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Drop (mule) interview


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Who are the drops? If you need to cash out your cards, or withdraw money from the bank from an account, then you cannot do without a drop to cash out. You can, of course, take a newcomer, who is not even aware of the responsibility and the specifics of this activity, and pay him a penny, but problems may arise here. The fact is that such drops, as a rule, do not know what they are doing, do not realize the full risk and do not accept any protection methods. Such amateurs can be easily figured out, and they themselves are unlikely to be able to work as drops later.

If you need stability, then it is better to find professional drops for cash, who are aware of all the nuances, schemes and pitfalls in this area. Such specialists in their field will easily cash your cards and withdraw money from the bank, while realizing the risk of the transaction. But the work of such people is more expensive.

Please tell us how the whole circuit looks and works in general?
- Everything is very simple, there are serious people who have been doing this for a long time, they have a lot of lawyers, accountants. Strings in tax, banks, and even a roof in such powerful structures as the Department of Economic Crimes. The only thing they lack is drops, those who will directly bring this money into the world.

How does it look from your side, from the side of a person who is directly in this whole mechanism?
- So, how things are going from my side. Every day of a drop is quite difficult and difficult, many believe that this is free money, but this is not so, this is a full-fledged job, and even fraught with great risks.

How is your workday going?
- You wake up from the boss's call, who demands that after 20 minutes you stand at the appointed place. You are picked up by an escorted car and you go for a drive around the banks and withdraw money that entered your legal account a few hours ago. Arriving at the next bank, the car parks and waits for you outside, you go to the bank and withdraw money, go out and give it to your escort, and so on until the entire order is completed.

How much do you get paid for each withdrawal?
- I work at an interest rate, they pay me less than a percentage, but, believe me, this is not a bad amount anyway. When you display more than 15 lamas per day, imagine how many there can be. And this is just a day. For a month, it turns out already a decent tidy sum.

How do bank employees treat you and what is their reaction when you ask them to give you such a large amount?
- Of course, the employees are surprised, ask questions, why so much and for what, especially, looking at me, you will not immediately say that I have that kind of money. But each of them understands that I have the right to say whatever I want, or be silent at all, it is not their business, why I need this money. Although many of them know, or guess who I am, then the most smart-ass offer me life insurance, in return they increase the size of the maximum possible withdrawal amount. We are beneficial to them, and they know it.

How did you get into this world at all?
- Like all. I needed money. One type found me through contacts and offered me a job. I agreed, there was nothing to lose.

How long does it take to formalize you and how does it happen?
- Week 2-3, a SP is issued for you, accounts are opened in various banks and you're done, you are a full-fledged entrepreneur. All costs associated with registration are covered by the office. All you have to do is drive and tick the boxes where you need them.

Many people know that there is a limit to this, you will not work for a long time, how long can it last and what happens then?
- Yes, you are right, it cannot last forever, maximum half a year, then all accounts are blocked and you end up in a bank emergency, which means that you will never be able to open an account or take a loan from him, but this is not me very much and worries. Now the work begins to end, it's sad. But the story doesn't end there, you are offered a promotion. Your task is to find successors for yourself, since you can no longer do this, and things go on, bring a friend and get a bonus. As you probably already guessed, the bonus consists of a certain% of the amount withdrawn by him.

Have you ever been scared in your life?
- No, absolutely, I always find out about the place and time of the meeting in an hour and a half maximum. Then I am always under supervision, and I hardly have any cash in my hands, as soon as I leave the threshold of the bank, the money immediately goes into other hands.

Are you scared for your freedom?
- At first it was dumb, now I understand that it is very difficult to catch me in something illegal. We need a serious reason. Everyone knows the scheme, but no one tries to interfere with it, since different people use it.

Have you ever thought of throwing a large sum of money on your bosses and giving them a pair of slippers?
- It's impossible, and if it were possible, I think I would regret it a million times. Nobody would kill anyone, but they would explain to me for such an action by very radical methods.

I can only add that I periodically hear about how such people are closed for various reasons. And how it relates to such earnings, it is up to you to decide.