Earnings from a divorce with a ring


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In this manual, I will tell you how in the distant 2005-2006 year I sold a ring for $ 100, which costs $ 5000.

What we will need for this:
- Chinese ring (so that it looks more or less like a gold one) 3-4 pcs.
- 1 left SIM card.
- 1 assistant.

Arm yourself and go!)

We dress up as a rich kid ,put a watch on our hand, take an expensive phone with us and go look for the victim.
We used to have ordinary private taxi drivers who stand in the same places (there are many of them near night clubs, large cafes, restaurants, railway stations, airports, etc.
Found it.

We start bothering their eyes, and pretend that we are looking for something. We walk and pretend that we have lost something and are diligently looking about 15-20 minutes. Look under your feet, kick every pebble and so on. Then I approach them with this question: Good afternoon! Did they bring you a ring by any chance?" They didn't want to sell it? "mmmm....no, why? - Yes, fuck, got drunk at night, had fun with friends here, and somewhere I lost my ring... Sorry for this. My father gave it to me when I came of age. Very expensive. Write down the phone number just in case someone finds it... Taxi drivers always have to sell everything... I'll give you $ 3000 for it right away, and the pawnshop will give you a maximum of $ 500 for it. There is not a lot of weight, there is simply exclusive work and a pebble that will be pulled out of it in a pawnshop and you will not go anywhere. - okay, let's have a number.
And the taxi driver just forgets about you... We pass with a similar tale to all taxi drivers who saw us in the search...
Fairy tales can be different. You can say that the ring is in a small bag, I wanted to give the girl a present. Again, new, expensive, the pawnshop will give you a penny, and we will give it 2 times more.
Then we go to another pasture for the same purpose.
We went to all the taxi drivers.

The next day, your accomplice goes there (preferably of a different age).) which is not at all richly dressed, does not shine with an expensive phone, a watch on your hand, and so on...
Approaches taxi drivers with this phrase: Great! Buy a ring? I found it right now! The golden ring! I don't have a passport, I need to pawn a pawnshop... I'm not a local...on watch here, and the passport is at the hillock. I'll give it back for $ 100
The taxi driver remembers what you offered him yesterday... He understands that this is the ring you described to him.
Thinks: Super! Right now I'll take it for $ 100! And he will give me $ 3000 for it!
In the heat of the moment, he takes this ring... If he doesn't take it ,give excuses to a nearby taxi driver who was also told about the loss...someone will definitely bite.
After we receive the money, we quickly get out of there. The taxi driver starts calling the number. It's busy at first... Then it's turned off altogether... Tries again...again.... - horns! ) understands that he was divorced, sucks his paw!
Meanwhile, we are moving on to other points where your friend set the price of our ring the day before.
At least in our country, they were always sold almost immediately and to the first taxi driver.