Dumps 101 on card whit chip


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Hi guys, randomly I have a question about dumps, finally thanks to you who have accelerated learning about this of a lot, I thank the teacher who resembled me so much knowledge by answering questions also stupid,

This time I wanted to know if I can write a dump 101 on a chip card (obviously burned), because I saw that the EMV software I was going to buy on eBay, logically not being a physical product, I expected an immediate link after payment, Fortunately I read well before buying and I see that "the product will be delivered by December 17th, this is done to me immediately to understand that it was a scam .... so my budget only allows me to use the MSR 605x, but I don't live in the USA where it is normal to crawl the paper, in the last month turning many shops I put myself to chat with the cashier and I ask if you accept cards with the stripe and that's it, the Maggir part doesn't even know, I have to show you That on the post next door is the paper symbol with the arrow indicating the direction to crawl.

Here prepaid or debt cards do not exist without chips, as a result I shoot 2 bullshit saying that I am waiting for the replacement card as it no longer works the chip and if I can return by paying the paper, and convinced them very easily at the game, then and 'vital to know for me if the 101 can be used on cards with chips, anyone can answer this to say simply

Thanks infinite