon. We will sell literature in the west. Don't be afraid, you won't have to write books.

The essence
We will sell books for the English-speaking population. To realize the profitability of this scheme, you need to forget for a moment that you are from a post-soviet country. The mentality of these countries, the abundance of torrents and resources with free leaks does not make it clear that in other countries it is customary to pay for everything, including the smallest information.

Real life example
More than five years ago, a British friend of mine, Mark, tried to learn Russian. He decided to watch some kind of TV series or film in Russian, threw off links to a torrent, an online cinema, but he flatly refused to watch in this way. In the end, he just gave up on this idea, since there was no one who could buy it. People like him are the overwhelming majority in the West, and it is for them that we will sell our literature.
Moreover, we will not write anything on our own, but will use the services of freelancers. You can order both the writing of a new unique material and the translation of Russian-language articles into English. I will describe how to choose a genre, but the main thing is that it will not be fiction, which means that the number of pages will be in the region of 10-20. New books will need to be posted constantly and it is important that they are all in the same genre. The average price will be $ 1.99-4.99 (10-15 for the paper version, which the Amazon prints itself) and after 10-100 books laid out, you can count on a passive income of several thousand dollars. The trick is that Amazon promotes new items, which means it is advisable to upload a new book in a week or a month.

Niche selection
First of all, you need to choose a popular genre that sells well, it is also desirable that it be an interesting and familiar genre for you. The choice of a niche is very important, since all books will need to be done in it. This is what will allow you to reach a large passive income and acquire regular readers and subscribers.
We check the demand using two tools. Google Trends for the United States, which will show what is in demand, because the Amazon is almost always there in the first place in the search engine results. Amazon best sellers non-fiction - will help you analyze which books are selling well in a particular niche. Non-fiction means not artistic, since writing scientific materials and all sorts of manuals is less expensive and much easier, and most importantly, it does not require talent.
How well books are selling in a particular genre can be found using Amazon Best Sellers Rank. This item can be seen on the book's sales page. We choose a genre, look at the bestsellers in that niche and check their rank. It is important that it is NOT more than 5000. The lower it is, the better the bestsellers in this genre are selling, which means that the genre as a whole is more profitable for us.
And, of course, it will be easier and more interesting for you to do this business yourself if the genre is close and familiar to you. But this is no longer very critical if your goal is just to row the loot.

We need to do three types of work: writing / translation, cover design, editor. We are looking for performers, for example, on the following resources:
  • Upwork.com - the largest English-speaking freelance resource
  • Freelancer.com is the largest selection of people capable of writing material.
  • Fiverr.com - Here you can order a cover for $ 5.
  • Kwork.ru is a Russian-language analogue of fiverr, where you can find translators.
Writing new material right away in English will cost $ 20 / page. We are looking for such people on the resources at the request of the ghostwriter.
We will sell books consisting of 5-20 pages, which means that it is quite easy to find interesting Russian-language articles. We just order their translation for $ 5 / page.
Just do not copy-paste from English under any circumstances and make sure that this Russian-language article was not originally translated from English. This translated text should be made interesting for the reader, made more native, Americanized, a table of contents and a short description should be compiled.
To do this, we give the text further to the editor-rewriter, who is an American. It will cost from about $ 1 per page. We are looking for an editor for proofreading.

Formatting and publishing
Formatting is simple, you can delve into it yourself using Google or entrust the formatting and tagging to a freelancer. The bottom line is this: we fill in our work into a Word, save it as .html and use the amazon kindlegen tool to translate it into .mobi. This will make it easier to find and view the book.
The most crucial step is registering with Kindle Direct Publishing and Amazon Author Center. You do not have to use your full name, most authors get by with pseudonyms. The more and better information about yourself is given, the better the conversion will be.
The price can be constantly changed at any time. Accordingly, we look, if the book flies well for $ 3, then we increase it to $ 4, sell poorly - we decrease it.

Marketing and promotion
We took the first steps in promotion by choosing a niche, writing a biography of the author, creating a beautiful cover and title, compiling a table of contents and description, and after publication, you need to take care of comments, reviews and ratings.
You won't be able to wind up on your own, but you can buy them in special services. But the more popular and effective method is to ship the book for free for 5 days. On Amazon, a person is obliged to leave a review if he downloaded it for free. If you have good material, you will get a lot of positive feedback and a good rating. You can go further, find the same novice authors on Facebook, download books from each other and leave positive reviews.

Money withdrawal
Russian and Ukrainian banks will not work, we use Payoneer and order a card that we tie to the Amazon.

Good luck!