Earnings for a lawyer


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Now there is a crisis in the open spaces, there are less and less clients, advertising is more expensive (Yandex is getting hungry), people are getting poorer and trying to save money on everything, including the services of a lawyer. But as statistics show, the market for legal services is constantly growing and expanding, this is partly facilitated by moronic laws that are adopted without thinking, rampant bribery, and simply stupidity and greed of people !

How we envision a separate law firm:
Office in the city center, 5-6 employees, employees in beautiful suits, a leather sofa, a cooler, a lot of waste paper and an important look.
Behind all this is very often, one or two advertising sites, flyers and word of mouth, which is what 98% of law firms do. The concept of these companies is “we are very important guys, come to us, give us money, we will solve everything”.

I propose to move away from this concept and make your law firm much more profitable and efficient. So, let's start - you are a lawyer and have decided to open your own law firm.
The first moment, it is not necessary to rent a large office in the city center and hire a bunch of staff, create a website, glue flyers, hand out business cards.
Let's say a small office is rented, then we will need a table, a chair, a laptop and the Internet, if you do not have experience in legal work, I suggest that you take up Administrative law, namely an auto-motto (auto lawyer).

Where to get clients if you didn’t glue flyers, didn’t make a website for yourself and didn’t give out business cards?
Everything is easier than you think: you are registered in a contact, classmates, if not, then it's high time:
To begin with, we make a group in contact and a page in classmates;
The group and the page are good, but we got in touch, for another, we set ourselves a place of work (judicial section; court clerk; assistant judge; court, in short, everything related to the court); we are looking for acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, classmates with whom you studied, someone works in court or knows someone who works / worked in court);

Depending on who you found, we add to the person, we begin to talk with him, in this case we need workers of the magistrates' courts, since "the juice is sitting there by law."
No need to write right away, YOU SELL ME ADMINISTRATIVE MATERIAL, talk, get to know a person, talk about hard work in court, rub into confidence and increase your authority.
Remember, the employees of the office of the magistrate are poor fellows with a huge amount of work, fatigue and a small salary.

As soon as contact is established, you can ask whether this employee has a lot of business under the right of law, and whether the person wants to earn some money (especially since a person already familiar with the communication threshold has passed), simply by throwing off a couple of numbers, you can offer 1k for one number, this quite enough, in the future it is possible to work for a percentage (but at first it is better to give money in front of it), it is better to approach the youth (and we see that dad / mom are not judges, prosecutors).

Here you have 3-5 cherished numbers of ready-made clients on a piece of paper, what should you do with them next? After all, there is a very high probability that you will be sent to hell and the money flew to the wind.

How to call such a client correctly
We call to introduce ourselves, we say so and so that you have a problem under the right of law, we can help and consult him for free (think for yourself here)!

When the client asks where the number is from, you can lie, whatever you want (rumors, acquaintances suggested, gaytsy friends, the federal program "auto lawyer", help to everyone from "United Russia", the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and everything like that). Your task is to get the client to an appointment in ANY way, lie as much as you can, just without naming the names and the real source of information.

You will be surprised, but at least 2 out of 5 people will come to your appointment. Further, according to your choice, you can / should hang noodles, that you can solve the issue, take the money and send the person to fuck, or decide to fight in court for his rights, it does not matter. The main thing is you got a client and money. Council, try to pick up different court workers, otherwise if you go to the judge every day, the judge may burn something and cover your shop (or look for a colleague who will walk for you).

One ship day costs +/- 5k-10k, with one client in one court you will cover the costs of buying new clients.
This is the very initial "school" level, in the same way it is necessary to enter the administrative practice of the traffic police.

How to get to the traffic police[
Since you are already an auto lawyer, you visit (at work) parsing groups and communicate with traffic accident inspectors, a little communication, flickering in front of your eyes, and everything is already being sold to you by the Administrative Department from the traffic police.

First, you will have to pay in advance, the gay people ask for a percentage of each case, this is about 500 r, it is profitable to buy 100 cases per day, out of these 100 it is really possible to pull out 15-60 cases, each 20 +/- k. Count yourself, but for this you need a staff of lawyers of 5-7 people, good luck, arrogance and pumped up social engineering.
Once again, I remind you that the main thing is to get the person to the appointment, and the rest is a matter of technology.
If you have outgrown the topic with auto-rights, you need to start working with banks and debtors.

To advertise like anti-collector is now not a profitable and very costly business, in my region a click (go to my website) anti-collector and the like costs 400 rubles one request and it is not a fact that a person will call + competitors click.

How can you find clients of bank debtors

We buy on the Internet or IRL databases of debtors of banks, they will be according to different criteria, region, delay, delay, whether others pay or not, such bases are expensive, they are sold for 5K-10K $;

This is a VERY profitable topic and it is also easy to raise money from it, in 2-3 months the base will pay off completely.
How to work with such a base:
  • we send SMS;
  • we put the girls on the phones, let them ring up.
Unfortunately, 1/3 of this database will be dead phones and fucked up clients, not without it.

What can / should be offered:
  • deferred payment (we write a written application);
  • loan restructuring (we write a written application);
  • anti-collector service (written application);
Much other than your imagination;

The most interesting
We need to look for a selling collector who will drain us information about debtors.
He will merge normal clients with us. With a little delay, healthy on the head).

What you can do with them:
  • deferred payment (we write a written application);
  • loan restructuring (we write a written application);
  • anti-collector service (written application);
  • go with them to the bank to trade a person and the client will be given a real deferral / restructuring;
  • you can fence it off the calls of the collectors and much more;
While you can dwell on these two areas, they bring, with the right approach, very good money.

If you want something else:

Privatization ends
  • privatization of "military" apartments ";
  • a decrease in the cadastral value of apartments (BTI overstates the cadastral value of apartments by up to 10) this is easily contested in court;
  • reduction of the cadastral value of land and tax cuts
The point is not to look for clients, but people who know clients who are on fire and they urgently need help.

We work correctly with collectors of banks and companies
Today I will try to convey information on how to benefit yourself if you have a loan or want to buy something profitably, the information described below can also be used to organize a legal business.

]Part 1. For defaulters
Let's start with the simplest things, if you have a loan and have nothing to pay with, or, in principle, you decided not to pay.
So, you have delays, and the call center calls you, how it is organized and works:
- Daily shifts of "collectors" who call several regions, a program with auto-dialing, and your personal file indicating delays.

Pick up or not pick up your phone Your personal business, I would advise you to pick up the phone and say that I refuse to pay and I want to meet with a bank lawyer. At this stage, your task is to meet with the collector / lawyer live, if you succeed, then consider half of the work you have done.
If you are lucky and you were called to the bank or the collector came to your home, then do not rush to send him fuck, you can / should negotiate with him.

What can be negotiated with a normal collector:
  • Credit holidays (you pay only interest on the loan, and you do not pay the principal amount of the debt), vacations are possible up to 3 months, this will help a normal borrower to get ready and pay off the loan (this advice is for normal / adequate borrowers who were originally going to pay off the loan);
  • An interest-free payment plan is the same as a credit vacation, but interest is not paid either, the borrower does not pay at all; it is also possible to stretch it up to 3 months, but in order to do such a thing, you need to pay a little, usually this is the amount of one payment per month.
  • Real restructuring on a loan is when the loan is stretched to you, up to 8 years (mostly loans from 3 to 5 years), without additional interest, that is, the payment amount is reduced and the interest under the agreement does not change.

Now the fun part
Usually banks file a lawsuit in 1-2 years, they hang left interest, penalties, penalties, and a lot of unnecessary tinsel on you. Whatever this happens, we carefully read your loan agreement:

For example:
  • total loan amount 200k;
  • insurance of which 25k;
  • a person removes the amount of 160k.
The question is where did the missing 15k go? That's right, these are not legal and unreasonable commissions of banks for withdrawing money, for maintaining a card account, and many other commissions.

We make our own calculation and quickly file a lawsuit against the bank to adjust the amount under the agreement (here the court is 100% on your side), then the bank recalculates the loan, exposes a different amount, then you declare that you will not pay, the court naturally makes a decision in the benefit of the bank and isp. the sheet goes to the bailiffs, voila, you quickly formalized the debt and I no longer hang penalties, fines and forfeits on you.
Also, through the collector, you can go to the department of legal support and "negotiate" with them so that they do not pester the bailiff with complaints, and the bailiff calmly issued an act on the impossibility of collection), at a cost it costs about 10% of the outstanding amount of debt.

This part of the article is written for defaulters who have temporary problems and they are basically going to repay the loan, these small recommendations in theory should facilitate communication with bank employees, and you will know that collectors can (should) be fucked up, but you can also bargain for yourself bonuses.

Part 2. Collectors and Law Firm Organization
For a lawyer, a collector is a breadwinner, the more he nightmares and fucks the debtor's head, the faster the client runs to the lawyer and brings him money!
How can one get out (get acquainted) with the collector, the bulk of this is through clients, a couple of visits to the bank and with a skillful approach, the necessary acquaintance is obtained.

The collector also needs a lawyer, since it is vital for the collector that the debtor pays at least something to the bank's cash desk, the collector's salary directly depends on this.

What a lawyer can buy from a collector and what is the real benefit of a lawyer
Depending on the level of the firm, a lawyer can buy out the bank's debtor base (if there is enough money).
We order SMS mailing (I order from 30 to 60 kopecks) depending on the number of SMS.
We can provide services remotely to other regions, the client pays you for the document (claim, application to the bank, etc.), payment by e-mail by bank transfer;

If the base is only in your region, we sit down and call non-payers offering various services:
  • restructuring, installments, credit holidays;
  • razdeb collectors / bank by phone and live (trip to the bank);
  • accelerating the transfer of a claim to court;
  • legal representation;
  • recalculation of the amount of debt;
  • suppression of all kinds of calls to the client and his relatives.
Prices for these services start from 1k and up to 10k approximately, but remember, we need the client to pay at least something to the bank, so that cooperation with the collector would be long and fruitful.

Moment 2. This is a separate category of client
Clients who, whose problems are just beginning and the delay is still small, and they urgently need to in this situation, provide the delay. It is here that we enter the stage, take the client in an armful and blow into the bank, make a smart face in front of the collectors, and the person is given a reprieve, the client is happy, the money has been paid for everyone - everyone is happy.

Moment 3. Credit insurance, an old topic, but slowly feeding
Everything is very simple here, we need a list of clients from the collector who paid off the loan ahead of schedule, we catch them, enlist their consent, we file a lawsuit, our legal costs, it is good for the client to recalculate the insurance.

Moment 4. For completely frostbitten and fearless
We buy a database of debtors, print receipts and send them, someone will pay something, or call them again, say that we are a collection agency and are ready to forgive part of the debt upon repayment, for example, 15 percent of the debt.