Earn money by destroying documents


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What's the point?

We will make money from the fear of people. Sounds cool))

1. We buy (required) unused docks! EU and US will suit us!

It is advisable to take 5-10 sets at once, but you can take a couple for overclocking. It is also desirable that the larger the kit, the better. Ideally, women should be 28-40 years old by age, as well as from large cities.

2. I speak as I did personally. I register a FB account and classmates. I practically do not fill the page, I throw reposts from hacker publics on the wall, and in the status I write that I am engaged in hacking on order. Naturally observing all safety measures.

3. Going through all the sets of docks, we are looking for these people in the social. networks. Then we contact these people (if the PM is open, we write immediately. If it is closed, we write to several friends or relatives that the documents of such and such a person have leaked into the network and bad people can use them).

I wrote a similar text: Hello, John, the fact is that I am a hacker and often look into black shops that sell people's documents for further illegal use. (Naturally, we use SE and psychology skills when communicating). And then we throw the same docks to the victim in confirmation.

Then the person immediately starts to panic and ask a bunch of questions. After 10 minutes of correspondence and intimidation about what can be done with their docks (loan processing, fraud and further problems with employees). A person naturally fits in his pants. Then we tell him: Naturally, it is not a problem for me to delete your documents from the site, but I will not do this for free. I offered the amount not less than $ 300. For a person is ready for anything just to forget about it as a nightmare. If a person says that he will not pay money, we say goodbye to him and forget for a couple of days, then create or buy a fake account of some girl, write to our victim something like this: +$1000 when I bought an iPhone from you, I have all your documents and I will contact the police. " And we throw it into an emergency. There is a high probability that the victim will write to you and herself will start offering money for something, just to resolve this issue. In general, we improvise and think about why to ask for the bucks)


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Nice method,, I have somebody phone contacts and Gmail access, how can I threatening him and get money, I got his international passport.