Doorways, what it is and what it is eaten with. Old, but still relevant earnings for beginners.

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Doorways are pavement sites created to redirect traffic to the advertiser's resource. In other words, a doorway is an intermediate site that is needed only to receive traffic from search and send it to the landing page.

As a rule, doorways are over-optimized sites that are specially driven into the TOP search results. Doorway content is useless for the user, since its main goal is to get to the TOP of the search engine and get traffic before it is blocked.

Most of the doorway content is key phrases. Their abundance causes the content to suffer, but the search results positions to rise.

When a user visits a doorway, a redirection occurs. As a rule, this is done using links, redirect scripts, and clickunders. The user may not even see the page and immediately go to the landing page with the offer.

Doorways are divided into white and black. White ones are showcase sites or catalogs that only collect information about different offers and are promoted using white methods. In this approach, the webmaster must be more careful about SEO optimization methods, monitor the usefulness of the content and avoid overly aggressive approaches.

Such doorways are not prohibited in search engines, and penalties are applied to them extremely rarely.

Black doorways are a diametrically opposite approach, in which the webmaster optimizes the content as much as possible and does everything to drive the site to the TOP. Such sites are quickly banned by search engines; as a rule, black doorways do not last longer than a week.

To work with black doorways, affiliates create entire networks of similar sites. Search engines find and block pages, but you can always create new ones and continue to earn money. As a rule, for this purpose they use dorgens - special programs for automatically creating and uploading doorways.

Now, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of working with doorways.

Let's start with the advantages:
  • Search traffic. Traffic from search is one of the hottest and most interested in purchasing;
  • Shareware traffic. The costs of working with doorways are minimal - they are much lower than the costs of targeting social networks;
  • Unlimited resources. You have access to the entire audience of search engines - and this is a huge audience volume all over the world;
  • Many opportunities for automation. You can put the creation of doorways on stream using doorgens;
Fast results compared to SEO. If in the case of SEO a webmaster receives traffic in 1-2 months, then with doorways you can start making money in 1-2 weeks.

But there were some drawbacks:
  • Difficulty in forecasting. As with SEO, you will not be able to predict traffic volumes, quality, and many other parameters;
  • Instability. Most approaches to working with doorways are prohibited; search engines are constantly fighting against them. To cast comfortably, you need to be aware of search engine updates;
  • Advertiser restrictions. Many advertisers do not accept traffic from doorways - this should be taken into account when selecting an offer.
Otherwise, doorways are a time-tested source of traffic that remains relevant to this day.

Which offers should you choose to launch through doorways?​

From doorways you can apply to most verticals, but the best efficiency is shown by:
  • Stuff. These are goods for the garden, car, etc. Not a bad option if you find hype offers, but you will have to face competition from larger platforms and arbitration teams;
  • Nutra. These are products from the “Beauty and Health” category – dietary supplements, weight loss products, fertilizers for the garden, etc. It features little competition and a wide selection of offers;
  • Finance. These are offered by banks and credit organizations. The competition is extremely high, especially for "white" doorways.

We recommend paying attention to more “white” offers and refusing offers “for adults”. If you have to optimize your content for “hard” offers, search engines will find and block your sites faster.

For the rest, pay attention to your gut . In this vertical you can find offers for any season and geo, and competition is kept at a low level, which makes Nutra one of the most comfortable options for starting.

How to create doorways?​

The principle of developing doorways is the same as for any SEO site. You still need to collect a keyword base, and the site itself can be created manually, using a constructor or with the help of a doorway.

So, to create a doorway you will need:
  • Key phrase database. We have already described in more detail how to assemble it in our manual on working with SEO;
  • Domain. We will tell you about choosing a domain right after the list;
  • Hosting. You can use any popular Shared hosting;
  • Content. The quality of the content depends on the color of the doorway link - the darker it is, the lower the content requirements.
Now let's get back to domains.

When selecting a domain for doorways, there are several options:
  • Freshly registered. These are new domains that have not yet had sites. It is more difficult to get them to the TOP, but there will definitely be no penalties on such a domain;
  • Drop domains. These are domains with history, one of the best options for doorways. Before buying such domains, be sure to make sure that they are indexed and are not under penalty;
  • Freehosts. These are free trust domains of the second or third level, you can get them on, for example, WordPress;
When you select a domain, hosting and keys, you can start developing a doorway. We will not dwell on the technical part of working with constructors, since each of them has detailed manuals on how to work.

Please note that when working with doorways, you need to use as many key phrases as possible - their number can exceed several thousand. The main vector should be taken on low-frequency keys - it is easier to get to the TOP of the search results with them.

How to promote through doorways?​

The promotion scheme primarily depends on the “color” of the strategy.

If you are promoting white hat, you need to develop high-quality and trusted landing pages. These can be catalogs, showcases, or sites with reviews and feedback. Create a doorway to a similar topic manually and promote it like a regular SEO site – with optimization and links.

It is not worth using aggressive approaches, such as colorless text. White doorways can live for a very long time and not get blocked at all, and therefore it is worth taking a vector for the future and not trying to get traffic faster using "black" methods.

There are many more gray and black options for promoting through doorways.

For example, the following methods exist:
  • A high-quality “white” doorway and a network of low-quality “gray” doorways are created to promote the main one . Gray doorways contain links, clickers or redirects;
  • You can create a network of black doorways using Dorgen and replenish it with new sites in case of blocking . In this case, redirects should send the viewer directly to the landing page;
  • You can create “gray” doorways with minor violations and average quality content for low-frequency queries;
The lifespan of the account and content requirements depend on the “color” of the strategy. If you are willing to spend time preparing high-quality materials, give preference to white strategies; Otherwise, black and gray options with doorway networks are better suited.

Rules of the game:​

How can a beginner survive bans and not give up?
“I make the highest quality SEO sites, SEO stores, YouTube videos and clones of “official sites” for product and interior offers in the CIS, for the entire time there were no bans, there were only filters from the PS and lower positions in the search results. I was worried and troubled by adjusting the algorithms and rules of the game, tried to make sure that the site was liked by the PS (https://, turbo pages, service, experts, normal links and social signals)"

How often do the rules of the game change? (SEO rules, ranking algorithms)
"A major update occurs approximately once a year, but during this time several more small ones may occur, which can improve or worsen the result of the previous one."

Dorogens or hands? If dorogens, then your own or ready-made?
“Hands and designers (Wordpress, store designers - yes, there are quite old and trusted ones) and message boards, and for YouTube I also create a video template in Canva or PowerPoint with my hands.”

High-frequency, mid-frequency or low-frequency keys - which is better on the road?
“Oh. Now I'll try to explain, for example, a new author's offer appears in the PP, which has 0 impressions according to Wordstat. The next day, internal media buying and arbitration teams start pouring into it and a number of impressions soar into the space, people start looking for it on the network, and then, in general, the PP gives it to all PPs for resale and the offer becomes TOP. As was the case, for example, with Goji Berries, Green Coffee, etc. - I'm trying to get into this gap. Here's the request [OFFERNAME] for both LF and HF, midrange. It will start to fade, so I do everything whatever I find, especially something new. It can also be with 0 impressions over a long time and is not interesting to any of the affiliates."

Why doorways - there are many other ways to drain? :)
“There is a relatively low entry threshold, there are “topics” with costs only for the domain or designer services, there is less risk of losing money as in arbitration, links last longer, the ability to work “solo”.”