Earning on counterfeit money


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Today we will talk about one way to earn money that is available to every Hydra user. We are talking about fake money, which is not as easy to raise as it seems.

As a rule, one counterfeit bill is worth 40% of its face value. When buying large batches, it goes down to 25%, less often it goes even lower. They are used according to the world-old scheme for a fake bill, goods are purchased, and delivery from it is the worker's net profit. As a rule, they are sold in stalls and other small retail stores. It is extremely rare, almost never, to buy something purposefully for a few bills.

If we talk about the sales process in stores, then the situation is ambiguous: first of all, you are not the first person who has thought of this. A five-thousandth note cannot be received as change from the seller, and a fake one cannot be issued to you at an ATM. There are few ways to get it, so special attention is paid to such money, many saleswomen in stalls on the outskirts have long been aware of this type of fraud.

Also on fake money sell euros and dollars - the process of selling them and the user's security is not known to us for certain in such cases, but it's stupid to think that no one will ever be interested in you if you start buying goods for candy wrappers. We don't recommend that you do this in Russia, Europe, or the United States. At most, this method of earning money draws on some one-time way to cut down up to ten thousand rubles, but this work, if it is such at all, is even more dangerous than the activities of treasureman.

For sure, their manufacturers have benefits with wrappers. Creating them is probably extremely cheap, as is distributing them by mail. Treasureman on fakes is also much easier to find than drugs.

And if we talk about shops, then there is no point in buying wholesale items from manufacturers they are still expensive, they rarely take them, so the market for counterfeiters is not so big.

If you see offers on the Internet to buy false money for 10-20% of the face value, this is a deception and fraud.

And that's it. Do not engage in questionable topics, stay in touch and, as usual, do not lose. I'll see you soon.