Earnings at a nightclub


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In short, we will make money delivering free invitations to a super, mega nightclub party in honor of this club's birthday.

The site and everything connected with it:
A) It is necessary to come up with and register a domain for a nightclub. You can choose any domain zone. Domain registration - 600 rubles. It is also possible for free. Many offices that provide hosting have a free domain registration service.
B) I need hosting. You can find tons of options for both paid and free hosting. We don't need hosting for more than 2 months. See that free hosting does not have its own domain zone. Since I think that this is not serious for a serious and civilian nightclub)
C) 2 left, working SIM cards for receiving calls, for making calls and for contacts on the site.
I think it's not worth reminding that we are all registering on the left person?
D) We create a website for the club. Look at the same sites on the Internet. How they are designed, what sections, etc. If you have experience, you can pull any free template onto the engine yourself.
If you do not know how to create a website, but you have an acquaintance who can do it, then I would not recommend contacting him. And in general, I would not recommend in this thread to contact your friends for any help. But in a big city, it's better to work with a partner. (he must be verified, seasoned, you trust him) Then you will understand why with a partner.
And so, the site. In order not to bother, here's the structure of the site for sections and subsections.

  1. About us (About the institution)
    A restaurant
  2. Promotions
    On birthday
    Special (special)
  3. Menu
  4. Events
    Bachelor party, bachelorette party
    Corporate events
  5. Gallery
    Photo reports
  6. News
  7. Contacts

We fill in these sections and subsections with information. Find 5-6 sites with the same topic, but in other cities. In most cases, the sections will overlap. Copy texts and descriptions from them and fill your site with information. Fill in with left reviews about your institution.
Do not copy all the information from one site, it is better to take a section from each site and fill in your site.
Do not forget to change the name of the institution, address, contacts in the texts.

When filling out the MENU section, consider the price range of your city. Set similar prices or slightly lower for enticement. But not by much.
Photos for the gallery can also be copied from sites, but see that the name and other information does not shine in the photo or where.
Our club must have an address. You open google map. It has a very useful feature: Street View Mode (Yellow Man). If you drag it to the street you are interested in and provided that this function works on this street, a panoramic view will appear. In this way, you can choose a suitable place and address for the establishment. Type to choose a convenient approach to the institution, etc.
After we have a completely finished website, let's move on.

Super, mega event in the club
We come up with a super party in your club. It will take place on Friday or Saturday next month. You must come up with a date such that you have 1-1.5 months in stock. During this time, you will receive a profit.

A) What to think of
The most win-win and good option is the 80s-90s Disco, with the participation of our real and foreign stars (we indicate which of the stars will be everywhere), contests, and raffles. We make it all beautifully on the site. We advertise on local forums, avito, etc.

Many options for how to arrange it all, what to write. You can come up with the design yourself or order it.
The main thing is that everything is colorful, more information, famous names, groups, come up with sponsors of the left, etc.

B) Invitation cards. (First item of expenditure)
The design is the same as for advertising, only with additional. information.
Add. information: indicate that this is an invitation ticket, and 2 people have the right to pass one invitation, address, time, date, website address.
After the layout is ready, you need to order a print from the printing house. 3000pcs enough is enough. (More is possible, it all depends on how many people will work on this topic)
Colored, one-sided.
Size: 210mm. X 60mm.

It is advisable to find a printing house not in your area, arrange everything online, also send a layout and warn that the courier will pick up the order. You or your partner will be the courier.
Now we have a website, advertising, tickets. What's next?

Base of telephone (mobile) numbers of your city. (second item of expenditure) - but not required.
In large cities, it will not be difficult to buy such a database (Radio markets, train stations, etc.) You can also buy it on themed boards.
Free option - on the Internet bulletin boards of your city, directories. The plus is that there are always fresh numbers.

Why and why did we do all this?
We'll be calling and inviting you to our DR club super party. We will give out invitations FREE OF CHARGE. But for the delivery of invitations by courier, we will be paid from 350 rubles. up to RUB 500 (the average cost of delivery in Moscow and the region).
It seems to me that there is more trust in women, although I did not notice the difference. When one of them could not, we called. In Russia, they are and will always be conducted for free. When a person hears the word FREE, then he no longer listens to anything. And the invitation is also for 2 people. They asked to bring 3-4 invitations, but according to the rules, we are allowed no more than 1 invitation in our hands. (In fact, we gave 2-3 at a time) If you want more, then we will be happy to deliver them to the addresses that you indicate, just pay for the delivery. We did not have a website, advertising on platforms and message boards. When a person was interested in an institution where he can see prices, furnishings, we simply said that the site was being redesigned for us and it wasn’t working yet.

The question that worries many: what if a person says that he wants to come himself for tickets? Answer options:
You will not be able to come and pick it up because we do not have ticket offices where we sell and issue tickets.
The nightclub in honor of the DR is changing the decor and decoration, unfortunately, you will not be able to drive up and pick up these invitations.
Since we do not work during the day, you will not be able to do this. Unfortunately, the guards will not be able to give it to you.
We are working with a PR agency that is engaged in the distribution of these tickets, unfortunately there is no pick-up. But I think to get two invitation cards for free, with the right of passage for 2 people each, and when you visit, you will also receive a pleasant bonus by paying only for delivery.

We have invested only in:
Invitation card design - 350 rubles. through freelance.ru
Printing invitations (3000 pcs.) - 4000 rubles.
Database of numbers and 10 sim. a friend at the Scoop fitted the cards to us.
2 smart cards with unlimited travel on all types of transport in Moscow - 4400 rubles.
For telephone communication per month - 3000 rubles.
For a month we spent: 11,750 rubles.
In plus, we came out on the 3rd day.
At least 100 calls were made a day, so that there would also be at least 50 delivery addresses.
On a day from 25 addresses, everyone went around quietly, mostly more. The addresses were distributed by districts, so that it would not turn out that it was necessary to go from the north to the south, etc. We worked EVERY DAY for 38 days. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. They embraced a part of the near Moscow region - about 50 addresses, but with a delivery cost of 500 rubles.
The result was worth it.
We saved all delivery addresses with telephones. For what? Clear conscience at the end))) How? On March 6, we sent out a message to everyone through the SMS service: The Mesto night club would like to apologize to all visitors and guests! On March 8, the celebration of the birthday of the establishment was canceled due to technical reasons. We will announce the opening and holding dates of the event later.
We did this in order not to spoil the holiday for people, not to spoil our karma, to avoid meeting all the thrown in one place.
An example of a telephone conversation.
We say hello, introduce ourselves, say which nightclub we are from.
In honor of the birthday of our club ... ... day ... of the month, at ... hours ... min. we will have …… an event (say the name) with the participation of real stars and bands. (We list surnames, group names)
We offer you free invitations to attend this event. 1 invitation for 2 people absolutely free. We deliver invitations by courier service. You will need to pay only the cost of delivery of 350 rubles. to the courier. There is no need to transfer money anywhere. He will bring you invitations, you will pay for the delivery.
We wrote down the delivery address and specified a convenient time.
Again, the couriers are us.
And if suddenly that (although I can’t even imagine that), then we work just as couriers. Found an ad about a part-time job on the Internet.

Options to increase your profit:
Make groups in social networks, overtake bots there, depict the activity of the group.
Indicate that 1 complimentary bottle of champagne or a glass of champagne is included in the invitation.
Come up with prizes and sweepstakes with expensive gifts.
Link the payment order to the site and sell the same invitations for 1000-2000 rubles. for 1pc.
Also come up with an invitation to book a table with a 50% discount, for only 500 - 1000 rubles. You can also pay the cost of the reservation to the courier.
Discount on invitation for table deposit. 2000 RUB as a gift on deposit. It is necessary to add just another 2000 rubles. All to the same courier.

This update came in preparation for production.
We had to come up with this option: Not to waste a lot of time, to work to the maximum, to protect ourselves.
We came up with this option. Why should we call and deliver ourselves? And if they are hired people? Moreover, hired people will also not understand and guess that this is a divorce.
After all, in fact, we need: girls to call and boys (girls) couriers. And they will all receive a real salary. And we can type as many of them as we like. The more we collect them, the more profit will be.
What salary will they receive? They will work for a fraction of the shipping cost. With an average cost of delivery in Moscow 350 rubles. You will have a net 150 rubles. from one address. RUB 200 will go to the salary. Don't be greedy. You can and 50 rubles. pay them. But we care about the result and the motivation for them.

Now in more detail:
We need to post 2 vacancies. We place on the sites of your city, avito, message boards.

Operator for work with clients remotely (work from home).
Employment: Teleworking / at home
Conditions: Nightclub… .. Requires a Customer Service Operator.
The trim is missing.

Responsibilities: THE WORK IS NOT DIFFICULT, SUPERVISED BY THE MANAGER. Calling potential customers with an offer to get a free invitation to the club's birthday party;

We provide a database of telephone numbers and communication facilities;
Payment of 100 rubles. from each address;
Formation of reporting.
Education: Secondary
Work experience: Doesn't matter
Requirements: Availability of a personal computer, Internet access at a speed of at least 64 Kb / s, as well as a headset, or headphones (speakers) and a microphone. Or a mobile phone with internet access. Customer Calling Experience.

Experience in sales or call center is desirable.
Competent speech, responsibility, communication skills.
It's not worth dialing anyone to call. Talk to the person, clarify the experience. Ask to sell something to you over the phone. For example, a pen. So you say: I need to check your professional skills. Sell me an item or service over the phone. Then draw conclusions whether you need such a person or not. Since the result will depend on their conversation with the client. And if a person “hums into the tube”, cannot link two words, then the profit will be adequate.
Do not forget to demand from the dialers to compile a database with delivery addresses and ALWAYS with phone numbers. At the end of this topic, we will have to send everyone an SMS about the cancellation of the event.

Employment: Flexible / Full-time, full-time.
Conditions: Consider student candidates.
Salary - every day. High.
Flexible working hours, possibly on weekends.
Responsibilities: Delivery of orders to customers at the specified place and time.
Education: Secondary
Work experience: Doesn't matter
Requirements: Punctuality, diligence, discipline.
Knowledge of the city. Ability to work with the Internet and maps.
Complete the vacancies yourself. Think of how else you can attract your future employees.
When applying for a job, demand from each courier a photocopy of the passport with registration and a photocopy of the second document. Explaining this by the fact that they will all work with cash. The shipping cost will be paid by them. And since there is more than one address per day, then, accordingly, the amount by the evening will not be small. You can also demand the same from the operators who will be on the call. We will credit them money every evening from terminals without%. Thus, deception on their part is excluded. They will not be able to throw left addresses to us.
After all the perfect work, we have on hand or in electronic form photocopies of passports and one more document. What to do with this is up to you. There are options.
We promise everyone a salary of 100 rubles. for each address. Now we will only have to meet with couriers in the morning (give away the invitation and delivery addresses) and in the evening or the next morning. Also give invitations and collect cash minus the courier salary.

Tip: meet with the courier every day, morning and evening. No need to leave money to them for the night. In order to avoid unpleasant moments. Since when a person's cash warms his pocket, then all sorts of thoughts that are not good come into his head)
What tool will we provide for dialers for work? I offer ip telephony.
Thanks to such simple manipulations, we save time, increase profit, and protect ourselves from personal meetings and calls.
A verified drop can meet with the courier. Thus, you remain in the shadows.

Do not forget: We perform all actions on the left SIM cards and the left, the cheapest phone. It is better to create a website, place vacancies while sitting in a cafe with wi-fi, on a laptop with a 3g modem, have a left email, etc.

Conversation script.
Good day! My name is ***, I represent PR agency ***. Can you talk now?
We are calling you with a proposal to visit the opening of the club ***. You have a unique opportunity to witness the birth of a new place for a wonderful pastime. A magnificent evening awaits you, which will be filled with surprises, gifts and pleasant moments. The sensation will be born right before your eyes.
In addition, such stars as ***, *** and *** will perform only for you this evening. Great mood and a sea of positive emotions are guaranteed to you.
As for the invitations, we hasten to please you. You are on the list of those who can attend this event absolutely free!
Are you interested in our offer ?!
Tell me where you need to deliver the invitations: to work or home? (fixes the answer)
Is it convenient for you to receive them in the morning or in the afternoon? (We fix the answer).
Please tell us the address where the tickets will be delivered to you.
Let's check: city ***, street ***, house ***
Excellent! Then expect us **. ** in **. ** numbers.
Payment for ticket delivery will be symbolic, only *** rubles. (in no case do not emphasize this, just say for granted).
Tell me, which of your friends will be interested in this offer? Give the name and phone numbers of at least three. (Don't ask "can you name?").
(If, after the named amount, a person has some excuses, you need to go back to the fact that the invitation to the party is free, and any courier service will require payment for the delivery of the ticket).

Hello! You are worried about (name), agency ***. Do you have a couple of minutes of free time? Excellent!
We represent Club ***, have you heard of it? (this question should be asked only if the institution is constantly heard, otherwise the effect may not be the one expected). We would like to invite you to the establishment's birthday party. It will be a large-scale event that will be attended by many famous and famous people. Such famous people as ***, ***, *** will perform for you all evening. A sea of positive and pleasant emotions is provided for you. In addition, you will have a great opportunity to meet new people and have a great rest.
Today there is a special promotion, tickets for the event are free!
Tell me, do you want to be a part of this celebration?
Would you like to go on your own, or with your friends? Or maybe with your soul mate? Tell me, how many people will be with you in total?
By the way, the uniform is ***. The event will be held at: ***, ***, ***. Have you recorded it? Let's check.
Okay, a courier will deliver the tickets to you shortly. Please note that the delivery cost will be purely symbolic and will be *** rubles. Expect a courier soon.
Good day! You are worried about ***, agency ***. Give me a couple of minutes of your time.
I am calling you with a proposal and an invitation to attend a party that will be held at the *** club. The event will be dedicated to the DR (opening) of the institution. I think you understand that celebrities and stars will perform for the guests on this solemn day. You take away the performances ***, ***, ***.
You can have a great rest, meet tons of new people and have a lot of fun. It is also important that the invitation card is absolutely free!
You will be able to take part in various sweepstakes and contests. There will be a lot of impressions from the holiday. You can find the photo report on ***.
Do you have a pen and a piece of paper? Write down, the event will be held at: ***, ***, ***.
Tell me, will you attend this event yourself, or with your boyfriend / girlfriend? (don't ask if the person wants to go).
Great, can I get you invitations to work, or to your home? Dictate the address, I write it down.
Okay, the courier will arrive at about **. **.
Delivery cost will be *** rubles.
Dress ***.

Let's check if you wrote down the address correctly.

Calling rules:
  • Speak confidently and clearly, perfectly pronouncing every word. A perky and positive voice.
  • The question of whether it is convenient for you to speak is usually applicable to small towns, where people react to such a question more loyally. Residents of megalopolises most often answer that they do not have time.
  • If a person, judging by the conversation, is open to contact, then he can be asked any questions, he himself will give an explanation on them. If you feel distrust or tension, then try to ask open-ended questions, that is, those that require an answer and explanation.
  • Don't ask if this shipping cost is right for you. You must establish it simply as a fact, and not otherwise.
  • You need to talk about the cost at the very end, when the person has already "swallowed" the overall picture of the event and "saw" himself at this holiday. Otherwise, there will be a risk of immediate rejection. Immerse it mentally into a future event. Tell about it with such EMOTIONS that you yourself would like to get there.
  • Ask questions about the "choice without choice" technique: are you tickets to work, or home? (is it convenient for you to get your ticket on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning?). You give the person the right to choose, but only between the options that suit you. In 80% of cases, a person makes a choice between these two options. Only 20% of people will offer their own, and then in case both options do not suit him in any way.
  • We ask again whether the address is correctly recorded to clarify whether it was recorded at all. If the client "profiled", then he simply will not tell you the address of the club. And persuading him to act a second time will still force him to make a record. Further, this sheet will constantly flicker before his eyes.
  • The conversation itself should not last more than 3.5-4 minutes. Otherwise, the client will be simply tired.
  • There may be objections. If you do not want to lose a person, then do not contradict him. Together, "but", "a", "no", use "and at the same time", "also." Example: delivery of 300 rubles is expensive. You know, it may seem so at first glance, at the same time, you have excellent compensation - a free ticket and fast delivery.
  • If you need more people, you can ask for a recommendation in any conversation: “Tell me, which of your friends will be interested in this offer? Can you tell at least three of his name and phone number? " This way you will be able to increase your list of potential visitors.
  • And most importantly, never start a question with a NOT particle. In most cases, this question will be answered in the negative!