Earning money on antiques buyers


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In this scheme, we will sell antiques.

We will need:
- Sim cards
- Forums or groups that sell antiques.


1. On specialized forums, we find people who buy antiques. These should be private buyers/resellers.

2. We find an unremarkable item, such as this icon, in various online stores:

Saved the 19th century. Rare (Tree)

Its average price on the market is $ 1000.

3. We contact these repurchases, say that they got from the grandmother, and that from the aunt, I want to sell, we do not understand antiques. We send him a photo. The reseller usually immediately names the price for which he is ready to take it. As a rule, this price is not higher than 60 percent of its actual selling value.

4. Say that you sell only for prepayment. Here you lose all interest. Outbidding will try to breed you, like things don't work that way. We rest on our horns and pretend to be a scared, but stubborn valenok.

5. And that's where the fun begins. You need to create demand. We start calling and writing to this buyer from other numbers. Now we are a buyer and we are interested in everything. For example, a brass samovar from the late 19th century. The next day, we are interested in the sewing Singer of the beginning of the civil war. Meanwhile, we are interested in the icon on a tree of the late 19th century. Which you need to give urgently to the branch director of your company/your best client/your father-in-law.

IMPORTANT: You can't give an exact description of the item. It is better to do this vaguely. Like you need an icon, approximate production time, approximate material, etc.

In all these calls, you agree to an advance payment, and push for urgency. You agree to any terms, money is not a problem. It depends on the character of the buyer himself, which can be understood during all this time.

Good luck!